Chapter 48: Days Like This

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The next day went great.

Olivia was excited to go to school and play with Hayley again. They had a great time.

After school Amelia stayed with the girl for ballet.
"Why do I have to change my clothes?" Olivia asked Amelia when they walked in the bathroom.
"Because this is what ballerinas use" Amelia said and Olivia smiled.
Amelia helped the girl change and when she was done she had a huge smiled on her face.
"Oh my god Olivia! You look so adorable" she said and started another one of her kisses attack. Olivia giggled happy.
They went to the ballet class.
"Hayley!" Olivia shouted when she spotted her friend. Hayley ran to her followed by her mother. Her mom had very dark hair like Amelia but her was curled, she had blue eyes, and looked pretty and nice.
"Hi" Amelia said.
"Hi. I'm Melanie. I'm Hayley's mom" she introduced herself.
"I'm Amelia. Nice to meet you" Amelia said shaking the woman's hand.
"And you must be Olivia" Melanie said.
"Hi" Olivia smiled at the woman.
"I've heard so much about you" Melanie said and the girls smiled and went to sit with the other kids.
"Really. All I hear in my house now is Olivia this and Olivia that" Melanie said and Amelia laughed and they sat to watch the class.
It went great.

The kids had fun and Olivia was excited about it. She really liked ballet even though she only did the arms parts since she had a cast on her leg.
"So we'll see you next week" Melanie said waving goodbye to Amelia and Olivia.
"Bye" Olivia said waving and Hayley yelled "bye Olie" and waved too.
Then Amelia went to the car, buckled the kid up and drove home.

"So did you like it?" Amelia asked placing Olivia down on the couch in the living room.
"Yeah" Olivia said smiling.
"How about a snack and then a shower?"
"Okay" the child agreed.
They ate and showered and then just hang out and played till bed time. It was another great day and Amelia couldn't thank enough for those.
Friday came and went like a flash.
The girl a great time at school and didn't ask for Amelia at all, not even when she got her shot and cried a little.
One of the lessons they learned was families. Miss Jay explained all the different kinds of families there was and then she asked the kids to draw their families and go to the front of the classroom to explain it.
Olivia thought hard about what exactly she would draw.
She worked hard on it and ended up drawing her, Amelia, Owen and two angels flying in the sky.
"That's beautiful Olivia" Miss Jay said when Olivia went to the front.
"Thank you" the girl said a little shy and nervous.
"So tell us a little about your family" miss Jay said.
Olivia took some time to think and then started. "Well um, my real mom and dad went to heaven when I was a baby and I spent some time with umm... people" she said not really sure how to explain. "And then I got my second mommy" she explained.
"That's very cool Olivia" miss Jay said.
"And who is this one?" Tessa asked pointing to Owen.
"That's umm..." The girl said and then just thought.
"Is that your second dad?" Miss Jay said.
"Kind of" Olivia said.
"Alright. You did a really good job" miss jay said and Olivia went back to her seat.
She sat down and started thinking about that.

She remembered the teacher had explained about parents that don't live together after they get something called a divorce and as far as Olivia understood that meant they shared the child.
She tried not to think too much about it throughout the day but it kept coming to her mind that maybe it was like that.
She thought about asking them but decided not to since she was a little scared about it and embarrassed too. So she just kept as a secret.
When Amelia picked her up she didn't say anything and since the drawing stayed with Miss Jay there was no way Amelia would know.
Around 5pm Owen called Amelia and asked if she wanted to go watch a movie with him and Olivia too.
"Sure. At what time?" She asked.
"7?" He said.
"Okay" Amelia said excited.
"I'll pick you up at 6:40?" He said.
"Sure" she smiled and they hung up.
"Olivia, do you want to go to the movies with Owen and me?" Amelia asked the girl who was reading a book on the couch.
"Yeah!" The girl said excited putting the book down.
"Okay calm down" Amelia laughed.
"I never saw a movie in the movies" Olivia said.
"You didn't?" Amelia asked.
"No. It's the one with the really big screen, right?" Olivia asked.
"Yeah" Amelia said happy about how the girl was reacting to the idea.
"We're really going?" Olivia asked excited.
"Yes" Amelia said and hugged the girl.
"I always wanted to go" Olivia said.
"You're going to love it! We're going to buy Popcorn and soda. It's going to be really fun" Amelia said.
"Thank you for taking me" Olivia said hugging Amelia again.
Amelia felt so good and happy at how something so simple could make her daughter so happy.
"How do I look?" Amelia said walking in Olivia's bedroom.
"Good" the little girl said smiling.
Amelia had dark jeans on, a very pretty navy blue top, a black jacket and heals. She in fact looked very good.
"Alright so let's get you dressed." She said to Olivia who was below her covers only wearing underwear.
"How about this one?" Amelia said showing a white long sleeved shirt and the blue dress with flowers on it.
"Okay" Olivia said.
Amelia went and helped the girl put on.
"You look good too Olie" Amelia said smiling at the little girl.
"I'm cold" Olivia said.
"Let me get you some socks and a jacket" Amelia said.
She put the jacket on the girl and a while knee leveled sock on the child and then put her purple boot on. That was the only shoe she would wear anywhere.
"Alright. All done?" Amelia asked.
"Hair" Olivia said.
"Braids?" Amelia asked and the girl nodded happy.
Suddenly the bell rang. Meredith got it and yelled from the bottom of the stairs that it was Owen.
"We'll be right down" Amelia said combing Olivia's hair faster.
"I'll do just one this time okay?" She asked the girl.
"Okay" Olivia said and Amelia made a Dutch braid really fast.
"There you go. Let's go?" She said. Olivia grabbed her blanket on the bed and Amelia picked her up and walked downstairs.
"You two look good" Owen said when they arrived.
Olivia opened her arms to him and he got her. Amelia went to get Olivia's shot just in case they stayed out over 9.
"You look nice too" Olivia told him.
"Thank you Olie" he said smiling.
"Let's go?" He asked Amelia when she walked back in.
"Yeah" Amelia said and they left.

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