Chapter 1

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I decided that this book would be dedicated to Kathy over all! When she wakes up I hope she enjoys this😍😍😍
There will chapters dedicated to different people but the book over all is for Kathy

Simon's POV

I wake up to the bright, yellow light flooding from my window and into my face. I reach up, rubbing my eyes and then turn over to see my beautiful girlfriend beside me. Reaching out I swipe the hair out of her eyes as her eyes flutter open. She smiles and lets out a heavy sigh and then stretches out.

"Morning Simon." she whispers and puts her arms on my shoulders.

"Morning Babe." I whisper back and kiss her lips softly. She kisses back and pulls me ontop of her. I chuckle and wrap an arm around her body. She's so amazing and I love her so much and she's such an amazing woman but I can't ever please her. Anything I do in life, she's never happy with what I do. I pull away and she smiles and then slides away to go take a shower. I to the guest shower and wash up and then get ready for my work day. Trying to figure out what I'm gonna do to better Syco industries. Once I'm finished I walk downstairs to eat some breakfast with Lauren. We grab pancakes and some eggs to eat. Once I done I put my boots on and leave to start my day at work.

Amanda's POV

I wake up with a massive headache and an arm wrapped tightly around my waist so I can't move. I frown and slowly slide away from Chris. I walk to the bathroom and look in the mirror. I don't know how I'm gonna do all these photo shoots today when I have bruises up and down my arms and all over my body. I let tears fall from my face like I do every morning and then there's a loud bang on the door.

"Amanda, unlock the damn door!" Chris's booming voice says. I unlock the door and open it only to be pushed back and lips pushing harshly against mine. I whimper under his touch and it makes him angry. He pulls away and back hands me across the face. My face start to heat up from skin hitting skin and I begin to cry. He forces me against a wall and lifts up my nightgown. He forces himself inside of me and it hurts so much. There's pain jolting all throughout my body and my body is shaking uncontrollably. After he finishes he lets me go and walks away.

"Get to work bitch." he grumbles. I lay crying in the floor for a few minutes and then push my myself up and get ready. Taking a shower first and then put on a long sleeve shirt. I pull on some shorts and put on makeup. Once I finish up everything I walk down stairs not bothering to grab any breakfast. I don't want to be here any longer than I have to be. I finally get outside I get in my car. Once at the photo shoot I start my day.

Simon's POV
~8 hours later~

I sit at my desk going to fall asleep and really pissed off at the Fifth Harmony girls. They made a huge mistake with the press and now I'm the one who has to clean it up. It's really pissed me off and I've had a rough day as is. I decide that it's time for a break so I walk to the coffee shop across the street.

Amanda's POV
~8 hours later~

I've had a really tiring day and my body is so sore from this morning. I can't keep going without some kind of sugar and some food. I get in my car and drive to the coffee shop across from Syco and grab a hot coffee. I turn to walk to a table and bump into someone, spilling coffee all over myself and falling to the floor. I start to whimper and whispering "Please dont hurt me."

"Miss, I'm just trying to help. Let me buy you another coffee." he says softly. I nod softly and he helps me up. Once I'm standing I realize how handsome he looks. He buys me another coffee and we take a seat in a booth towards the back.
"What's your name?" he asks with a smile.


"You must have a last name." he smirks.

"Holden. Amanda Holden. You must have a name Mr." I say.

"I'm Simon Cowell." he smiles.

"Like the one over Syco." I say in shock.

"Yeah that one. But please don't look at me like that." he whispers and sips his coffee.

"Of course. Your normal just like me. I know how you feel though." I whisper.

"How's that." he asks.

"I'm in musicals and a model do a lot of photo shoots. Actually doing one today." I smile.

"Bet you look pretty sexy." he chuckles.

"Yeah..." I whisper blandly knowing he's just saying that.

"Well, I best be going. My girlfriend is probably freaking that I'm not home yet." he laughs and I feel disappointment set in.

Simon's POV

I see her frown once I say girlfriend.

"Yeah I'm my boyfriends doing the same." she says and rubs her arm. I notice she has a wicked bruise on her arm.

"What happened to your arm?" I whisper and grab her hand.

"N-nothing." she stutters and pulls away.

"Are you sure that's nothing?" I ask.

"I just fell that's all." she says and pulls her sleeve down.

"Okay. Well, ice will help with that." I say. She thanks me and then leaves quickly. There's something going on. The way she reacted when she fell and just then. I know I just met her but she's so beautiful and she seems to be really fragile. It's like if you even tap her she'll break into a million peaces. I hope I can help somehow.

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