Chapter 28: A Good Home

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The drive home was okay. Amelia sat right next to Olivia while Owen drove and the child soon stopped crying.
When they got home Amelia was excited to show the girl everything. Owen got Olivia out of the car seat and took her inside.
"So this is your new home" Amelia said smiling excited as they entered the house. "This is the dining room and here's the playroom" Amelia said showing everything while Owen turned around so Olivia could see it. She showed the first floor and then said: "do you want to see your room?"
Olivia smiled shyly and nodded yes. Amelia headed upstairs and Owen followed her carrying the girl.
"So this is Maggie's ...and this is mine" Amelia said.
"That one is Meredith's" Amelia said.
"This is yours and Zola's" she said opening the door.
Olivia's eyes were shining. It was more beautiful than everything she ever had.
"Do you like it?" Amelia asked smiling and Olivia nodded smiling too.
"This is your bed" Amelia said sitting on the bottom bunk. There was purple and pink flower bedding on the bed and two bunnies. Owen had picked himself.
Owen took Olivia to the bed and sat her down.
"Do you really like it?" Owen asked.
"I loved it. Thank you" Olivia said and hugged Amelia.
"Let's get you set up here and then what about a movie?" Amelia asked.
"Okay" Olivia said nodding and laid on the bed.
"Look at that! All comfy already" Amelia joked and the little girl giggled.
"Stay here with her and I'll bring everything up" Owen said. He went down to get Olivia's suitcase and her doll.
"So are you excited to live here now?" Amelia asked Olivia.
"Yeah" the girl said.
"Yeah?" Amelia asked again and laid next to Olivia and stroked her hair. The little girl nodded than hugged Amelia tight.
"I love you Amy" Olivia said.
"I love you to baby" Amelia told the girl and suddenly Owen walked in. He put the doll on the bed.
"Alright so Meredith left a side of the closet for you, so we can put your things there." Owen said and both girls sat up on the bed. Owen opened the suitcase and got everything out. While Amelia put the clothes in the closet, Owen took Olivia's old doll and bear to her bed.
"Will you share your bed with them?" He asked the girl.
"Yeah" Olivia smiled and hugged her bear.
"Did you like the bunnies?" Owen asked.
"Yes I did. Thank you Owen" Olivia said sweetly. Owen put her on his lap and hugged her from behind.
"You're very welcome princess"
Amelia loved when he called Olivia princess.

She finished putting Olivia's shoes on the closet and then she truly saw how the girl barely had anything.
"I think I might need to do some shopping" Amelia said sitting on the bed.
"I'll work tomorrow but how about the day after that?" Owen said.
"Oh you want to go?" Amelia asked surprised.
"Sure. Why not?" Owen said smiling at the little girl in his lap.
"Alright" Amelia said. "So how about a movie now Liv?" She asked and the girl said "yeah" and smiled excited.
They went to the living room and started watching 'The Lego Movie'. Olivia was sitting between them and as the movie progressed she started falling and falling even more on Owen, till she gave in and feel asleep with her head in his arm.
"Amy" Owen called Amelia and she looked at him. He signed Olivia and both smiled.
"She really likes you" Amelia said looking a little down not noticing what she was doing with her face.
"Is that a bad thing?" Owen asked when he noticed.
"What? No. No" she said.
"Amelia I saw your face. What is it?" Owen said.
"I was just wondering about what would happen to her if we just go end everything one day" she said. "It's just not only me anymore"
"Amy. You know that single parents date all the time. And I'm not planning on breaking up. Are you?" He said serious trying not to talk to loud.
"No. Of course not but I was just thinking about it" Amelia said.
"Just go slow. With her and with me. No good will come if you think like that all the time" Owen said.
"I know Amelia said. "I'm sorry" she said. Owen went and kissed her. Olivia moved a little. Owen picked her up and she cuddled with him.
"She'll be alright" Owen said. "She has you now" he said smiling at Olivia and Amelia.

It was only later on the day that Meredith went back home with her kids. She had just picked up Zola and Bailey from school, and before that she had stopped by the supermarket with baby Ellis.
They walked in to find Owen, Amelia and Olivia watching tv. Olivia had woken up a little while before they arrived.
"Olivia!" Zola said happily running in the living room. "You're home" she said.
"Hi" Olivia said still sitting on Owen's lap and resting her head on his chest.
"Are you tired?" Zola asked.
"She just woke up Zola" Owen said.
"Oh" Zola said. "I'm gonna take a bath but do you want to play after?" Zola asked.
"Sure" Olivia said.
"Zola. Look" Amelia said pulling the girl to her lap. "Olivia's tummy is hurt okay? So we gotta be extra careful and gentle with her, alright?" Amelia said.
"Alright" Zola said. "Is she in pain?" Zola asked.
"A little bit" Amelia said.
"But she'll get better soon, right?" Zola asked.
"Yeah. But we gotta be careful okay?" Amelia said.
"I promise I will" Zola said.
"Bath now Zo" Meredith said.
"Bye" Zola said and ran upstairs.
Olivia opened her arms to Amelia and the woman pulled her to her lap.
"Are you okay?" Amelia asked.
"Yeah" Olivia said.
"Olivia this is Bailey and this is Ellis" Meredith said.
"Hi" Bailey said and Olivia smiled shyly. Then he ran upstairs too.
"Can I?" Owen asked about holding Ellis.
"All yours" Meredith said and Owen got the girl and sat back down.
"She's so cute" Olivia said.
"She's your cousin too" Meredith said smiling.
"Can I touch her hand?" Olivia asked scared she would hurt the baby.
"Sure" Amelia said grabbing Olivia's hand and putting on Ellis's. The baby held her finger tight.
"She's holding my finger" Olivia said and giggled. Everyone smiled.
"She likes you" Owen said and Olivia smiled.
"I like her too" Olivia said.
"Alright. You guys got this? Cause I need to watch those two" Meredith said and they nodded so she went upstairs.
Olivia sat there with them and the baby watching tv till Meredith walked back down with Zola and Bailey.
"Do you wanna play now Liv? I got uno" Zola asked.
"Can I?" Olivia asked Amelia.
"Of course" Amelia said smiling. "Playroom room Zo?" Amelia asked and Zola nodded. She carried Olivia and placed her on a little chair and the girls started setting up the game on the small kids table.
"I'll be right back liv" Amelia told Olivia and went back to the living room.
The girl just sat there playing uno and talking.
"Do you like our room?" Zola asked and Olivia nodded yes.
"You can play with my toys too. I don't mind" Zola said. "Bailey breaks everything anyways" she said.
Olivia gave her a shy smiled.
"Does your tummy hurt?" Zola asked worried.
"Just a little" Olivia said.
"Do you want me to get your mom?" Zola asked.
"Amelia is not my mom" Olivia said sad.
"Yes she is. She adopted you like my mom did with me." Zola said.
"My mom's in heaven" Olivia said serious but with tears in her eyes.
"Your birth mom is. Just like mine" Zola said.
"My what?" Olivia asked confused.
"Birth mom." Zola said. "My mommy told me that a birth mom is the woman that carried us on their tummy and sometimes they can't be with us so we get another mommy and daddy to take care of us" Zola explained.
"My mom is in heaven" Olivia said again.
"I know Oli. But you can have another one." Zola said.
"My mommy is dead!" Olivia yelled and cried. She didn't understand exactly what Zola was saying.
Everyone in the living room listened and ran to the playroom...

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