Chapter 23: Work

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It was 2:24 when Dr. Richard Webber walked into Olivia's room. Owen was sitting on the chair next to Olivia's bed and Amelia was passed out on the couch.
"Hunt?" Richard said and Owen looked up. "What are you doing here?" He asked.
"She asked me to stay" Owen said looking at Olivia.
"Oh" Richard said.
"Is everything okay?" Owen asked.
"We're getting a trauma right now. April is on it don't worry but we need Shepherd. The paramedics said there's at least 3 with brain injuries" Richard said.
"Richard?" Amelia said waking up.
"Hi. We need you in the er" Richard said.
"I'm off work" Amelia said sitting up.
"I know. But There's only 1 neuro tonight. And its bad Amelia" Richard said.
"Go. I'll stay with her" Owen said.
"But what if she wakes up and I'm not here? She's gonna-" Amelia said.
"I got her. Just go" Owen said.
"Okay. But anything just call or page. Whatever" Amelia said.
"I will" Owen said and she left with Richard.

It didn't take long for Olivia to wake up after Amelia left. Not even an hour.
"Where's Amelia?" Olivia asked as her eyes wondered around the room.
"She had to go see a patient but she'll be back soon" Owen said sitting next to the girl on the bed.
"She left?" Olivia said on the verge of tears. Her head was hurting again and she was scared still. She just wanted Amelia there with her.
"She'll be back soon. I promise" Owen said but it didn't help. Olivia started to cry.
"Let's watch some tv" he told the girl and picked her up. He took her to the couch and Olivia hugged him as he turned the tv on and put Cinderella to play.
"Look. Do you like this movie?" He asked her.
"Cinderella?" Olivia asked. There was still a couple tears falling but she wasn't sobbing.
"Yeah. Do you want to watch that?" Owen asked.
"Yeah" Olivia said.
"Alright" Owen said. He covered Olivia up on his lap and just sat there watching the movie.
In the middle of the movie Olivia asked for Amelia again.
"Why is she taking so long?" Olivia asked.
"She'll be back soon" Owen said. "She's probably on surgery"
"She's having surgery?" Olivia asked as her eyes widened.
"Oh no sweetie. She's doing on someone" Owen explained.
"Oh" Olivia breathed out.
"She's okay. She'll come back" Owen said.
He saw some of the struggles Amelia would have to face with the girl and decided to try to talk about them with Olivia.
"Olivia, are you happy you'll live with Amelia now?" He asked the child.
"Yes" Olivia said with a small smile.
"You like her very much, don't you?" Owen asked and the child nodded.
"Look, Amelia sometimes has to work here" he said. "She comes to help people. Just like she came to see you remember?" He said.
"Yeah. She's doctor" Olivia said.
Owen smiled at the girl's sweet way of talking.
"Yeah. A doctor. And that means that sometimes she won't be at home with you. Because she'll have to work here" he said.
"But she will go back, right?" Olivia asked.
"Yes of course. But sometimes she'll have to stay here for a long time" Owen said. He wanted the girl to understand.
"I don't mind" Olivia said.
"You don't?" Owen asked. He could see on the little girl's face that she did mind.
"No." Olivia said. "But when she's here where will I be?" She asked.
"I don't know" Owen said. "Do you go to school?" He asked.
"Yeah" Olivia said.
"So probably school. And then maybe a nanny will watch you" Owen said.
"A nanny? What's that?" Olivia asked confused. She had no idea what a nanny was. She never had one.
"A nanny is a person that take care of the kids while the parents are working. Meredith has a nanny that watch her kids. So I guess you'll be with her too" Owen said.
"Is she nice?" Olivia asked.
"Oh yeah. She's very nice" Owen lied. He didn't know the woman. But he knew that she must be nice since Meredith hired her.
"But then after work Amelia will go back" Olivia said. "Right?" She asked to make sure.
"Yeah. She'll go back" Owen said.
Suddenly a nurse walked in with Olivia's pain meds. They were lowering the dosages. She gave it to the girl and as always she basically passed out a couple minutes after.
Owen put her back on the bed and sat on the chair next to her.

