Chapter 21

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Simon's POV

We are sitting at the BGT desk on a five minute break when all of a sudden Amanda pukes all over.
"Amanda!" I yelp and she closes her mouth and then runs off as everyone gasps.
"Cancel the rest of the show for tonight." I whisper to the camera man and then walk off to find Amanda. I find her in a bathroom over a toliet.
"Are you alright darling?" I whisper, pulling her hair back.

"Simon.." she says between gasps.

"Yes." I reply.

"I think I'm pregnant." she whispers.

"What do you mean?" I asks.

"I've been having morning sickness for the past week." she sighs.

"Have you taken a test?" I ask.

"No, not yet." she replies.

"Okay, how about we go to my place and on the way we will stop to buy the tests." I smile.

~1 hour later~

Amanda come out of the bathroom and says she's now just waiting on results which takes about five minutes.
"What if I am pregnant?" she asks.

"Then I will be the best father I can be and you will be the most amazing mother." I smile.

"Si, I wanted to get back together with you. But not because of a child." she whispers.

"Then lets get back together." I say in excitement because I've wanted to be with her for so long.

"But what if we have another fight? What's gonna happen? Are we just gonna run away again?" she asks so many questions.

"I will ALWAYS be right by your side no matter what! I'm not gonna leave unless you ask me to." I smile back at her and then the timer on her phone goes off.

"Let's cross our fingers." she smiles and then walks into the bathroom. After a few moments she comes out with tears down her face and the stick in her hand.

"Awe, Mandy it's okay we can try again if you would like. Not that we tried the first time." I chuckle.

"No Si. Your gonna be a daddy." she smiles.

"Really!?!" I exclaim.

"Yeah." she giggles. I pick her up and spin her around until we land on the couch with her on top of me. I sit up kiss her with all my passion and then push her back as my hands travel up her shirt. She pulls my shirt off and I do the same to her.

"Wait what are we gonna name the baby." I asks out of breath.

"I don't know." she giggles and begins kissing me again.

"Is this even safe?" I asks.

"Um yes. It's safe" she laughs and kisses me again.

"Are you sure?" i ask again.

"It's offical I'm not horny anymore." she giggles and goes to get up but my hands stop her.

"But I am." I whine.

"To bad. Shouldn't have asked all those questions Cowell." she laughed and then poked my chest.

"Boy or Girl" I grin.

"Whichever." she smiles back.

"I think if it's a boy I can take him out to flirt with girls but if it's a girl I'm never taking her out because she'll start getting to beautiful. She will inherit her beauty from her mother." I smirk.

"Oh stop it." she giggles, grabbing my white tshirt and pulling it over her head. 

"You always look super cute in my clothing." I smile and she grabs my face looking deep into my eyes.

"I bet I look better with them off." she whispers.

"I can agree." I smirk and let my hand go inside the shirt, rubbing her stomach slowly.

"That feels good." she smiles and leans back against my chest. I stop and she whines softly making me want to take her. I begin to rub her stomach again and her beautiful smile returns. 

~2 months later~

I lay in the bed with Amanda sleeping on her left side because that's the only way the baby will let her sleep. We had to switch places because she wanted to face me when she sleeps. She's starting to get a little baby bump and it makes her look so cute. She finally isn't puking anymore since two weeks ago. But now she is craving weird stuff. Like eating fish sticks and custard (if your a geek you'll know the food reference) I look at her face and she's glowing. The only thing I wish I could help is her sleep patterns. She barely sleeps because she has little pangs of pain at night when she sleeps. This is the most she has slept in awhile. As she begins to wake up I rub her belly as I always have when she wakes up.
"Morning." she mumbles.

"Morning Beautiful." I whisper, still rubbing her belly.

"Mmmm that feels so good babe." she says, scooting closer to me and playing with the hair at the nape of my neck.

"I knew you would enjoy it." I chuckle.
"Would you like some breakfast?" I asks.

"I don't know. Ask the baby." she laughs.

"Hey there little one. Are you hungry?" I whisper to her belly.

"Hey I go to the doctor today so I can find out if it's a boy or a girl." she smiles.

"When? I'll come with you?" I ask.

"Oh probably about an hour" she sighs.

"Alright well lets get ready." I smile and run to grab a shower.

~few hours later~

We sit in the room where Amanda is about to get her ultrasound.
"Are you excited?" I ask.

"Very!" she says and squeezes my hand. The doctor walks in and starts to get everything ready. I lift Mandy's shirt and the doctor squeezes gel on her stomach.
"Holy Hell this is cold." she sighs.

"That's what a lot of women say." the doctor chuckles.
"Alright here we go." he sighs.
"Looks like the heartbeat is doing very well." he smiles.

"What's the gender?" Amanda asks.

"Alright your baby is....." he starts.



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