Chapter 33: The Perfect School

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The ride to the mall was great.

They went on Amelia's car since Olivia's car seat was there. Owen drove and Amelia sat on the front with him while Olivia tried hard not to fall asleep on the backseat.
When they got to the mall they went straight to a kid's store. Olivia said her head was hurting a little so Amelia decided not to make the girl try on anything. They just bought what they thought would fit her.
"Do you like this one?" Owen asked holding up a blue dress with yellow flowers on it.
"Yeah" Olivia smiled and he held it.
"How about this one?" He asked holding a black, white and pink striped dress. The girl nodded and he put it with the blue one.
"This?" He asked holding a grey dress with pugs on it"
"Yeah" Olivia said smiling big at the cute dress.
"Owen. I think that's enough for today" Amelia told him laughing.
She already had bought 5 pairs of leggings, 2 sneakers, a ballet flat, two jeans, 2 dresses, 6 shirts, 4 pajamas, 3 shorts, a jacket and a winter coat for Olivia.
"These are on me" Owen said smiling and she smiled at him.
She got close to his ear and said "let's not spoil her too much" and he laughed.
"Let's go then" he said getting in line to pay.
Owen payed for everything and they went to eat.

It was almost 2 when they finally sat to eat at Olive Garden. Amelia ordered spaghetti for Olivia and the kid loved it. After they were done it was almost 3.
"I think we should go" Amelia said.
"What about the purple boots?" Owen asked.
"We can look for that another day Owen. I scheduled a school visit for 3:30. I didn't bring her papers" Amelia said. Rose had sent her Olivia's school files so she could give to the new school.
"Alright. So let's go then?" Owen said.
They put Olivia back at the stroller and started walking to the car.
As they passed by a shoe store Owen noticed some rain boots.
"Go ahead with her. I need to go to the bathroom really quick" he said.
"Okay" Amelia said and kept walking to the car.
He went in the store and asked for purple rain boots. He paid it really fast and walked to the car. When he got there Amelia was getting in, after buckling Olivia and putting the stroller on the trunk. She had just given the girl her pain meds.
"What's that?" She asked Owen.
"I had to" he said and she knew it was the boots.
"Owen" she said smiling.
"Olivia, do you want to open this really fast?" Owen asked the girl and got on the backseat next to her.
"Yeah!" Olivia said. "Is it for me?" She asked smiling excited.
"Yes it is" Owen smiled at her and gave her the bag.
Olivia opened it and smiled big when she saw the boots.
"Purple boots" she said giggling.
"Do you like it?" Owen asked.
"Yeah! Thank you Owen" she smiled and hugged him.
"Can I wear it now?" She asked.
"Sure" he said and helped her put it on.
"Does that fit you good?" He asked. He bought one size bigger.
"Yeah" she said smiling.
"Alright you two! Let's go! Or we're gonna be late" Amelia said smiling and Owen got out of the backseat and ran to the driver's seat.

When they got to the house to get the papers Olivia was out.
"She had a lot of fun Owen. Thank you" Amelia told him.
"I had a lot of fun too" he smiled and she smiled back. They kissed.
Suddenly Amelia stopped and said "I gotta go or we'll be late"
"Can I go?" He asked.
"See the schools?" Amelia asked surprised.
"Yeah" he said hopeful.
"Sure." She said. "But..."
"But what?" He asked.
"Why do you wanna go?" She asked him.
"I don't know. To keep you guys company?" He said and she laughed.
"Okay" she said and they kissed again.
Suddenly Owen stopped and said "the papers" and Amelia ran out to the house to get it.
When they got to the first school Owen was impressed.
"You know she's 4, right?" He said as he parked the car close to the building. The school was ginormous. And looked like a very serious place.
They got out of the car, Owen got Olivia's stroller, put her in it and started pushing it towards the entrance.
"What do you think Oli?" Amelia asked the girl.
"It's big" Olivia said serious.
They got in and met with the principal who gave them a tour. Amelia and Owen liked the academics of it but not the place itself. It seemed dark and strange. Amelia didn't want her daughter to be in a "scary" school and that was exactly what that one looked like.
They told the principal they would think about it and would get in touch with her, and went back to the car. Once they were all in and buckled Amelia said smiling "so what did you think Oli?"
The girl looked at her and just moved her shoulder signing that she didn't knew.
"You didn't like it?" Amelia asked but the girl stayed quiet, like she was afraid to tell.
"You can tell me baby. You didn't like this one?" Amelia asked and Olivia shook her head no.
"Why is that?" Amelia asked.
"It's scary" Olivia said.
"Yeah. I thought that too" Owen said and Amelia and he laughed.
"Alright. So next one" Amelia said.
"It's 4:10." Owen said. "We have time for a snack" he said.
"How about dinner after instead?" Amelia said smiling at him.
"Sure" he said looking at her eyes. There was a moment of silence.
"Just kiss already guys" Olivia said and they bursted into laughter.
"Let's go" Amelia said and Owen drove. The little girl sat there in her car seat smiling at the grownups.
Olivia thought about how she liked them. How wonderful and nice they were. And she knew already that both loved her very much. They were the best people she had ever met.
They got to the other school.
The Bristol Academy. It was a big and pretty building. It was a bit scary too but it wasn't as scary as the other one.
They got in and the place had a small hall with two big doors at the end, and a small one at the side with 'Headmaster' written on it. They knocked and a woman opened for them.
"I scheduled a tour for-" Amelia said.
"Come on in, Miss Shepherd" the woman cut her off and said smiling. They got in and it was another hall but a very small one.
"He'll see you in a minute" the secretary said. They waited for a while and then the principal got out of his office and walked to them.
"Hello. I'm Principal Nathan Heely" he introduced himself.
The old man had some grey hairs and wore a pretty and fancy suit, Olivia thought.
"You must be Miss Olivia" Principal Heely said smiling at the little girl who hid her face on her blanket embarrassed. He smiled.
"You must be the mother?" he said shaking Amelia's hand. Olivia looked at Amelia and Amelia looked at her, but both didn't say a word about what the man said.
"You must be the dad?" Heely said to Owen.
"A friend" Owen said smiling and the guy knew what he meant. He was dating the "mother" but he wasn't the father.
"Alright so let me show you the school and if you have any questions feel free to ask" Heely said. Amelia nodded and they walked out of the principal's office hall.