Amelia walked back in the room about 4 hours after that, To find them asleep.

She laid on the couch exhausted and did the same thing.


In the morning Owen talked to Amelia about what he had talked to Olivia the night before.
"I wanted to have that conversation with her Owen" Amelia said a bit upset.
"I know. But she was asking for you and you were working so it came up" Owen said. "I wanted to make sure she was okay with it" he said.
"Why are you so worried about this?" Amelia asked.
"She's been through a lot and I know she'll be scared when you're not there. I just wanted to make sure she can handle" Owen said.
"And what did she say?" Amelia asked.
"She asked a hundred times if you would go back but she seemed okay" he said.
"That's good." Amelia said. "Right?" She asked a bit afraid.
"Yeah. It's very good actually" Owen said. "You just have to keep telling her that" Owen said.
"Thanks" Amelia said.
"Well, I have to go" Owen said. He had a lot of things to do that day.
"Alright" Amelia said. They said their goodbye and he left.

A little while later Amelia gave Olivia her shot and the girl stayed asleep. About 30 minutes later she woke up.
"Good morning princess" Amelia told as the girl opened her eyes. She yawned and her pack fell.
"Morning" Olivia said. Amelia gave her a kiss on the forehead.
"How are you feeling?" Amelia asked.
"Okay" Olivia said.
"A bit better?" Amelia asked and the girl said yes and opened her arms to be picked up.
"Why do you always win me over?" Amelia asked her smiling and picked her up. Olivia smiled too.
"Where's Owen?" Olivia asked noticing he wasn't in the room.
"He had to go to his house" Amelia said and sat on the chair with Olivia on her lap. She was hugging the girl from behind.
"Amelia. When you work will I stay with a nanny?" Olivia spilled it out.
"Probably yes." Amelia said. "Why?"
"Nothing" Olivia said sounding a little upset.
"Hey. It's alright." Tightening her hug. "I'll work sometimes, not every day though. And I promise I'll always come back" she said.
"You swear?" Olivia asked.
"I swear" Amelia said and kissed Olivia's cheek.
They just sat in silence for a while.
"How about some breakfast?" Amelia asked the girl who nodded smiling.
"I'll be right back" Amelia said putting Olivia back on the bed and walked out. She got the girl some food at the cafeteria and went back. They ate breakfast and sat together on the bed to watch tv.


Around noon, Rose James, the social worker, walked in.

Olivia was coloring and Amelia was sitting on the couch watching tv.
"Hi dr shepherd" she said. Olivia stayed coloring and didn't even look up.
"Did you come for the adoption papers?" Amelia asked staring up. "I haven't got anything yet" she said.
"Oh no, that's not why I'm here" Rose said.
"What is it then?" Amelia asked.
"The police wants me to talk to Olivia" Rose said and Olivia stared at her.
"Why?" Amelia asked. "Susan already said everything didn't she?" Amelia asked concern.
"They need me to talk to her. In private" Rose said.
"She's 4" Amelia said.
"I know Dr. Shepherd. But it's mandatory" Rose said.
"Okay" Amelia said and walked to Olivia's bed. She knew that would have to happen sooner or later.
"Olivia. Miss James wants to talk to you okay?" Amelia told Olivia and took the pacifier out of the girl's mouth.
"Okay" Olivia said.
"I'll be right outside. Alright?" Amelia said.
"Okay" Olivia said. She looked sad. And she was but she knew she had to be brave.
Amelia gave her a kiss on her head and walked out.

Olivia tightened her grip on her blanket and held her pacifier on her hand.
"Can I sit here?" Rose asked putting her hand on the end of the bed and Olivia nodded, so she sat there.
"Olivia, do you mind if I ask you some questions?" Rose asked and the girl shook her head no.

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