Chapter 25

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Amanda's POV
~Next Day~

I wake up and I'm sweating like crazy as well as my head hurting very much. I go to pull my hands to my head but can't move them. I look up and they are tied to the bed as well as my feet.
"HELP!!" I scream to the top of my lungs very loudly. I hear a door open and shut and then footsteps. I look up and standing beside the bed is a tallish figure. It looks to be a woman but I can't really tell because it's dark.

"There's no point in screaming. No one can hear you." the person says and then cackles. Now I can tell it's a woman.

"Who are you?'" I ask, trying to sound tough.

"You don't need to worry about that. All  you need to worry about is if this child of yours is gonna live or die." she giggles and then runs something sharp across my stomach. I feel a small knick in my stomach.

"PLEASE NO!" I yelp. The ice cold knife freezes in place and I begin to cry.
"Please, you can do anything.....just please don't hurt my baby." I whimper.

"Anything?" she asks slyly. I quickly nod my head and she giggles.

"Leroy come down here!" she shouts.

"Yes?" I hear a deep voice say.

"Have fun with this one. She will let you do anything." the woman laughs and then walks off. The man approaches and a small light flicks on. The man who stands in front of me is about Simon's height and has blond hair. His eyes are a misty blue and his smile and straight and white.

"I'm sorry." he sighs and crawls on top of me, kissing my neck. I begin to scream and kick and call out Simon's name but he's not here to save me.

Simon's POV
~3 weeks later~

I've not seen Amanda in almost a month and Lauren isn't even here. I asked her to leave after a day because I couldn't stand not having Amanda around. I've text and when I call it goes straight to voicemail. My gut is telling me there is something wrong. I decide to call Alesha to find out where the hell she's at.

"Hello." she says in her soft British accent.

"Alesha, how is Amanda?" I ask quickly.

"What do you mean?" she asks a bit confused.

"She was supposed to come to your place three weeks ago and stay with you." I reply.

"Simon, she never showed up." she says.

"SHIT!" I yelp and hang up the phone, calling the cops right then.

Amanda's POV

I've been here for who knows how long and I've only ate once since I been here. I've been raped more than once everyday. I can't keep going like this. I wish someone would just kill me. The only thing keeping me going is Aria. I hear bangs and many voices and then someone sling open a door an multiple feet stomping down the stairs. A bunch of men come down including Leroy. They all look like a bunch of gangsters. They all gather around me and then the woman comes through the crowd and for the first time I see her face.
"Nicole?" I ask.

"Took you long enough to figure me out you poor girl." she sneers.

"What do you want from me?" I ask in a shakey voice.

"I want you dead!" she yelps. She bends down so her face is in mine and then begins to speak but I spit right in her face.
"Have her until her body is shaking and she can't move." she says right in my face and then leaves.

"NO!" I cry out as each man claims a spot on my body.

"I'm so sorry." Leroy whispers in my ear and he claims the base of my neck where I only would let Simon.  

"What the fuck!" one of them yells.

"What?" Leroy replies, coming from my neck.

"She's bleeding." the man says.

"NO NO NO NO!" I shout and Leroy quickly races down to the bottom of my body.

"How far along are you?" he asks even quicker.

"I-I'm four months along." I sob.

"Okay we either have to take you to a hospital or something!" he says.
"Jack! Go get Nicole now!" he yells as a young boy runs up the stairs.

"What the hell is going on?" she yells.

"She's gonna lose the baby!" Leroy yells.

"Oh good!" she laughs and looks at me.
"After this Simon will never want you again." she giggles and then walks away.
"Just leave her." she states.

"She will bleed out if we don't do something!" Leroy yells at her.

"Well, I guess that's to bad!" Nicole yells back.

"You sick bitch. I'll do this myself." he says and comes over to me.
"Listen Mandy, you have to deliver the baby now. I'm gonna have to cut you open right here." he says to me sweating.

"But, you can't?" I whimper.

"I went to school to be a doctor I can. The only problem is I can't numb you." he sighs.

"O-okay, just get my baby out." I cry.

I feel him cut in and I scream out in pain. 

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