Chapter 36

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Simon's POV

I've been sitting in this meeting for hours and we haven't made much progress. All the men are to busy staring at Amanda and it's making me very jealous. Curses that she has to be so da*n sexy. 
"Alright...." I sigh.
"I don't think much is getting done so you all can go home." I say.

"Awe, Simon we just want to get to know your lady friend." One of the older gentlemen says slyly.

"That's not what your here for! Your here to do a da*n job!" I yelp. He just sits, speechless and with a red face.
"Everyone of you get out of my da*n house." I say angrily and then Amanda grabs my arm.

"Excuse us for a moment." she whispers and pulls me to the kitchen.
"Hey." she whispers and carresses my face.

"What Amanda?" I reply.

"What's wrong? What's go you so upset tonight?" she asks.

"I don't like they way they look at you. The way they talk to you like your just a peice of ass." I grumble and a grin crosses her face.

"Listen, it's okay. I can take care of myself. How about I go home and you finish your business meeting without me." she smiles and goes to walk away.

"NO!" I yelp and grab her hand. I pull her back to me and shake my head.
"Stay here with me. Just wait in my room. There's a t.v., books, and a bathroom if you want to shower or whatever." I smile and wrap one of my arms on her waist.

"Are you sure you don't want me to leave? I can if you want me to." she says.

"I'm positive! Please stay here." I whisper and now it's my turn to carress her face.

"Okay, I'll be upstairs if you need me doll." she whispers and then pecks my cheek.

Amanda's POV

As I walk past the business men they all stare at me like a piece of meat. I mean really what the actual hell. I would say they are dogs but dogs don't make me question my self worth or make me cry. Dogs are comforting and sweet. Kind of like Simon. I could say he's a big dog. I giggle as I'm walking up the stairs and then walk into what I assume is Simon's room. It's then only one with a bathroom and a huge T.V. in it. All the other rooms have normal size flat screens on the wall. I mean why doesn't he make this into a theatre because of how big the dang screen is. I fall back on the bed and kick my heels of since they are killing my poor feet. Looking around I notice a bunch of BGT pictures. I go down the line and it dates all the way back to the first year we all met and had our pictures. I mean it goes back to when it was just Simon, Piers, and I. Wow I actually remember that. Piers always got annoyed by all the flirting Simon and I did. But he also got annoyed by the bickering because I didn't really like Simon. I remember calling him a piece of sh*t one time. Man I was a jerk. I flip on the T.V. and they are showing re-runs of all BGT. They've never done that before. I then realize that these are all recordings and everyone of them has been recorded. I start from the begginning. After about ten of the shows Simon walks in and he looks extremely tired. It's like you could just poke him and he fall over and go to sleep. He falls back next to me and looks at the T.V.
"Oh, your watching all my recordings." he smiles.

"Yeah, I didn't realize you had recorded all of them." I reply and look over at him. I click onto the next show and soon after he has fallen asleep on my chest. His arm is wrapped around me while my hand is in his hair. He looks so uncomfortable in what he's in though. Sleeping in a button up is awefull when it's just your size. I slowly unbutton his shirt and carefully take it off without waking him up. I put it in his laudry basket by his door and then get back in the place I was with him pulling me closer than before. He mumbles something but I coo in his ear so he calms down. After another hour of watching BGT I end up falling asleep myself.


My eyes flutter open and I have to blink a few times so my eyes adjust. Simon is behind me and he's still asleep. His arm is set around me  and his hand is intertwined with mine. I hear him take in a deep breath as if he's waking up. I feel the bed move a bit and I know he's up so I quickly close my eyes. I feel his chin rest on my shoulder and his prickly beard tickles a bit. I have to fight to keep from smiling.
"Your so beautiful." he whispers and then I realize his morning is just as sexy as my red dress. His arm tightens around me and his lips touch my neck. Once they pull away I wish it would've stayed. I take in a deep breath to pretend I'm just waking up and then slowly open my eyes.
"Morning Ms.Holden." he smirks and rubs my side. 

"Morning Mr.Cowell." I smile and turn on my back so that way I can see his face.

"Did you sleep well darling?" he asks.

"Mmm I slept alright but not compared to you. You slept like a baby." I smirk.

"Oh really?" he asks.

"Yeah, you fell asleep like an hour after coming in here. Button up and all." I smile.

"Hmmm....then how did my shirt come off?" he asks, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.

"That" I say, unsure if he was okay with that.

"Were you trying to undress me?" he laughs and hovers over my now.

"N-n-no." I say in disbelief.

"I think you were." he says in his sexy morning voice.

"If that were so I would have already done it." I reply smartly and then quickly close my mouth because I can't believe I just said that.

"Oh really now?" he chuckles.

"Oh my God! I didn't just say that." I sigh and cover my face, feeling my face get hot and red.

"Don't be embarassed." he laughs and uncovers my face. In that moment I can't help but stare at his smiling face with the scraggly beard and deep brown eyes. I feel our lips getting closer and closer. We are both stopped when we hear a door swing open. My face turns and I gasp pushing Simon off of me.

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