Chapter 38

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Amanda's POV

I'm laying on top of Simon, both of our bodies sweating from the activity we just finished. I'm running my fingers through his chest hair and he's rubbing my back with the tip of his fingers. I look at the clock and we still have two hours until everyone else gets here.
"Si." I whisper.

"Hmmm?" he hums and adjust his head so he can look down at me.

"What did we just do?" I ask.

"Well, I think most people call it sex but you could say made love." he smirks and I let out a giggle.

"No, I said you have a person. I don't want to be your side piece...I want to be the only one." I whisper and sit up, straddling him in the process. Leaning over, I grab my bra and underwear while he grabs his boxers. After we both have our undergarments on I sit back down on him and he's now sitting up.

"I don't know.....I mean I just started seeing someone." he whispers.

"But....your willing to cheat on them with me?" I question.

"It just happened okay." he whispers.

"Is that it....or did you just want in my pants.

"..." he looks down at his feet.

"Wow." I whisper and pull my dress over my head, now backing away.

"Amanda..." he whispers.

"You...don't love me or want me. You just wanted to get in my pants." I whisper as my back hits the door. I scoff and then turn to unlock the door.

"Amanda please...." he says.

"Great job Cowell! You got in my pants and now you have nothing to hold you down! You succeeded at your sh**y goal!" I yell as tears begin to fall down my red cheeks. I slam his door as hard as I can and then walk to my dressing room. To my surprise all my people are there so I go ahead and let them do my outfit,hair, and makeup. Once I'm finished up I walk out to the judges room and wait for Alesha and David. I can't believe Simon did what he did to me. I can't do this with him anymore. I'm done trying to wait on him! I'm done with him...if he's gonna be so blind as to not realize me other than to be in pants then I'm done.

"Amanda, why are you crying?" I hear someone asks. I look up and see David in front of me.

"I-I'm not." I whisper. He kneels in front of me and grabs my hands.

"Clearly you are doll." he chuckles and wipes one side of my face. I then begin to sob and let myself fall against him.
"Shhhh, what happened love?" he asks. I fell someone sit down beside me and I look over to see Alesha.

"I-it's Simon." I sob and they both look at each other.

"What did he do?" Alesha asks.

"We did it.....and he only did it to get in my pants not because he loves me or wants a relationship." I sob into David's shoulder.

"That sh*t face." David whispers and then wipes my tears away. I look at him and he half smiles.

"C-can I sit by David today?" I whisper and both of them nod.
"Thanks guys." I whisper.

"We are here for you baby." Alesha whispers in my ear and then begins to whisper sweet things to me until I calm down. Soon it's time to go out and I take a seat by David while Alesha sits by Simon. Simon stares down at me and I don't look back at him. He's not even worth the side glance. It's our first live show and I'm so excited. One of the singing groups comes out and starts singing Worth It by 5H. I cheer and stand up on my feet, swaying my hips and singing to the top of my lungs. Alesha stands with me and so does David. We walk over to Simon trying to get him up and dance but he doesn't. We finally give up and I just keep dancing. I start singing while looking right at him

Give it to me I'm worth it

He smirks and grabs my hand. He then stands up and spins me around. Once I'm facing him again he pulls my face to his and our lips smash together. Everyone screams and shouts making my ears almost hurt. I pull away breathing hard and feeling tears brim my eyes. He can't do this to me! This does not get to happen. I feel myself backing away and then spinning around and running to my dressing room.

Alesha's POV

I see Simon smash his lips to Amanda's and once they pull away she begins to cry and then run away. What was he thinking! The cameras cut once and I march up to him until I'm in his face. I slap him right across the face and then everyone gasp while he glares at me.
"That's my best friend and you played her only so you could get in her pants!" I yelp with my finger pointed at his chest.

"Alesha, it's not like that." he whispers.

"LISTEN! You sick piece of sh*t! You better hope to God that when I walk back there that she isn't doing something stupid because if so I'm coming after you!" I yelp and storm off.

David's POV

"They are so dramatic." Simon chuckles and stuffs his hands in his pocket.

"Simon, they are right. You should have never done what you did this morning to Amanda and just now. That was sick and you should never have done it." I reply back softer than the girls. He's been an ass lately and I don't know why and I also don't care at all.

" you really think I hurt her that bad?" he asks. I nod my head and he looks down at the floor.
"Da*n it." he mumbles and walks off. I look around and the whole crowd is staring.

Amanda's POV

I storm to my dressing room and plop down on the couch. I slowly ball up and begin to sob harder and harder. To the point that it's hard to breath and I have my now sweaty palm over my chest. I feel myself getting light headed but I don't care.
"Amanda!" I hear a familiar voice. Someone kneels right infront of me and begins to tell me to breath. My vision clears a bit and I notice it's Simon in front of me.

"Go a-a-away." I sob.

"No, I'm not leaving you in this condition." he whispers and gets up on this couch beside me.

"I don't w-w-want you h-here."

"We both know that's a lie." he sighs and pulls me into his lap so he can hold onto me.
"Plus your in my dressing room." he whispers.

"S-sorry." I breath unsteady and he chuckles.

"Mandy." he whispers. I look up at him and he wipes my face with both hands and then kisses my forehead.
"I am so sorry. You don't deserve what I did to you."

"I just don't understand how in a month you can move past me and then just use me." I sniffle.

"I....didn't." he whispers.

"What?" I ask now confused, with my face in his neck.

"I never found anyone and this morning...that was so real and the most amazing I've ever had." he smiles.

"Then why did you lie?" I ask.

"I didn't want to hurt you Amanda. If I mess up then you get hurt and I can't afford to do that to someone I love. I'd give my life you. If it means me never hurting you then I'm willing to do anything in this world for you." he whispers and holds me tightly.

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