Chapter 45: Lets Try Again

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The second day of school went better than anyone could possibly hope.
Olivia was excited playing and doing her work on her little desk. She was happy to be there even though she did miss her mommy.
The kids did some work and around 8:30 Tessa gave them sometime to play with play-doh and puzzles. Olivia picked puzzles and sat with a little blue eyed blond girl named Hayley, who was 6. They played together and Tessa felt proud of how Olivia was dealing with it all. At 9, Tessa called a help teacher to watch the students so she could take Olivia to get her shot. Their hopes were that the child would get comfortable enough with the nurse that it wouldn't be necessary for anyone to take her there.
"Olivia, we gotta go now honey" Miss Jay said kneeing down next to the table Olivia was playing with Hayley.
"Is my mommy here?" Olivia asked.
"Not yet. She'll come soon" Tessa said and picked the girl up. "Will you be a brave girl for me?" She asked smiling.
"I'll try" Olivia said shyly.
"It's okay to cry, alright?" Tessa said walking to the nurse's office.
"Okay" Olivia said.
She was scared to do it without Amelia but she kept telling herself in her mind that she would be okay and that at her old school was better than getting at home and that now maybe it would be like when Amy did it.
"Miss Olivia. It's so good to see you" Nurse Jenn said smiling at the girl.
"Hi" Olivia said.
Tessa put the girl on the exam table.
"Alright. Leg this time?" Jenn said.
"Okay" Olivia said scared. Her eyes were already filling with water.
"Hey. Look at me" Tessa said and Olivia did. "You're going to be okay. We are right here with you." She added.
"Can you lay down for me Olivia?" Jenn asked and the girl did.
"Can you hold my hand?" Olivia asked Tessa, scared.
"Of course I can" the teacher said and grabbed the little girl's hand.
"Alright. I'll do it superfast" Jenn said pulling Olivia a bit down on the exam table and putting her legs between her owns so she could hold the legs in place. She pushed the girl's dress up, cleaned the spot and went for it.
"Au" Olivia said and jumped when the needle went in.
"You're okay" Tessa said pushing some hair off the girl's face.
When the medicine went in it hurt and Olivia started to cry.

"shuuu it's okay" Tessa kept saying while striking the girl's hair.
"All done" Jenn said once she finished.
Tessa picked Olivia up and walked around the room trying to calm the girl.
"I want my mommy" Olivia cried.
"Your mom will be back soon" Tessa told her and she just cried more.
"Honey you were having so much fun" Tessa said. "You're gonna be alright. It's all done now you just have to calm down a little and then you can go play with Hayley, huh? She's waiting for you to finish that puzzle" she said as the girl calmed a bit down.
"Your mom will be back soon" Tessa said. "Do you want to go play with Hayley while we wait for your mom?"
"Okay" Olivia said still crying a little.
"Alright" Tessa said putting the girl down.
"Let's clean this beautiful face and go play" the teacher said wiping the girl's face and fixing her dress.
"Will I see you tomorrow?" Nurse Jenn asked keening down next to the girl and placing a Princess Aurora sticker on her dress.
Olivia nodded yes and hugged Jenn.
"Aw" Jenn said. "You're very brave Miss Olivia" she added and the girl let go of her and smiled shyly.
"Let's go back then?" Tessa asked and the girl nodded yes, so she picked Olivia up.
"Say bye Mrs. Jenn" Tessa said.
"Bye" Olivia said waving her hand. Jenn smiled and waved goodbye and they went back to class.
It didn't take long for Olivia's playful side to be back. She liked her new friend Hayley and they played around together, than did more work, had recess and the rest of the day just flew by.
Amelia went there at 10:30 like she had promised. She talked to the principal's secretary who went to tell Tessa that Amelia was there. The teacher excused herself from the class leaving the kids with the help teacher and went to talk to Amelia.
"Oh hi" Tessa said.
"I came to pick Olivia up" Amelia said.
"Well she's actually doing good today" Tessa said.
"She is?" Amelia asked surprised. She truly thought the girl would be crying for her or something.
"Yes. We did her shot and she did cry a little bit but she made a friend and they are playing around and she's perfectly fine now" the teacher said. "You can take her if you want of course but I don't think it's necessary" she added.
"Then I won't" Amelia said. "Oh this is good" she smiled. "I thought it would be chaos again"
"It's normal for kids to be scared on the first day but she's doing alright now" the teacher said.
"Okay. So I'll pick her up at 3:30 with the other kids?" Amelia asked.
"Sure" Tessa said smiling.
"Thank you" Amelia said and left.
She was so happy the girl was okay and made a friend and seemed to be liking the school now.
So at 3:30 Amelia was waiting for Olivia in the school hall when suddenly she saw the happy little girl walking, struggling with the crutches but walking, next to her new best friend Hayley.
She walked to them.
"Mommy" Olivia said hugging Amelia's leg. "You came" she smiled.
"I promised I would, didn't I?" Amelia said picking the girl up. Olivia struggled to hold her crutches.
"Let me get that" Amelia said getting the crutches.
"My mom is here too. Bye Olivia" Hayley said smiling.
"Bye Hayley" Olivia said smiling at her friend who ran to her mother.
"Did you have a good day?" Amelia asked giving the girl a kiss on the cheek.
"Yeah" Olivia said. "But I missed you mommy" she added hugging her mother.
"Oh I missed you too" Amelia said. "Let's go then?" She said and Olivia nodded yes smiling.
"See you tomorrow Olivia" another little girl said walking by and Olivia smiled at her.
"How about if we stop by the mall?" Amelia asked buckling the girl up.
"Okay" Olivia said. "Can I get ice cream there?" The girl asked excited.
"We'll see" Amelia smiled and tickled the girl.
The drive to the mall was great.

Olivia told Amy what she did at school and Amelia couldn't be prouder.
They got to the mall and of course Amelia took the girl to get ice cream. After all she truly deserved it.
"What flavor?" Amelia asked the girl whose eyes were wondering all over the store.
"Chocolate and mint" Olivia said.
"Alright." Amelia smiled and ordered two. Then she took Olivia to a table and went to get it.
"It's like mine mommy" Olivia said noticing it was the same.
"It's our favorites" Amy smiled and Olivia took a spoon full to her mouth. Amelia couldn't help but laugh.
When they finished with the ice cream, Amelia explained to Olivia that somedays on the next week Lynn would pick her up at school when she had to work. Olivia said it was okay but asked a thousand times if she would be back soon.
"I'll get home from work at night sometimes. But I'll be back" Amelia said. "You'll just play with Lynn and Zola till I get back." She added and Olivia nodded yes.
Amelia knew it would be a little hard for the kid in the beginning but she knew she would be okay. She hoped she would.

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