Chapter 31

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Simon's POV

I finally get through the door and see Amanda about to put something in her mouth. I quickly run to her side and take her hand, making her drop pills all over the place.
"NO!" she screams and looks up at me with tears running down her face and she has her fist clenched now.

"What are you thinking!?!" I yelp and look at the pills.

"JUST GO!" she screams in my face.

"Da*n it Amanda! I'm not leaving you!" I tell her.

"WHY NOT!" she screams slash sobs.

"I told you that I would never leave your side again and I meant it. I'm never leaving my beautiful, blonde, brown eyed, meek beauty." I smile, putting my hands on her arms. She falls into my chest and just balls as I pick her up, letting her wrap her legs around my waist. She hides her face into my white tshirt and I feel it getting soaked by her sobs. I sit on my couch with her in my lap still crying. She's so beautiful and I just need to find a way for her to be happy again. I decide that while she's crying I'll text Alesha and David to head over now. After about thirty minutes Amanda has cried herself to sleep in my arms and David and Alesha just arrived.

"How are you taking this Simon?" Alesha whispers.

"It hurts to see her this way. I never thought any of this would happen but it's happening. I'm hoping that we'll wake up and this will be just a dream." I sigh and look over at David who looks at me with sympathy.

Amanda's POV

I bolt awake and look around. I'm in my old house and there's quiet music playing. 
"Hey babe, are you still going to go to the store. If so there is a few things I need." a voice says and walks into my room. I look up and it's Chris. What the hell is he doing here why is he calling me babe.

"Where am I?" I whisper and look up at him.

"Oh babe. You must have slept hard." he smiles.
"Your in our house and it's eight in the morning." he smiles.

"W-w-where's Simon?" I ask.

"Um....I'm guessing at his house. You guys are supposed to have BGT tonight. I can still take you if you want." he says with a bit of confusion.

"How long have I been doing BGT?" I ask.

"Um this is ten years of doing it." he smiles.

"I-I don't understand." I stutter.

"What don't you understand?" he asks a bit concerned.

"I mean I was just with Simon and sitting in his lap." I whisper.

"Although I don't like that you do do it often because you guys are friends. You actually need to get to the studio. Your supposed to be there all day today." he smiles.
"I'll see you tonight Mandy." he whispers and kisses my lips harshly. I get dressed in one of my most beautiful dresses. I then get into the limo that is waiting for me. I sit in the back so confused as to what the hell is going on. What about Aria and David and Alesha. What about all the times Simon and I made love......have we even made love at all? The driver pulls up to the red carpet outside the studio. I step out and cameras start flashing . I look around and see Simon, David, and Alesha. I walk up to them and Alesha envelopes me into a hug while Simon just kisses my cheek.

"Your late love." Simon whispers and I nod my head. David hugs me and then kisses in my cheek.

"Meet me in my dressing room." David whispers in my ear. I nod and walk over to Simon, taking him by the hand. He looks at me strangely and then smiles. People are going nuts as we walk inside. I follow Simon to his dressing room and once we are inside, I lock the door and pull him to the couch.

"What the hell Amanda?" he asks.

"I need to talk to you! Something strange is going on!" I yelp.

"Okay.....explain." he sighs.

"Last night I fell asleep in your arms....crying and then I woke up this morning and was with Chris." I sigh.

"Amanda, that never happened. I was with Eric last night and Alesha. We all had dinner." he spoke.
"What did you do a few days before?" he asks.

"Um....had sex." I whisper.

"Oh I didn't need to know that about you and Chris." he gags.

"NO! It wasn't me and Chris. It was you and I." I sigh.

"Um....we've never done that." he says.

"BUT WE DID! I SWEAR TO YOU SIMON!" I yelp and stand up.
"I-I can prove it." I whisper.

"How?" he chuckles.

"You have a scar on your chest. It's small but it was from a suicide attempt." I whisper.

"Okay, you've seen me shirtless before when we went swimming." He says.

"Okay, you also love this." I say, sitting in his lap and reaching my hands down to his manhood, slowly stroking through his pants. His head falls back against the couch and his hands go to my waist.

"M-m-most guys enjoy that." he groans.

"I'll show you another way later." I smile and get up to go meet David like he asked. He just nods and lets me leave. I knock on David's door and he answers immediately.

"Da*n it took you long enough." he sighs and pulls me inside.

"What were you wanting?" I giggle.

"Like you don't know. Don't tease me today." he smiles and pushes me against the door.

"Well, if I don't know what you want then I can't help you." I sigh and he groans and lays his head on my shoulder.

"Your being so mean todayyyy." he whines. I put my fingers through his hair and he sighs at the feeling.

"I didn't know you enjoyed this Mr.Walliams." I giggle.

"Oh whatever. We do this everyday love." he smiles against my skin.

"What exactly do we do everyday David?" I ask.

"I can't take your teasing anymore." he yelps and smashes his lips to mine very harshly. At first I don't kiss back but then I feel something for him and kiss back just as harsh as him, my hands moving up to his hair.

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