Chapter 15

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Amanda's POV

I pull away from Simon wishing I didn't. I look into his eyes and I feel old feeling about to burst out of me. I run my hand across the side of his face and just stare at his great smile and shining eyes. I hear the door knob start to jiggle so I quickly back away and change my face the best I can.
"Well, thank you for bringing me home." I smile. Ethan walks out and smiles at me and then looks at Simon.

"Who are you?" he asks.

"Ethan, this is Simon. Simon and I have been friends for awhile with him." I smile, grabbing his hand and looking across at Simon who is looking at me confused. He finally reaches his hand out.

"I'm Ethan, Amanda's boyfriend." Ethan says with a smug smile.

"Nice to meet you." Simon says with a straight line across his face. 

"Babe, I actually need to run to the store and then to my parents. I'll be back in about an hour and a half." he smiles and then kisses my lips a bit longer than normal. I think I know why and it's kind of annoying. When he finally pulls away I frown a bit and then open my mouth.

"I'm just gonna talk to Simon a bit and catch up." I smile and he just nods and leaves. I open my front door and then he comes in. I shut and lock the door and then stand in front of him.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend? I would have never kissed you if I knew Amanda." he whispers.

"Simon, I'm sorry.....I just.." I start.

"You just thought what? We were gonna have sex? I'm like I used to be! I didn't want sex from you I just wanted another chance and get to know this new you. Obviously there hasn't been much change for you." he states with a bit of a raised voice.

"I'm sorry. I've just missed you so much and to even see you again makes me happy." I whisper, looking down at the floor.

"Amanda, if I'm bringing back the old you then you don't need to be around me." he says, grabbing my hand and making me look up at him. I get on my tip toes and kiss him softly but he doesn't kiss back.

"Si, I need this....I need you." I whisper.

Simon's POV

"Si, I need this.....I need you." she whispers and tries to kiss me again but I turn away.

"Amanda,  how about we just sit down and watch a movie together." I sigh and she frowns but then nods and agrees. We pop in a random movie and she sits down beside me at a resoniable distance. I want to just pull her close and hold her tightly but she has a boyfriend so I can't do that to her. 

~1 hour later~

I wake up to a loud bang and then look around. Amanda is laying her head in my lap asleep and the doorknob is jiggling.

"Amanda! Let me in it's Ethan and I forgot my key!" he yells and Amanda is just peacefully sleeping. I push myself up and open the door for him. His face is completely red and his fist clenched.
"Where the hell is she?" he asks sounding pissed off.

"She's on the couch sleeping. She's had a bit of a rough day so I'm sure she's tired." I say calmly. Once he sees her his face relaxes and he calms down. His hand reaches to her face as he carresses it. He smiles and then stands back up and faces me with his chest puffed a bit.

"You can here tonight if you would like. Being as it's pretty late." he says reluctant and then picks Amanda up and goes up the stairs. I chuckle and plop down on the couch letting out a heavy sigh. I eventually lay over and fall asleep.

Amanda's POV

I wake up in someone's arms but it's not Simon. I look up and it's Ethan. He's laying me down on the bed gently.
"When did you get here?" I ask.

"About thirty minutes ago. Oh and Simon is sleeping on the couch." he smiles and then lays down beside me. After about two hours he is asleep and I can't sleep because I just can't get comfortable. I get aggravated and go down stairs to get a glass of water. Tiptoeing past Simon, I finally make it to the kitchen and grab a small glass and fill it with water. I sit and sip on it for it for a bit before feeling arms wrap around me. 

"What are you doing back up?" the voice whispers in my ear and I know it's Simon.

"The real question is why are you up Mr.Cowell?" I chuckle and turn in his arms. He has a cute smile on his face and is half asleep and half awake. 
"Go lay down love." I giggle and brush my hand through his hair. I walk with him back to the couch and notice he's got tense shoulders.
"Why don't I show you our extra room." I smile and he nods.

"Thanks Mandy." he sighs and lays his head on my shoulder as we walk to the downstairs room that has a basic bed with sheets and a blanket with a few pillows. 

"You still call me Mandy?" I ask and smile.

"Of course I do. No matter what you'll always be my little Mandy." he smiles and then trudges over to the bed, falling back on it.

"I'm going back to bed to try and get some sleep." I chuckle and wave my fingers at em.
"Night Night Simon." I giggle and then shut the light off and then close the door. I walk back to my bed and slip in with Ethan.

~5 hrs later~

It's offically morning and I haven't got any rest what so ever. I've just been awake staring at the ceiling. Ethan has already left for work and as far as I know Simon is still sleeping. I get up and walk to the extra room and look at the bed. I was right he's still asleep and he looks so cute. I shut the door and crawl into the bed beside him. He turns facing me with his eyes still closed.
"What are you doing up? It's like seven in the morning." he mumbles as he wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me to his chest.

"I didn't sleep at all last night and Ethan is already gone until tonight." I sigh, rubbing his chest.

"Why don't you get some sleep now." he sighs.
"I'll keep you safe. I promise."

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