Chapter 39

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Amanda's POV

~2 weeks later~

I'm sitting in my home watching Grey's Anatomy when I hear a knock at the door. I slowly get up and walk to the door, looking out the peep hole. To my surprise it's Simon. I open the door and he stumbles in...soaked from the rain and I think he's drunk.
"Simon." I gasp and shut my door. Then leading him to my bathroom upstairs.

"Mandy, I'm sorry." he cries.

"Hey, hey.....there's nothing to be sorry about." I whisper, holding his face in my hands. He lets out a breath and he is definately drunk out of his mind. I slowly peel his shirt off his body and then his pants. I grab him an extra toothbrush and let him brush his teeth for a good five minutes while I make him some hot coco and find a water bottle for him. I walk back upstairs with both and he's sitting in the bathroom floor with tears down his face. I set the water bottle on the counter, then sliding down beside him and handing him the cup.

"Thank you." he sniffs and takes a sip of the drink. I watch as his lips slowly take form over the cup.

"What's wrong Simon?" I ask.

"I hurt you Amanda." he cries.

"Babe, you never hurt me. We haven't even seen each other for a week since BGT ended." I whisper.

"I didn't kiss you or anything! I should have asked you to be mine! I just wish I would've said something." he whispers and I can't help but to smile. He leans over and kisses me softly. I quickly pull away from him.

"I think it's time for you to go to bed darling." I smile and lead him to my bed. He lays down and I sit in the rocking chair that's in the corner beside my bed.

"Amanda." he whispers.

"Yes doll." I reply.

"I love you." he mumbles and then falls asleep.

"I love you too Si." I smile, walking out of the room and to the couch to sleep. I don't want him getting the wrong idea when he wakes up. Before I go to bed I put two Advil and the bottle of water on my bedside table for him.

Simon's POV

I wake up with a massive headache and the smell of breakfast. I look around and I'm unfamiliar with my surroundings. I notice Advil and bottled water beside me so I quickly take them and then realize I only have underwear. Geez what did I do last night. I look around and there's jeans in the rocking chair that's in the corner by the bed. I quickly pull them on but find no shirt. I finally decide to just walk down the stairs. I follow the smell into the kitchen and see a blonde haired woman. She turns around and my mouth drops.
"Amanda....what happened last night?" I ask.

" came to my house drunk and soaked from the rain." she smirks.

"Is that why I woke up with no clothes?" I ask, looking down at my barechest.

"Yeah, your shirt is still in the wash. should be done soon." she smiles.
"Here banana pancakes! Helps with hangovers." she says, handing me a plate with four pancakes and then syrup so I can pour it on there. I drown my pancakes and begin to eat.

"These are amazing." I hum with a mouthful.

"Thanks." she giggles, as she sits her plate on the counter and begins to eat hers.
"Did you sleep well?" she asks.

"I slept very well. Your bed is comfortable." I smirk.
"Hey, did I say anything weird last night?" I ask.

"Um...well you were crying and kept saying your sorry." she whispers. Oh God I must have been saying sorry for the relationship thing. I'm so stupid.

"Did I say anything else?" I ask. She makes a thinking face and then shakes her head and I know she's lying. But I don't ask cause it must have not been that important. Then again I might've said something really serious.

"Wanna watch a movie while we wait on the shirt?" she asks.

"Yeah sure. How about 50 Shades?" I chuckle.

"Hell to the no!" she yelps and slaps my arm.

"Ow!" I whine and rub my arm.

"Awe, my poor little baby got hurt." she says in a baby voice and then kisses my arm where it is now red.

"Thanks." I say sarcasticly. We plop down on the couch and turn on some random show.
"Hey, would you mind if we started hanging out together?" I ask, biting my bottom lip.

"That's fine. Whenever you want to we can." she smiles and wraps her arms around her legs letting out a shiver. I grab a blanket and pull her closer to me and then wrap us in the blanket.

"Well, I was thinking everyday." I whisper and she looks up at me.

"Really?" she asks.

"Sure! I mean why not?" I ask.

"When do you want to start hanging out so that way I can plan?" She asks, putting her fingers through my chest hair as she speaks.

"I was hoping today if you don't have any plans that is." I whisper.

"Well, I've got a few errands but you are definitely welcome to come." She smiles and wraps her arm across my torso. 

"I'm gonna need a shirt though." I smile and she giggles.

"Let me go put it in the dryer." she smiles and then leaves. I hear the doors opening and closing and then the dryer starting. I eventually just get up and walk back to the laundry room.

"How does it take you so long?" I chuckle.

"Because I actually fold my laundry." she smiles, folding one of her shirts.

"Well, why don't I help?" I ask.

"If you really want to." she giggles.

"Alright, let's see what we have going on in here." I smirk, I pick up a tshirt from the basket and begin folding. After a few more things of folding I pick up a pair of red, lacey, see through thongs.
"This is cheeky." I smirk.

"Oh give me those!" she yelps and tries to grab them but I rasie my arm so she can't reach them.

"When did you become so cheeky and into sexy items?" I chuckle.

"When did you become so interested in my life?" she asks.

"I want to see you in these sometime. I smile.

"In your dreams Cowell!" she giggles and snatches her underwear from me.

"Oh come on give them back." I chuckle and corner her between the wall and the dryer. I go to reach for them but she pulls back and I stumble into her, our lips connecting in the process. She kisses back and I smile into it. She looks up at me and bites her lip. Now I know I've got to ask her in this moment.
"Amanda, will you be my girlfriend?" I ask, now biting the corner of my lower lip.

"Yes!" she grins and jumps up at me, wrapping her legs around my waist.
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to ask me that question." she sniffs and I realize that she has tears.

"Why are you crying doll?" I ask.

"I'm not upset! I'm happy." she smiles and gives me a kiss on the cheek. I laugh and wrap my arms around her.

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