The walked through the big doors and Amelia couldn't help but smile. The place looked amazing. It had a lot of art work by the kids displayed around and the classes had big glass windows to the hallway. It was really amazing. Everything she imagined Olivia would like.
The principal showed them around. There was a playground, a gym, a dance studio and even club rooms. He explained that they also offered dance classes, gymnastics and other sports but that was paid separately. Amelia thought it could be good to enroll Liv in ballet or gymnastics. Principal Heely showed them the cafeteria and everything else, then they headed back to his office.

Owen sat and Amelia kneed down next to Olivia.
"What did you think Oli?" Amelia whispered asking the girl.
"I like it" Olivia said smiling shyly.
"Would you like to study here?" Amelia asked taking some hair out of Olivia's face.
"Yeah" Olivia said and everyone smiled.
"Okay" Amelia smiled and stood up and sat on the chair.
They talked to the principal about what Olivia had and he said the school nurse did that with 2 kids that had diabetes and all they would have to do was that Amelia should talk to the woman to explain everything to her and also fill in some papers. Amelia also mention Olivia could read, write and do some math already.
"That's very impressive Miss Olivia" he told the girl who shyly smiled at him.
"Is she always this quiet?" He asked Amelia.
"Most of the time" Amelia said and they smiled.
They talked about the leveling test and they asked if Olivia wanted to do that right away or on the next day.
"It can be today. I don't mind" she said.
The principal then arranged everything and got the kindergarten teacher to be with the girl when she took the test.
Once the teacher got there Amelia asked if Olivia could stay outside with the secretary just for a while so they could talk. Of course the principal said yes and Amelia took the girl.
"Stay here with miss Claire, okay? I'll be right back" Amelia told the girl and walked back in.
Amelia explained to them that Olivia recently had surgery and that she was adopting the girl and pretty much everything that had happened. They felt bad for the child and the principal even said the school had a child psychologist available so if she was interested Olivia could be assigned for that. She thought the school couldn't get any better but she was wrong.
After they finished talking they headed out and explained to Olivia the test she would do. Miss Jay, the kindergarten teacher stayed with her in a classroom while she took the test. Then she asked the girl to read two books and it was over. She wrote some things on a paper and took Olivia back to the principal's hall where Amelia and Owen were waiting.
"How was it?" Amelia asked Olivia.
"Good" the little girl said smiling. She liked Miss Jay. The woman was around Amelia's age. She was tall and had a very pretty light brown hair and had dark green eyes. Olivia thought she was very nice.
"I'll talk to him and he'll call you back in" Miss jay said.
Not too long after they walked back in the principal's office and he explained to them Olivia was at the beginning of 1st grade level but due to her size and everything she had been through they thought that kindergarten would be best for her but untimely was Amelia's decision.
Amelia agreed with them and they asked if she was ready to enroll Olivia.
"Is this the school Oli?" Amelia asked Olivia.
"Yeah" Olivia smiled.
"So let's do it" Amelia told the principal.
"Oh and one more thing. We only have one class for each year so Miss Jay is going to be her teacher." The principal said.
"Really?" Olivia asked smiling excited.
"Yeah!" Miss Jay smiled at the girl and everyone laughed.
"Do you want to see your classroom with me while they talk about all the grown up stuff?" Miss Jay asked the little girl.
"Can I go?" Olivia asked Amelia.
"Of course" Amelia smiled at her and Miss Jay pushed her stroller out.

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