Chapter 25: Zola

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Meredith got home to find her kids with the nanny. She greeted them and then sat down to talk to Zola.
"Zola, do you remember the other day I told you aunt Amelia was thinking of adopting a little girl?" Meredith asked her.
"Yeah" Zola said happily.
"She's coming to live with us" Meredith said.
"Really?" The girl asked excited. "When?"
"In a couple of days. But what do you think of going to the hospital with me so you can meet her?" Meredith says.
"Yeah" Zola said smiling.
"You have to be very nice and gentle, okay? She's a little scared. And she's just 4" Meredith said.
"Okay. I will. I promise mommy" Zola said. She was really excited she would get a new friend to play dolls and cars with her.
"Okay. Go get your shoes on" Meredith said.
"Can I take a toy?" Zola asked.
"Only if you take one to lend Olivia" Meredith said.
"Okay!" She said and ran to her room.
Amelia didn't sleep for long and when she woke up Maggie sat with her on the couch and they started watching a movie.
It didn't take long for Meredith to be back at the hospital. And this time she took Zola with her. She thought Olivia could meet her now and maybe she would feel like playing a little.
"Hi Zozo" Maggie said as they walked in. Zola ran to them and hugged both.
"Is this Olivia?" Zola asked excited.
"Yeah" Meredith said.
"She's your daughter now?" Zola asked Amelia.
"Yeah" Amelia smiled at her.
"She's your cousin" Meredith told Zola.
"Is she sleeping?" Zola asked.
"Yes. But she'll wake up soon okay? And then we'll take you guys to the play room" Amelia said. "How about that?"
"Cool" Zola said smiling. "I brought this for her. She can keep it I don't play with it anymore" Zola said handing her doll to Amelia. She had taken the doll to Olivia and a bear for herself but she left the bear in the car. Zola was older than Olivia but she was very excited she would have a girl to play with her at home since her sister was a baby still and her brother didn't really like dolls.
"That's very nice of you Zola" Amelia said hugging the girl. "But why don't you give it to her yourself?" Amelia asked handing the doll back to the girl.
"Okay" Zola smiled.
"Do you want to watch a movie with us while we wait for her?" Maggie said and Zola nodded yes. She sat on the couch with her aunts, and Meredith sat on the chair.

About 15 minutes later Olivia woke up.
"Amelia?" Olivia whispered. Meredith heard and signed to Amelia that the girl was awake.
"Hey" Amelia said heading to the bed. "You have a visitor" Amelia said smiling.
"Come here Zo" Amelia said and Zola went and stood next to her. Olivia took her pacifier out embarrassed. The women smiled.
"Hi" Zola said.
Olivia looked at Amelia. Amelia smiled and picked her up. She knew the girl was shy. She took Olivia to the couch.
"I'm Zola" Zola introduced herself happily.
"She's my daughter" Meredith said.
"Is she shy?" Zola asked Amelia.
"A little bit" Amelia laughed as Olivia tried to hide her face away on her blanket and on Amelia's chest.
"Hey. Look she got you something" Amelia told Olivia.
"This is my doll, Sadie. My mommy said you didn't have many toys so I thought you'd like this one" Zola said handing the doll to Olivia but the girl didn't pick up. "You can keep it. It's yours now" Zola said and nothing. Olivia wouldn't pick it up.
"Here Livy. It's okay" Amelia said getting the doll and putting on Olivia's lap.
"Thanks" Olivia said shyly.
"You're my cousin now. You know?" Zola said.
"Meredith is your sister?" Olivia whispered to Amelia.
"She married my brother" Amelia said smiling.
"Do you wanna play?" Zola asked Olivia.
"No" Olivia whispered shyly.
"We can go to the playroom" Amelia said smiling at Olivia.
"I don't wanna" Olivia said.
"Please?" Zola said with puppy dog eyes. She really wanted to go play with Olivia.
"Okay" Olivia gave in and Zola smiled.
The three adults in room were smiling at the two adorable girls interacting.
"Alright. So let's go" Meredith said.
"Let's leave Sadie here okay? So it won't get mixed with the other toys" Meredith said.
Amelia put the doll on the couch and stood up.

Olivia hid her face on Amelia's hair and snuggled her blanket.
"Why are you carrying her?" Zola asked.
"She hurt her leg. See?" Amelia said showing Olivia's leg.
"A purple cast!" Zola said excited. "It's so pretty"
"It is. Isn't it?" Meredith said taking Zola's hand as they walked out of the room.

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