Chapter 34

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Amanda's POV

I walk to makeup and let the artist do their thing. Once they are done I think I look pretty good. We meet behind the stage and Simon isn't talking to me while the other two are talking to me nonstop. I smile and finally get out of the conversation with fifteen minutes to spare. I look over at Simon who is just standing, looking down at his phone. I smile at his handsomeness and the fact that I can't stay mad at him long.
"Si...." I whisper and he looks at me, I see tears rolling down his cheeks and I'm about to die from it.
"Oh no. Si, don't cry." I whisper and wipe his face quickly.

"Please...just...leave me alone Amanda." he sighs and looks away from me.

"I'm sorry." I whisper and get closer to him until our bodies are touching.

"Amanda, don't do this." he whispers and pushes away from me.

"Simon, come here." I say and pull him to the closest door I can find. We end up in a janitors closet but I don't care at this point.

"Amanda, what are you doing?" he asks, now looking a bit annoyed.

"Simon, I know that with David didn't help.....I was just thinking revenge sex but I'm also with David. Just like your with Alesha." I whisper, so no one can hear us.

"Amanda, I won't do anything that you don't want. I won't kiss you, date you, or even make love to you unless you tell me."  he whispers back.

"But my dream...." I start but he stops me.

"THIS IS REALITY AMANDA!!! EVERYTHING ISN'T PERFECT! I'M NOT PERFECT!" he yelps, grabbing both of my arms and pressing me up against a wall.
"Amanda, I love you! But I can not and won't keep dealing with your crap all the time! Make a da*n decision on who you want to be with." he says.

"I guess I could say the same to you Cowell." I whisper and then walk out of the closet. I go back to my spot and no body even realized I was gone.

"Amanda!" I hear and male voice. I look up and it's David coming towards me.

"Yes, darling." I whisper.

"I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to go back to my place after the show. I know your in a hotel right now, waiting for Chris to finish moving so..." he smiles. I look over and see Simon staring at me, waiting for me to give an answer.

"David, listen, I love you so much but.....I don't think we should be together. I honestly think you and Alesha would work but and you should invite her back to your place." I smile and he looks torn.

"But earlier..." he starts.

"I was angry...I wasn't even thinking straight." I frown and he nods his head and then goes to Alesha.
"I hope your happy." I whimper but only loud enough for Simon to hear. He says nothing. Just stands there. Soon we are announced onto stage and of course I'm excited. So many people scream my name and hold signs for me. I look around and see some people holding up signs that say 'Simanda is REAL' and it makes me laugh. They can keep wishing just like me. We sit down and begin a long audition day.

~After le auditions~

Auditions are finally over and it's actually before four o' clock. I decide to run by my place and get a few things. I then leave because Chris is still there. I then go back to the hotel that I have for at least four more days. I'm glad I can finally be alone for a bit. I wash off my makeup and then take another shower so that all the products are out of my hair. I put on my pajama pants. Then walking into the second room since Simon and Alesha decided to be gross in my room. I look around and notice Simon's shirt is still in the floor. I grab it and pull it over my head and then fall back onto the bed with a sigh. So, everything isn't perfect and Simon and I aren't together, but who said you needed a man to be satisfied. I mean Elsa doesn't have a man and Mulan becomes a man for awhile. But, I'm not gonna become a man at all. Even though I may or may not have given it thought. I giggle at my thoughts and then hear someone move in the doorway.
"Simon." I whisper and he smiles.

"Hey Mandy." He whispers back and then looks down. I see his fingers intertwine with each other and then he walks forward a bit.
"I'm sorry." He says quietly.

"So, am I." I whisper.
"I should've never even told you anything." I whisper and get up to walk to the bathroom.

"Amanda, don't do this to me...please." He begs.

"Are you still with Alesha?" I ask and he doesn't answer me. He just looks down at the floor and says absolutely nothing.
"That's what I thought. I broke up with David for you! Yet you can't break up with Alesha for one second." I begin to cry and pull away from him aggressively. I walk into the bathroom and just look at myself in the mirrior. I don't want him or this anymore. I decide to call the one person who has loved me since I got up yesterday morning. 

"Hello." he says.

"Hey, can you please come over." I whisper.

"But you said..." he starts.

"I know. I just really need someone right now and your all I have left." I whisper and feel the warm tears down my face.

~1hr later~

Simon never left but instead just went to the room next to me. I hear a knock at the door and then hear Simon answer it.
"Amanda, there's someone here to see you." he whispers and then slings my door open. David walks in and then shuts the door right on Simon's face, locking it in the process.

"Hey." he whispers and I immediately burst into tears.

"David, I'm sorry. This whole thing is stupid and I can't do it anymore." I sob and he takes off his shoes and then slides onto the bed with me. His arms wrap tightly around my body and I just lay on his chest.

"It's okay Mandy. I got you babe." he whispers and I cling to him and don't let go even as I begin to get tired and eventually fall asleep.

Simon's POV

As David leaves into Amanda's room I feel jealousy begin to overflow. Is she really gonna get back together with him. Surely not. I don't her for being upset though...I mean I pressured her and now she broke up with David while I'm still with Alesha. Everytime we try to have something then everything goes wrong and I end up the bad person. I have to make a decision and quick before she lets me go forever. I finally pick up my phone and do what I should've done a long time ago.

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