Chapter 19

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Amanda's POV

I wake to a thumb slowly stroking my face and I look up to see Simon with his eyes shut but his thumb moving slowly across my face. It's just the lightest touch and if you didn't see it you probably wouldn't feel it. I look down and realize I am completely naked! I look at Simon and he has jeans on. Most of yesterday is very fuzzy except all the puking. I look back down at my body and I'm almost small enough you can see my ribs. What the hell happened yesterday. I tap Simon lightly and I see him peeking through his eyelids.
"Hey, Sunshine." he smiles and rubs my arm.

"Si, what happened yesterday?" I ask in confusion.

"You really don't remember?" he asks.

"Puking yes but nothing else. Why am I so small and why the hell am I naked?" I ask.

"Um small is from being sick with no food intake and naked is from..." he trails off.

"Oh no! D-did we..." I start.

"Geez no!" He says in a surprised tone.
"You needed a shower and couldn't even hold yourself up so I decided to help you out." he says and looks down at my face. At this point I'm thinking what the hell. And another half of me is thinking Ethan would be very upset with me.

"What am I to tell Ethan?" I asks.

"A-Amanda, Ethan broke up with you." he says in disbelief.

"Simon, that's not funny." I say, now with a stern look.

"I'm not joking Amanda." he says, sitting up.

"W-what did you do? What did you tell him!?!" I yelp and begin smacking his bare skin.

"AMANDA!! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!" he yelps and gets up.

"Then why did he leave!! You did something!" I scream. I begin to feel the tears fall and he tries to come near me but I throw something at him and he just stands there in shock.

"I didn't do anything to you." he says.

"I HATE YOU!!!!" I scream even louder and that's when Alesha bursts through the door.

"You don't really mean that do you?" he whimpers.


"Amanda, stop." Alesha whispers but it's to late. Simon has already left and I hear his car start.
"What have you done?" she whispers. I grab a shirt laying beside the bed and once it's on I realize it's Simon's. I rip it off and throw it to the ground in anger and then cover myself back up.

"Please, I need clothes." I say and Alesha just walks into the bathroom and grabs mine. Once I've struggled to get everything on Alesha feeds me and I've got plenty of strength to walk.

"Amanda, please talk to me." she whispers, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the couch.

"Did Ethan really break up with me?" I asks.

"Yes, he beat you right before he left. That's why you have a busted up lip and a black eye forming." she whispers, handing me a hand held mirror. I look at myself in the mirror and sure enough there it is.
"I'm so sorry babe." she whispers and kisses my forehead before going to grab me some more juice. I sit in awe at this that I've discovered. As I start to think the memorys all start flooding back from the last week. Simon came back and BGT starts next week. The press meeting and when I got sick Si was there. We......we took a shower together and he was so respectful. I am such an jerk. What have I done.....

~1 week later at BGT~

I walk into the studio for the first time and it looks so amazing! It's huge and I absolutely love it. I'm instantly pulled to makeup and then to get dressed. Once I finish I'm lead to what they call the Judge's room. I sit on the couch across from David and Alesha.
"Well, getting ready was exciting!" Alesha giggles.

"Yes it was!" I exclaim with my hands in the air. I've grown all my lost strngth back and much needed rest as well as a bit of happiness.

"Now we have to wait for four hours!" David says and pulls out his phone.

"Wait, where's Simon?" I ask, looking around.

"Why? Do you feel bad?" Alesha asks with sympathy written all over.

"I just need to talk to him. He hasn't talk to me in a week....not even a hate you text." I whisper and look  down at my fingers.

"I'm sure he'll be here soon?" David says softly.

"Who will be here soon?" a mans voice says behind me, making me almost jump out of my skin. I turn to Simon and he's looking at me but there's no feeling showing.

"Oh uh, David wanted his best friend to come." Alesha smiles.

"Now David, you know nobody is aloud back here during the start ups." Simon sighs and David nods his head.

"I'm sorry Si." David replys.

"Don't call me that." he growls and then storms off to his dressing room.

"Geez Amanda! Way to go making him snap at me to." David says and then gets up and walks off.

"David." I say in disbelief and try to stop him.

"Leave me alone! All you ever do is cause drama and now you've really done it! Simon has never treated me like that and this is because of you." he says with a red face.

"David, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." I whisper.

"That doesn't work for me. Just please leave me alone." he says and then starts to walk away but turns to me.
"Actually do us all a favor and keep your crap to yourself." he says rudely and then storms off.

"David." Alesha says and chases after him.

Simon's POV
~3hrs and 58mins later~
It's only two minutes until the show and Amanda isn't here where she should be at. I'm really pissed off because we are going to have to go on without her. I storm to her dressing room and sure enough there she is. Once I see the tears from her face my anger disappears.
"S-Simon." She stutters.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"Please just fire me." She mumbles as she stands.
"What? Why would I do that?" I asks in confusion.
"All I do is bring my crap to everyone. Please continue this without me." She whispers.
"Judges to stage now!" A voice says over the speakers.
"Please fire me! Or go without me! I'm not bringing my stupid, dramatic self out on stage!" She yelps.

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