Chapter 10

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Simon's POV

I wake up with my arms around Amanda's body and my head on her chest. I look around and she's sleeping peacefully but she's sitting up sleeping and so am I. I pull her down so she's laying down. I go to get up but her arm wraps around my waist so I just lay beside her. She lays her head on my chest and I wrap my arms around her.  She looks so peaceful while she lays asleep. I love just laying there with her but I really need to get up because I need to work or else I'll never get anything done. I slip away from her and grab some clothes to get a shower.

Amanda's POV

I wake up to clicks on the wooden floor and rustles of different items. I force my eyes open just in time to see Simon disappear into the bathroom. I push myself up and walk to the bathroom where Simon is brushing his teeth.
"Hey baby." he says with a mouthfull of toothpaste.

"Morning Handsome." I mumble and wrap my arms around his waist. He rinses his mouth and then turns around and his minty breath hits my face. I feel a smile spread and then his lips touch my forehead. I then brush my teeth and shower. After I'm done I walk into Simon's room. He is sitting on the bed putting on his boots that he wears pretty much all the time.

"Alright Babe." he sighs and then stands up.

"I've got to go to work and do a few things. I'll be home tonight." he smiles, pecks my lips and then leaves. I finish up getting ready and then decide to go to the grocery store since I need some diffrent food choices to cook.

"Amanda?" I hear a voice behind me. I spin on my heels and see David.

"Hey, David! What are you doing here?" He asks.

"Well, had to get some food for the house. Fancy seeing you here." He smiles.

"I don't know why." I chuckle. "I'm getting groceries like a normal person."

"Well, what I mean is both of us being here at the same time." He smiles. I nod and keep walking, putting some meats in the basket I carry. He catches up to me and I feel his hand brush against my lower back. 

"Hey!" I yelp and go to smack him but he ducks.

"What the hell Amanda?" He says and looks at me like I'm insane.

"You touched me." I say through gritted teeth.

"I didn't mean to! Chill the hell out!" He says and then walks away all pissed off. I finish up at the store and then drive back home. I carry the bags inside the after putting everything away I notice it's almost 5pm. I can't believe I was gone all day. I decide to just sit down on the couch and watch a movie about a princess.

Simon's POV
I walk inside the house and hear the tv going. I pull my boots off and walk into the living room and Amanda is asleep on the couch. I smile and then walk into the kitchen and just grab an apple. I take a bite and sit at the bar looking through my Instagram. I feel arms wrap around me and land on my chest.
"Hey babe." I whisper and intertwine the hand that was holding my phone with hers. 

"When did you get home?" She sighs.

"Probably about thirty minutes ago." I say and take the last bite out of the apple. I move away and throw the core in the trash can.

"How was your day?" She asks sweetly.

"My day was very well. Full of business." I smile and she gets on her tippy toes and kisses me softly.

"Mmm, how was your day babe?" I smirk.

"It was great. Ran into David." she whispers.

"What did he have to say?" I ask, walking up the stairs with her right behind me.

"Not much actually. Just that it was a surprise seeing me at the store." She says and then starts fiddling with her fingers.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I whisper, grabbing her hands as she sits down on the edge of the bed.

"N-nothing." She stutters and looks away from me.

"Amanda don't lie to me please." I say and she looks back up at me but tears run down her cheeks. 

"He yelled at me." She whispers and I feel an anger start to boil.

"Why?" I ask. 

"His hand brushed my back, by accident, and I flipped out." she says.

"What? Why would you do that?" I ask.

"After everything with just still affects me and I don't want any other man to touch my in that way unless it's you." she whimpers and I pull her to me.

"Listen David has no ill intentions so don't worry. I'll keep you safe baby." I whisper in her ear and then tighten my arms around her. She nods and just cries into my shoulder and soon I crawl onto the bed, pulling her to my chest as she starts to fall asleep. My princess cried herself to sleep from the pain I thought was gone. I guess I'm wrong. I have to protect her and make sure she never gets hurt by anyone. Including the asshole who made her hurt in the first place.



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