Chapter 41: Family Outings?

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Lunch went great. Amelia just loved the way Owen and Olivia were with each other. She could see the girl really liked him.
They ate and talked and laughed. Once done they headed to the park.
"Do you want to go on the swings Olivia?" Amelia asked as they got to the playground.
"No" the girl answered. Owen was carrying her because she refused to use the crutches saying it hurt when she did. Which wasn't a lie.
"Oh I want to" Amelia said and ran to one of the swings. "Come with me!" Amelia said going high.
"Let's go. I'll push you" Owen said.
"No" the girl said upset and hugged Owen tight. She really didn't want to.
"Come on Oli! it's fun!" Amelia said but Olivia didn't even look at her.
"Alright. Maybe another time" Amelia said getting off and walking to them. She wondered why the kid didn't like playgrounds.
"So how about ice cream now?" Amelia asked. "Do you want to do that?" She asked going behind Owen to look at Olivia's face. The girl smiled and hid her face.
"I knew it!" Amelia said smiling and they walked to an ice cream shop just across the street.
"What do you want to get?" Owen asked Olivia.
"Can I have chocolate?" The little girl asked staring at all the flavors in front of her.
"Just chocolate?" Owen asked.
"Mint" Olivia said.
"My two favorites" Amelia said really low.
"What?" Owen asked her.
"Oh nothing" Amelia said.
"What will you have?" He asked Amelia.
"Chocolate is fine" she said.
"Go sit with her and I'll order" he said handing Olivia to Amelia.
They went and sat on a table at the far corner.
"So you like chocolate and mint ice cream?" Amelia asked Olivia.
"Yeah. They're my favorite" Olivia said opened her arms to get pulled to Amelia's lap. Amy did just that.
"Can I tell you a secret?" Amelia asked the girl and kissed her cheek.
"Yeah" Olivia said smiling.
"They're my favorites too" she said.
"They are?" Olivia asked staring at her with big surprised eyes.
Amelia nodded.
"That means we can get a big one and share just like the movie" Olivia said excited.
Amelia smiled but she had no idea what movie the girl was talking about.
Owen got back and Amelia put Olivia back on her chair and they ate.
Olivia was the first one to finish.
"Do you want more Oli?" Owen asked the girl who nodded yes rapidly and excited.
"Can she?" Owen asked Amelia.
"Sure" Amelia said laughing.
"Same ones?" He asked the little girl.
"Just chocolate" Olivia said and he went to get it.
"There you go you little ice cream monster" Owen said handing it to the girl.
They finished eating and went back to Amelia's house.
"Do you want to come inside?" Amelia asked Owen.
"Are you sure?" Owen said unsure.
"Yeah! I can show you my toys!" Olivia interrupted them and they laughed.
"I think you can't say no now" Amelia smiled.
"alright. Let's go. I'll get the ice cream monster" Owen said and they got out of the car. He carried Olivia inside.
"Look who's home" Meredith said smiling at them.
"Family outings?" Maggie said and they laughed a little embarrassed.
"Let's go see it" Olivia said excited.
"See what?" Owen asked her.
"My toys. In mommy's room" the girl said.
"Oh okay" he smiled and went. "We'll be right back" he told the ladies and went upstairs.
"So...?" Maggie said.
"He bought a car seat for his car" Amelia said.
"He what?" Meredith asked surprised and confused.
"He did" Amelia said.
"So here's serious about this" Maggie said.
"I guess" Amelia said.
"What do you mean you guess? Of course he is" Maggie said.
"Yeah" Amelia said. "The other day he said that if something happened with my case he would adopt Olivia" Amelia added unsure of it all. She didn't know exactly how she felt about it. Was she going to fast? What if it didn't work out with them and Olivia got hurt? She didn't know what to do.
"That's amazing Amy" Maggie said.
Before Amelia could say anything Owen walked back with Olivia and her two stitch stuffies in hand and Zola following them.
"They are so cute Oli" Meredith told the girl to change the subject between the women. Owen saw something was up.
"There's a big one and a little one" Olivia said. "I was getting just the little one but mommy got both because I did good with shots" she told them. Meredith put Zola sitting on the kitchen island.
"Yeah you did super good" Owen said.
"And this one is mommy now and this is me" she said showing the big one was Amelia and the little one was her.
Everyone smiled at how cute the child was.
"When you get a dad you can buy a bigger one" Zola said and everybody froze.
Owen didn't know what to do.
Olivia just hid her face on Owen neck. She panicked because she didn't know what to say or do. She could see Owen as her new dad but she didn't know if he was or not. She was taught that moms and dads had to be married so if Amelia wasn't married it meant she didn't have a new dad only a new mom.
Owen felt the child's body shake as she started silently crying.
"Don't cry princess" he said and started walking to the living room.
"Zola" Meredith said.
"I'm sorry" Zola said feeling bad.
"You didn't do anything Zo. She's okay" Amelia told her niece smiling then walked to the living room. The girl wasn't to blame for Olivia getting upset. She just said it and kids do that.
Owen sat down on the couch with Olivia on his lap and Amelia sat next to him.
"It's okay Oli" Amelia told the girl. Olivia threw herself to Amelia who pulled the child to her lap.
"I wanna go to bed" Olivia said crying still.
"Honey it's too early for bed" Amelia said.
"Oli. What Zola said it's okay" Owen said but the girl just hid her face. "Look at me" he said holing Olivia's hand and the girl looked at him. "It's okay" he said wiping Olivia's cheek. That was the only thing he could say.
Owen loved the little girl. He really did. But he didn't know what Amelia and he were and he didn't want to hurt Olivia. He would love if the child someday called him dad but he wasn't sure if that was the right time.
Olivia opened her arms to him and he picked her up.
None of them said a word for a while. He just held the girl and she hugged him. But they didn't speak.
After a while Amelia said "do you want to go play now?"
Olivia nodded yes letting go of Owen and Amelia took her to the playroom and walked back to talk to Owen.

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