Chapter 40: Great Days

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The next day went on great. Amelia went to her psychologist appointment in the morning and left Olivia with Maggie. Then she took the girl to see Doctor Moore and everything went great. For her luck she found Judge Richardson getting his mail at the office so she gave him the reports.
"No one ever did this fast" he told her and she smiled.
"I'll let you know as soon as possible" he said and she thanked him and left.

She had texted Callie early in the morning and they agreed to meet at the park for a picnic at 11:30 so Amelia went back home with Olivia and they watched some tv till it was time to go. Amelia took Zola too. She loved hearing the two kids giggling all the way to the park.
They ate and had fun but when the girls went to the playground Olivia didn't want to go.
"Honey you can go with your cast." Callie said.
"I don't want to go" Olivia said and ate another grape.
"Okay. Well you don't have to" Amelia said smiling and took another grape too.
Zola and Sofia played while Callie watched them and Amelia sat with Olivia eating.
Amelia could feel the girl was tense, and every time someone got close to their table she would tense up more.
"Oli. Are you feeling okay?" Amelia asked her and she nodded yes.
"Why don't you want to play?" She asked.
"I don't feel good" Olivia lied.
"You just told me you felt okay" Amelia smiled and Olivia hugged her and hid her face.
"What's wrong?" Amelia said pulling the girl to her lap. "Are you scared?"
"Uhum" Olivia said trying not to cry.
"Hey. Look at me" Amelia said and Olivia looked at her. Amelia wiped a tear that escaped and was rolling down the little girl's right cheek. "There's nothing to be scared of. Okay? They can't come here. They can't" Amelia said. "Okay?" She asked the child and Olivia nodded yes and hugged her again. Amelia laid the girl down on her lap and just stayed like that for a long time.
Callie sat back with them.
"Is everything alright?" Callie asked.
"yeah. She's just tired" Amelia said looking at Olivia who was fighting her sleep.
"I'm tired too. Maybe we should go" Callie said and Amelia nodded.

"Let me get the girls" Callie said and went to get Zola and Sofia.

They got everything and headed to the parking lot.
"We should take them out together more often" Callie said.
"Yeah" Amelia said not sounding very excited about it.
"Hey. She'll come around. There were a lot of people there. You don't think I saw her terrified of leaving your side" Callie said. "She's been through a heck of a lot but she'll be okay" she added.
"Yeah I know" Amelia said. "And yes we should take them out more often" she smiled.
"Oh you know who could help with this?" Callie said.
"who?" Amelia asked naive.
"Owen" Callie smiled and Amelia laughed. "I'm serious. He's a big guy and Olivia doesn't even second guess going to his arms. He seems tough maybe she'll feel protected. I don't know. You should try" Callie said.
"Maybe I should" Amelia smiled.
They said their goodbyes and left.
When they got home Olivia was sleeping so Amelia took her to bed and the kid slept till almost 4. Then they played and watched tv. At night Olivia asked to sleep with Amy and sure the woman said yes. The night went great with no nightmares.
The weekend was going by too fast. It was already Sunday and Amelia couldn't believe the little girl would go to school the next day. She didn't know if Olivia was ready for that yet and she didn't even know if she was.
In the morning she took Olivia to eat at iHop and the girl was beyond excited. They shared a stack of pancakes and then they went home. Olivia took her shots and it went fine. After that they just watched tv and played till lunch time.
It was 12:40 when Amelia was changing her clothes to go out to eat when Owen called.
"How about another date?" Owen said. "At the park and Olivia included" he added.
Amelia smiled and said "sure"
"So when can I pick you up?" Owen asked.
"How about we met at Outback. I was heading there now with Oli" Amelia said. "And then we can go to the park" she said.
"Alright. Perfect" Owen said. "I pick you guys up in 5 minutes" he said.
"What?" Amelia asked getting her pants on faster.
"5 minutes at the door" he said laughing and hung up.
Amelia got dressed really fast and helped Olivia change into her light purple shorts and a pastel shirt with little yellow flowers on it.
"What shoes Oli?" Amelia asked.
"Boots" Olivia said as always.
Amelia smiled and got the purple boot and put it on her feet.
"All done?" Amelia asked the girl.
"Jacket" Olivia said and Amy got one of Zola's jeans jacket and put it on the girl.
"Now you're done. Let's go" Amelia said picking Olivia up.
"Why are we running?" Olivia asked and suddenly the doorbell rang.
"I'm coming" Amelia yelled from the stairs.
"Here" she said handing Olivia her little stitch and then headed to the door.
"Hi" she told Owen as she walked out.
"How are you two beautiful ladies?" He asked and kissed Amelia on the mouth. Olivia giggled.
"Why are you laughing?" He asked Olivia and picked her up as she kept giggling.
"Where are we going mommy?" Olivia asked. Owen smiled at Amelia when the girl said mommy.
"Outback" Amelia said.
"What's that?" Olivia asked.
"It's a restaurant" Amelia told her.
"Oh Good. Cause I'm hungry" Olivia said and the two grown-ups laughed and walked to the car.
"Her car seat is in my car" Amelia told Owen as he walked to his car and not hers.
"Well, pink didn't really suit my vehicle but they had it in black" Owen said smiling opening the back seat door revealing a black car seat. He put Olivia inside, buckled her up and closed the door.
"You bought one for your car?" Amelia asked surprised.
"Did you like it?" Owen said smiling and pulled her hip to him.
"Yes" Amelia said and Owen kissed her.
"I love you" Owen said.
Amelia froze. That was the first time he said it.
As she was about to say it back Olivia knocked on the window.
"Stop kissing! I'm hungry!" She yelled smiling.
They bursted into laughter and got in the car.

I Choose You - A Grey's Anatomy FictionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt