Chapter 32

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Amanda's POV

I'm sitting at the desk with Simon when I see Alesha come along with a huge smile.
"Hey Mandy." she smiles and stands by my chair.

" look beautiful." Simon comments, looking her over.

"Quit undressing her with your eyes Simon!" I hear David yelp.

"I don't mind!" Alesha giggles and kisses Simon's lips tenderly.

"EW!" I scream and roll myself back. What the hell kind of world am I living in. Alesha and Simon are together and I'm with Chris but having an affair with David! I'm so confused. I don't even know what to think right now. Alesha looks at me like I'm crazy and then giggles.

"You always have to be joking." she laughs and then sits by David and I.

"Yeah.....jokes." I sigh and rub the back of my neck.

"Are you okay Amanda?" Simon whispers in my ear as a little girl walks out on stage.

"Hell no!" I say in his ear and he just stares at her as I begin to talk to her.
"Hey there little one." I grin and she smiles replying with her name and a hello.

"And how old are you?" Alesha asks.

"I'm five years old!" she says and holds up five fingers. After her performance which was absolutely amazing they say we are done for a few hours but have to stay at the studio. I run to my dressing room and hear foot steps behind me. I slam my dressing room door, falling back into my makeup chair with tears threatening to fall.

"Amanda." I hear a whisper and a knock.

"Go away David!" I yelp and begin to cry.

"It's not David, love." I hear Simon's voice as he opens and closes the door. I just hide my face and try to understand this.
"What's going on with you?" he asks quietly.

"I don't understand any of this." I whine.

"What is there to not understand Amanda?" he whispers, grabbing my hands and rubbing them with his thumbs.

"Simon, I met you in a coffee shop." I whisper.

"Yes and I knocked you over." he smiles.

"YES! That's correct." I smiles.

"And you burst into laughter when I did." he smiles.

"Noooo!" I whine.

"What do you mean no? What did you do?" He asks confused.

"I.....I cried." I whisper.

"No....I remember the first time I seen that beautiful smile and I would remember the first time I seen you cry. I've never seen you actually cry, only laugh and be pissed off." he says.

"I just......" I start but then I actually do break down into tears because I am so confused and want my Simon back.

"Oh God! Please don't cry baby." he whispers and pulls me to him. That smell.....that oh so pefect scent that I haven't got to smell since I woke up this morning. I look up into his eyes and smash our lips together, hoping that he will remember something...anything about us. He puts his hands on my waist and pulls me a bit closer to him. I pull away and he looks at me like crazy.

"Holy Hell....that was amazing Amanda." he sighs and wraps his arms tighter around me.

"Do you remember anything?" I ask him. He shakes his head and I begin to cry again.

"How about this. You come over to my place tonight and we can figure out what the hell is going on and if I can do anything to fix it." he smiles and pecks my lips.

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