Chapter 41

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Amanda's POV

As we walk into my house, Simon plops down on the couch and I decide I'm going to change. I grab my bunny onesie and a towel so I can just shower. I take about five minutes and then pull on boyshorts but no bra since I'll probably be inside the rest of the day. I pull on my onesie and then put a brush through my hair. Once I'm finished I walk out to my room and there is Simon looking at a picture of David and I. 
"Hey, I thought you were just gonna wait in the living room." I whisper.

"Yeah.....I figured I might check out some pictures." he smiles. I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around him, my hands entering the side of his peacoat. He lets out a deep breath as he sets down the picture and looks in the mirror. His hands go over mine and I set my chin on his shoulder. His eyes wander and I don't know what he's looking at.
"Is that your red dress?" he asks, looking over at my bed.

"Yes....I had to get it dry cleaned and meant to today but decided against it." I smirk.

"Do you remember that night?" he asks, now turning around to face me.

"I do. You work with a bunch of old pervs!" I giggle.

"OH....I was so pissed." he chuckles.

"Yeah I know." I whisper with a smile.
"Hey who was that guy that I was dating?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" he questions.

"You told everyone I was taken by a wealthy and handsome man." I giggle.

"Oh! That was me." he laughs.

"But we weren't even together." I say.

"I know. But I had to get them to stop staring at my Mandy." he smiles and pulls me closer. I grin and press my lips softly against his, wrapping my arms around his waist under his jacket. We pull away and I pull him back to the living room so we can play games or watch a movie. He plops down on the couch and I stand in front of him, pulling the hood of my jammies over my head.
"You look so fu*king cute." Simon smiles and puts his hands on my thighs.

"Mmm, I get that." I giggle and he smiles, pulling me down onto his lap.

Simon's POV

I pull Amanda into my lap and she giggles. Her blonde hair falls into her face and her perfect smile shows. I just can't get over how da*n beautiful she is. I sweep the hair out of her face and my hand stays on her cheek, carressing it. She slowly bites her bottom lip and I almost melt. Her hands are tracing letters on my chest and her eyes are wandering which I find cute. When she's nervous she can't keep eye contact at all. I smirk and pull her face closer to mine. She giggled and right before our lips meet her phone rings and I curse under my breath.
"Hello." she whispers.
"Oh my goodness is she okay?" she asks frantic.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I whisper, noticing her worry.

"Yeah, once you guys get home, put some ice on it and just let her rest." she says. After a few nods and a goodbye she sets her phone down and plops back onto the couch.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Alesha, she slipped on a patch of ice and broke her leg in half basically." she whispers.

"Oh.....well is she okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, she is in a lot of pain but besides that." Amanda says and is now playing with the fuzz of her onesie.

"Where were we?" I chuckle and she looks up at me and lets out a small cackle. I start joking with her that laughs so hard she starts crying. I then begin to tickle her sides and she laughs so hard she can barely breath now and she's gasping "STOP!" Her hands finally catch mine and her fingers intertwine with mine. As she begins to catch her breath I just chuckle because I've still go her straddled on the couch. She lets out a few more giggles before letting out a sigh and looking up at me.

"I love you so much." she whispers with a sweet smile on her face. 

"I love you too doll." I smirk and rub my thumbs across the tops of her hands. We eventually end up cuddling on the couch, watching ,movies until around lunch time.

David's POV

I carry Alesha inside the house and she is just laying on my chest.
"Are you alright?" I ask, taking her upstairs to her bed.

"Yeah, just tired." she mumbles.

"Well, I already put all your food up and I made sure everything is with in your reach." I smile.

"Thank you." she sighs and lays down, pulling covers over everything except her cast. Her little toes are sticking out and she looks so exhausted.

"Well, I'm gonna let you sleep love. Call if you need me." I smile and begin to walk away. As I get to the doorway I hear her call my name out and I spin around on my heels with ease.

"Please, stay with me. I don't want to be alone right now." she whispers. I let out a small sigh and then smile. I pull off my shoes at her doorway and then shut the door. I slowly strip off my beanie, jacket, and scarf before laying down beside her. I pull her to me so she can face me and still be comfortable. I kiss her forehead as she takes a deep breath and slowly falls asleep.

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