Chapter 9: Do Something

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"Well, we'll take you home soon okay lili?" Cecilia said and water filled Olivia's eyes. Susan saw and took her hand to her mouth and made a quiet/hush sign with her hand.

"Don't" she mouthed and Olivia took a deep breath. Cecilia felt the girl's body shake a bit.

"Are you okay?" She asked the child.

"My head" Olivia lied.

"Put her down on the bed so we can give her medicine please" Amelia said and the woman did what was told. The moment she put Olivia down the girl turned to the side hiding her face.

Amelia put some IV fluid on a syringe just to have something, only Owen noticed.

"This will go on your IV okay? It doesn't hurt" Amelia said and injected on the IV bag. Callie noticed and smiled. Amelia just wanted to get the girl away from that woman.

"You're gonna be okay" Amelia said tickling the girl.

"When can we take her home?" Cecilia asked.

"In a day or two" Owen said. Olivia looked at Amelia and the sadness in her eyes said everything. She didn't want to go back home. And Amelia could see the girl on the verge of tears.

"She's gonna throw up" Amelia said. "Come here, I'll take you to the bathroom" she said fast and picked the girl up. "Dr. Torres!" Amelia said and Callie walked to the bathroom with her. Olivia didn't understand what was happening. She didn't feel like throwing up she felt like crying.

They walked in and Callie closed the door as Amelia sat on the toilet and placed the girl on her lap.

"Are you okay?" Amelia asked and Olivia started crying. Amelia hugged her tight.

"You're gonna be okay" she said.

"I don't wanna go." Olivia whispered. "I want my real mommy" she cried.

Amelia and Callie felt so bad. They wanted to help but they didn't know what to do. The girl wouldn't say anything.

They stayed there for a while till Olivia calmed a bit down. When they went back to the room only Susan, Owen and Rose were there.

"Where are they?" Callie asked.

"Went to get coffee. Is she okay?" Owen asked.

"Yeah she's alright" Callie said as Amelia put Olivia down on the bed.

"Olivia, do you mind if we talk a little bit? Your sister can stay here with you" Rose said and Olivia shook her head no.

"Amelia will be right out." Rose said.

"Yeah. You can hold my tag again huh?" Amelia said.

"Okay" Olivia said and Amelia grabbed the tag on her bag and put it on the child's shirt.

"There you go my little doctor" Amelia smiled and walked out with Callie. Owen shut the door.

Susan sat beside Olivia on the bed and Rose pulled a chair to sit close to them.

"So I'm Rose. And I work with kids for a long long time now" she said. "And when any kid needs to talk to someone they call me to come and see them." She told. "And do you know why Olivia?"

"No" the girl shyly answered.

"Because I'm the best at keeping secrets and I can help them with whatever is bothering them at home or here" Rose said.

Olivia looked at Susan.

"Susan we all know there's something going on and I know this must be hard. Very hard. They are your parents. But Oli is your sister isn't she?" Rose said.

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