Chapter 57: Shots Fired

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After driving for a while it was a little over 11 when Cecilia stopped at a convenience store to get some food

"Can I go to the bathroom?" Olivia asked as Cecilia parked the car.

"You'll keep your mouth shut. You hear me? Because remember what will happen if you make a sound huh" Cecilia told Olivia before they left the car.

Cecilia picked the girl up and took her to the bathroom.

"Do it fast" Cecilia said.

Once Olivia was done Cecilia picked her up and they went inside the store. She got some food and drinks, payed and went back to the car.

"Good girl" she told Olivia as she put the girl inside.

She sat back inside and drove to the ranch.

"This is where we'll stay now. Isn't it pretty?" Cecilia asked Olivia who was just sitting quietly on the back.

The place had a very big house.

Cecilia drove past that, revealing a small house on the back. She went and parked the car in front of the small one.

"It's a nice place, right?" She asked Olivia but the girl didn't answer.

"Let's leave our things inside and I'll show around" Cecilia said.

She took Olivia inside and then went back to get their things and placed everything in the leaving room. The place was small but it wasn't so bad.

"Do you want to see the horses?" Cecilia asked the child and Olivia nodded yes.

Cecilia picked her up and showed her the ranch.

"We'll have fun here. You'll see" she told Olivia and took her back inside the house.

She turned the tv on and left the girl watching while she cooked some Mac and cheese she had bought at the convenience store for lunch.

They ate while watching tv and Olivia tried to behave even though she was scared to death and all she wanted was Amelia.


Around 1:30 Cecilia called Susan.

As far as she knew the girl's plane should have landed. Susan was already in on the police's plane and she knew exactly what to do. She answered the phone and at Amelia's house they heard everything.

"Hello" Susan said.

"Hi Susie. It's mom" Cecilia said. "Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Yeah. I'm here. I'm just waiting for my bag" Susan lied.

"That's wonderful. So when will you be here?"

"Around 2 or 2:10" Susan said.


"Mom? Could you wait for me in front of the ranch? I don't wanna get lost, I don't really know this side of the city. Could you wait for me at the entrance?" Susan asked.

"Sure sweetie. I'll be waiting. Don't worry you won't get lost" Cecilia said.

"Alright. Then I'll see you soon" Susan said.

"See you soon Susie" Cecilia said smiling happy that she would get her daughter back.

"Bye" Susan said and hung up. She breathed out finally done with her part.


At Amelia's house:

"We need to move" the detective said looking at the clock.

Amelia sat down on the couch with Owen. Her heart seemed like it was pounding out of her chest.

"They'll find her" Owen said and she hugged him as tears started falling. She was too scared. She knew so many things could go wrong.


At the ranch:

Cecilia put the phone in the kitchen counter and went around the house making sure everything was locked. She picked Olivia up and took her to the bedroom.

"You stay inside. You hear me?" Cecilia told Olivia.

Olivia nodded yes.

"Do not open the door to anybody. I'm going to pick up Susan. Okay?"

"Susan is coming?" Olivia asked surprised.

"Yes. We are a family now Olivia. The three of us" Cecilia said and Olivia just looked sad. She was happy Susan was coming and she wouldn't be alone with Cecilia anymore but she wanted Amelia. She didn't want them.

"I won't be long." Cecilia said.

"Okay" Olivia said almost a whisper.

"Don't open the door" Cecilia said really serious and walked out.

She locked the bedroom door and the front door too and then went to the entrance of the ranch leaving Olivia locked in the house alone. Olivia was scared and tired. She wanted to go home. She heard a noise outside and couldn't help but cry. She hugged her legs and just hoped Amelia would somehow find her soon. She wanted to go home. She needed to go home.


Cecilia stood at the entrance for a couple minutes when suddenly she was surrounded by cops.

She took a gun out and pointed at them.

"Cecilia Dillard. This is Seattle PD. You are under arrest for kidnapping. Please put the gun down. You're surrounded." The detective said.

"I didn't kidnap anybody. She's my daughter" Cecilia said angry still holding the gun to them.

"Put the gun down" the detective said. "Just put the gun down and give us the child" he said.

And suddenly Cecilia fired...

I Choose You - A Grey's Anatomy FictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora