Chapter 34: Sweet Miss Jay

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Amelia talked to the principal about everything she had to, while Miss Jay took Olivia around the school.
"Do you want a snack?" She asked the girl after they had played with some play-doh in the classroom.
"No thanks" Olivia said and the teacher smiled.
"How about we go to the gym? There are some kids having a class do you want to go watch?" Miss Jay asked.
"Uhum" Olivia said shyly.
"Okay" the teacher said smiling and pushed the stroller to the gym.
When they got there 4 girls were waiting for their gymnastics class to start.
"Hi Miss jay!" One of them said running to the teacher and hugging her. The other 3 followed behind.
"Hi Chloe" Miss Jay said.
"Hi" Chloe, who was 8, said to Olivia.
"Hi" Olivia said shyly.
"Hi girls" Miss Jay said as the other girls got there.
"What's your name?" One of the girls asked Olivia.
"Olivia" she said shyly.
"Did you hurt your foot?" The girl asked.
"Yeah" Olivia said.
"That's a cool cast" Chloe smiled and Olivia hid her face on her blanket shy.
"She's so cute" another girl said.
"She's going to start school on Monday" Miss Jay said.
"Cool!" Chloe said. "Is she on your class?" She asked.
"Yes she is" Miss Jay said kneeing down next to Olivia's stroller. "She is very smart" she added and Olivia blushed.
"How old is she?" Chloe asked.
"Do you want to tell them?" Miss Jay asked Olivia.
"I'm four" the little girl said.
"Girls! Come on we gotta start!" The gymnastics teacher called out.
"Bye Olivia" Chloe said and all the others girls repeated and they ran to their class.
"Let me show you something really cool now" Miss Jay said standing up and pushing the stroller.
She walked for a while and they got to the playground.
"Do you like it?" Miss Jay asked showing the girl everything they had there and Olivia nodded yes.
"What's that?" Olivia asked pointing to a big glass display. Miss Jay pushed the stroller there.
"These are some trophies that the school got" Miss Jay explained.
"That's pretty" Olivia said pointing to a glass trophy at the very top.
"Do you want me to pick you up so you can see it up close?" Miss Jay asked and Olivia shook her head no shyly. The teacher could see she wanted. "It's alright sweetie" she said. "Do you want me to?" She asked and shyly Olivia nodded yes. Miss Jay picked her up and she said "Au" and hugged the teacher.
"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" Miss Jay asked scared she hurt Olivia somehow.
"No. it's okay" Olivia said resting her head on the teacher's shoulder. "My tummy hurts a little" she said sounding sad.
"Do you want me to take you back to your mommy?" The teacher asked.
"Amelia is not my mommy, Miss Jay" Olivia said as the teacher walked to a bench carrying the girl in her arms.
"She's not?" Miss Jay asked.
"No. My mom's in heaven" Olivia said as the teacher sat with the girl on her lap.
"Oh." miss Jay said. "And do you know what heaven is Olivia?" She asked the girl.
"It's where good people go when they die" Olivia said.
"You're right" Miss Jay said. "My mom is in heaven too" she told the girl.
"She is?" Olivia asked.
"Yeah. She went there when I was 10" Miss Jay said with a soft smile. "But you know what? After some time my dad got married again and I got another mom"
"Another one?" Olivia asked a little confused.
"Yeah. My dad loved her very much and I loved her too so I wanted to call her mom so I did"
"Just like that?" Olivia asked.
"Yeah. I loved her very much and she loved me too. So I felt like she was my mom too" Miss Jay said.
"So you had two moms?" Olivia asked.
"Yeah" Miss Jay said. "cool right?" She said smiling and Olivia smiled back.

The teacher could see how hurt the girl was when she mentioned her mom. She knew Olivia was little and deserved to know how loved she was and deserved to have a mom that would be there for her and take care of her. And for what she had talked to Amelia she knew the woman loved the little girl, and she could see Olivia loved her too.
"Miss Jay, what's your first name?" Olivia asked suddenly changing the subject. She didn't really like talking about mothers and families.
"It's Tessa" Miss Jay said.
"That's a pretty name" Olivia smiled and there was a moment of silent.

The teacher could see the girl wasn't comfortable talking about her parents and she could also see she was interested in Amelia as her mother but there was something stopping her for even allowing herself to really think of the woman like a mom.
"Can we go back now?" Olivia asked.
"Sure" Miss Tessa Jay said smiling. She put Olivia back on the stroller and pushed her back to the principal's office.

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