Chapter 33

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Amanda's POV

I'm waken up by Simon shaking me lightly. I open my eyes and smile at his handsome smile that is so bright I'm surprised it isn't my sunrise.
"What time is it?" I ask.

"It's five am." he smiles.

"Geez, it's not even sunrise yet." I groan and stand up almost falling back but he's quick and his arm wraps around my waist. I reach my hand up to his face and stare at his fall, brown eyes. The color reminds me of when it's turning fall and the leaves change. Some yellow, red, and even orange. But there are some that stick out and are brown. As I notice our lips getting closer I hear a knock at the door and we stop. 

"I'll....uh.... I'll get it." he stutters and lets me go.

Simon's POV

As Amanda shuts the door so she can put on clothes I answer the door to see Alesha in front of me.
"Hey babe." she smiles and pecks my lips.

"Heyyyyy, what are you doing here?" I ask, a bit confused.

"Well, I thought I might come by to see how Mandy was doing and also just come to see you. " she smiles and wraps her arms around my waist.

"Mhmm. And you came to make sure I wasn't doing anything?" I asks.

"Okay, but do you blame me? I mean Amanda is a beautiful woman and I seen the way she was looking at you yesterday." she groans and pouts.

"Listen." I sigh and caress her cheeks.
"I would never hurt you like that. Alesha, I love you." I whisper and lean down, kissing her lips a bit harsher than normal. She wraps her arm around me and then pushes me back so I'm sitting on the bed with her on top of me. I feel her cold hands go up my shirt makeing me take in a sharp breath.

"What?" she giggles.

"Your hands are so cold." I shiver and she laughs and we continue.

Amanda's POV

I'm pulling my pants up when I hear a moan come from the other room. It takes everything inside of me not to burst into laughter but also jealousy. I mean I recognize that from's Alesha. They gotta do the nasty right here and now with me in the next room. I lay back on the bed and close my eyes. I can almost feel Simon kissing my neck for the first time. I remember back to the dream when we did and he had me a mess but I had him the exact same way if not worse. I feel myself start to squirm and realize that I'm just torturing myself thinking about him in that manner. I finally just lay on my side and ball up, turning on the t.v. in the process.

~1hr later~

I hear the door close and open and then feel a hot hand touch my arm.
"Hey, we gotta leave at eight." I hear Simon's voice.

"That's in two hours. Geez I gotta get ready." I yelp and go to the other room so I can get to the bathroom.

"Why didn't you do this earlier?" he asks.

"Because you were busy banging." I yelp.

"Excuse me?"he says and grabs my arm making me spin around.

"Don't think I didn't hear you and Alesha. Just when I thought you were maybe different or sweet." I say through gritted teeth.

"What do you expect?" he asks.

"Oh I don't know! Maybe break up with her! What about last night? Where you only doing that in hopes of getting in my pants?" I ask.

"Amanda, you know I wouldn't do that to anyone." he sighs, looking me in the eyes.

"Your a sick bastard who can't keep it in his pants. I can't believe I even dreamed about you." I growl and harshly pull my hand away from his. He grabs it back and smashes his lips to mine. His lips don't taste like him but rather Alesha and salty. I don't even know what that is...... I push him off of me aggressively.
"WHAT THE HELL! I don't want to kiss you! Leave me alone Simon Cowell!!" I scream and run to the bathroom, slamming and locking the door. I call a limo to be there in an hour so it gives me time to change and shower. I jump in and shower and then change into the clothes I brought from the studio. An hour passes quickly and I leave without even telling Simon. I jump in the limo and get to the studio an hour early, meeting David along the way.

"Hey Doll." he smiles and wraps himself around me. I giggle and grab him by his tie, pulling him to my dressing room.
"Are you alright?" he asks with concern.

"Just kiss me." I gasp and pull his face to mine. He's surprised at first but then slowly falls into it. His hands go to my face and mine into his blazer. 

"" he asks between kisses.

"" I reply and feel his tounge slide into my mouth. God he's a great kisser but I can't get the thought of Simon's lips against mine. 'Amanda, revenge sex is not key.' I keep telling myself but by this time I'm horny and need something to satisfy me. I feel one of his hands go in my pants and I let out a gasp because he's so cold. 
"Daviddddd." I wine and ball my fist in his hair as my back arches. He hides his face in my neck and I have to bite down hard on my bottom lip so I don't scream out in pleasure. I take it back David is the best person I've made love with. I need this to happen more often.  After I release all over his hand he pulls away and licks up what I did. I smirk and then bite my lip again making him groan.

"You have no idea what you do to me Mandy." he whispers and pecks my lips. I smile and we both leave my dressing room. David gets a bit ahead of me and then I feel a hand grab me. I look over and it's Simon.

"Really? You get mad so you have sex with David." he whispers as if he's angry.
"Amanda, I was worried sick about you because you were just gone and then I hear you moaning Davids name.

"Now, you know how it feels to hear Alesha screaming your name. Stop being such an ass and realize that this obviously won't work for either of us." I whisper angrily and then storm off hoping he didn't take that seriously.

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