Chapter 21: In Her Arms

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..."Can I see her now doctor hunt?" Susan asked.
Owen felt bad for the teen. He knew she loved Olivia and she was suffering with all of that too but he didn't want to upset Olivia.
"Look why don't you come with me and you wait outside while I check if it's okay?" He said.
"Okay" Susan nodded and they walked there.

Susan waited outside close to the nurse station and Owen walked in the room.
"She's asleep?" Owen asked and Amelia nodded with the girl passed out in her arms.
"Susan wants to see her" he told Amelia.
"Bring her in but tell her not to wake Olivia" Amelia said.
"Okay" Owen said and walked out.
"Susan." He said once he got to where the girl was. "She's asleep. Amelia said it's okay for you to see her but let's not wake her up, okay?" Owen said. "She's in pain and she's scared. Alright?" He said.
"Okay" Susan said and they walked in.
Susan was being careful not to make a sound.
"She looks better" she told them as soon as she saw Olivia laying on Amelia's lap.
"She does" Owen agreed.
"Can I give her a kiss?" Susan asked unsure.
"Of course" Amelia said. Susan went and placed a little kiss on Olivia's forehead.
"She'll be okay, right?" Susan asked.
"She will" Owen said.
"I'm glad she has you Dr. Shepherd" Susan said smiling at the way the doctor stared at the small sleeping child. Amelia smiled at Susan.
"She couldn't have wished for a better mother" Susan said and Olivia moved a little.
"I better go" Susan said.
"Bye. Oh and before I go to England do you think I can maybe talk to her?" Susan asked.
"Yeah. I'll talk to her about it, okay?" Amelia said.
"Okay." Susan said. "Thank you" she smiled and walked out. Owen smiled at Amelia and walked out too. He walked Susan back to the hall and thanked her for the things she took there and then went back to the room.
"She packed Olivia's things" Owen said bringing the bag, he had left at the nurse station, in.
"It's all in there?" Amelia asked surprised. It was a small bag and by the size of Zola's closet she knew the girl didn't have many things.
"Yeah. She said it's everything" Owen said opening the front pocket. He took the blanket out and handed it to Amelia who looked relived.
"Thank god she didn't forget" Amelia said. She knew how much Olivia wanted that. She placed it on the girl's hand and Olivia tightened her grip on it. Amelia pushed some hair out of the girl's face smiling.
Owen opened the bag and found a bear, a doll and some clothes. But the bear took almost the entire space of the bag.
Amelia smiled as Owen put the bear and the doll on couch next to her.
"Let's see what we have here" he said going through the clothes. "3 dresses, some shirts... shorts... Underwear...Pants... Sandals... Pajamas...This sneakers and... Boots" he said. "Rain boots" he smiled at the bright pink rain boots at the bottom of the bag.
"I think I might need to do some shopping" Amelia said smiling and Owen smiled at her.
Suddenly he got paged. He closed the bag and placed it on the corner.
"I'll stop by later" he said and left.
As he walked out, Meredith and Maggie walked in carrying 4 balloons.
"What's that?" Amelia asked smiling.
"This room is a bit dead" Maggie said smiling too. They tied the balloons on Olivia's bed then sat down. Meredith on the chair and Maggie on the bed.
"So how is she?" Meredith asked.
"She's getting better" Amelia said smiling at the girl who was still asleep.
"Did you tell her already?" Meredith asked.
"No. I was going to but she was upset and crying so I just waited" Amelia said.
"Oh my God. I have another niece to spoil now. I'm gonna get so poor" Maggie said and Meredith laughed.
"Your niece?" Amelia asked surprised.
"Yeah. Well...I guess. You're Mer's sister-in-law, I'm her sister so she's kind of my niece too, right?" Maggie explained.
"Sure" Amelia smiled. She was so happy she had them now. But she couldn't help thinking about what Derek would say about all of that.
Suddenly Olivia woke up.
"Hi" Amelia said.
"Hi" Olivia whispered and snuggled her more.
"Did you see what you have on your hand?" Amelia asked. Meredith and Maggie just smiled watching how good she was with Olivia.
Olivia looked down and smiled.
"Blanky!" She said taking the blanket to her face and hugging Amelia.
"Thank you" she said.
"Susan brought it for you" Amelia said. "She brought these too" Amelia said sitting Olivia up a bit so she could see her toys. The girl smiled and then saw Meredith and Maggie were in the room.
"Hi" she said and her eyes wondered to the balloons.

"Do you like that? Meredith asked and the girl nodded.
"Hi Olivia. How are you feeling?" Maggie asked.
"Good" Olivia said.
"Really? That's wonderful" Maggie said. "Can I have water?" Olivia asked after taking her pacifier out.
"Sure" Maggie said and grabbed a glass of water for the girl while Amelia clipped Olivia's pacifier to the blanket.
"Does it hurt anywhere?" She asked.
"Just a little bit" the girl said giving the cup back to Maggie who went to put it away.
"And where does it hurt honey?" Meredith asked.
"My tummy and my head" Olivia said.
"What about your leg?" Meredith asked.
"A little" Olivia said.
"Amy has she complained about her chest or..?" Maggie asked.
"No. Not all" Amelia said.
"That's good." Meredith said smiling at Olivia who smiled back shyly at her.
"She cracked two ribs. It wasn't apart just had small cracks on them and it should heal just fine. But we were in fact worried about the pain" Maggie said and Amelia nodded yes.
"Do you wanna go to bed?" Amelia asked.
"No" Olivia said snuggling her blanket and Amelia again.
The three women smiled.
"There's no way she's getting out of there now" Meredith said and they laughed. Amelia looked at Meredith and they knew it was time.
"Olivia. I need to ask you something very important and I need you to tell me the truth, okay?" Amelia said and the girl stared at her for a moment before saying "okay".
"I live in this really big house with Meredith and Maggie" Amelia said and the girl looked at the ladies. "Well, I was wondering that since you need a place to go now that you could go home with me" she said and the girl kept staring at her. "What do you think?" She asked the child...

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