Chapter 12

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Simon's POV

I run into the hospital only to be denied the access to see Amanda because I'm not technically family. I sit in a chair by an older woman who is coughing and looks deathly sick.
"Excuse me Miss, but are you alright?" I ask nicely.

"I am really sick and have been here for two hours but...." she stops to cough and it's quite horrifying. She pulls away her cloth and there's a bit of blood in it. I get a bit upset and walk over to a nurse.

"Excuse me but that lady right there is coughing up blood! Is there nothing you can do to help her?" I ask kinda of upset that nobody is helping her. 

"Oh wow! Yes I will get her right now! Thank you for notifying me sir." She smiles and then walks over to the elderly lady and takes her back. I plop back down in my seat and pull my phone out to check my Twitter. It's quite interesting to see what people are up to on here. Sometimes there are quotes and other times there's just weird things. I look at some things I've been mentioned in and once I see it my eyes bulge. Mostly everything from today is about Lauren being pregnant. My mouth drops open and I feel my stomach go into knots. How can this happen? It's all over gossip sights and everything. I decide to call Lauren to see what the hell she has done. Once she answers I begin to speak.
"What the hell Lauren!" I yelp.

"Woah, Simon why are you yelling at me?" she asks.

"I can't believe you would do this to me right when things got bad you made them worse!" I yell and one of the nurses looks at me sternly. I nod my head and walk outside the doors.

"SIMON! What did I do?" she asks.

"You told the media about the baby!!!" I scream.

"What the hell? No I haven't told anyone but you! I figured since you wanted nothing to do with it then I would put the child up for adoption." she states.

"Then who the hell said something!?!" I yell again.

"I don't know!" she yells back.

"Listen, I can not let Amanda see this! If she does then this will make things really bad and she's in the hospital right now." I whisper into the phone.

"I'm sorry Simon....there's nothing I can do to help you." she sighs and then hangs up the phone. 

"Dammit!!" I scream and throw my phone down on the sidewalk, watching it bust into many pieces.
"Shit." I whisper and pick up the fragments of my phone. I walk back inside and up to the desk. 
"Please tell me I can see Amanda Holden." I whisper softly, trying to hold back the tears that are ready to overflow. She looks at me with sympathy and nods her head. After I'm back in her room I just pull a chair beside her and grab her small hand and long fingers, holding them into my slightly larger hands. I look at her and of course she's hooked up to the typical machines but also an I.V as well. What the hell did she do? I feel myself start to break and I begin to cry quietly as I press my lips softly to her hand.

~2 hrs~

I feel my eyes start to get heavy until I feel a movement in my hands and I look up to see Amanda's eyes fluttering open.
"Amanda?" I whisper softly and I see a smile pulling at her lips.

"Si, where am I?" she asks.

"Your in the hospital." I whisper back and she nods and then swallows kind of hard.

"I-I'm mouth is really dry." she sighs. I nod and walk out of the room to get a nurse. I walk to the desk by Amanda's room and ask for some water. He decides to go ahead and just come check Amanda out and what not so we walk back together. 

"So, I was never told what happened to her." I say, looking out the window.

"She was on the verge of alcohol posoining." he says with a staight face. I look down at my shoes and my heart drops. If I would have been there then she wouldn't have had this problem. The nurse leaves and I just sit and feel the silent tears fall from my face.

"Simon." I hear her whisper but I just shake my head and quickly wipe my tears so she doesn't see them.

"I..uh need to go grab something out of the car. I'll be back in a bit." I choke out and then walk out of her room and run to the bathroom and into a stall. Sliding down the wall I let everything just go and the tears are falling abundently. 

~30 minutes later~

 I finally decide to get up and walk to the car to grab something so Amanda doesn't get suspicious. As I walk out the door I see flashing cameras and realize who it is. There is a swarm of paparazzi all over.

"Simon! Is it true Lauren is pregnant with your child?" one asks.

"Simon! Are you and Amanda Holden together?" another asks.

"Simon! Will you be a judge on BGT this year with Amanda Holden, Alesha Dixon, and David Walliams?" asks yet another.

"Would all of you leave me alone for God's sake!" I yell and they all just keep coming with questions. 
"FINE! Yes Lauren if pregnant with my child and NO Amanda and I are not dating! And yes I will be a judge but I will not say with who!" I yell and once I do I instantly regret every word because every bit of this is a live feed. I spin and walk to the car to grab a bottle of water and then run back into the hospital because they can't get in there. After about five more minutes I am back in Amanda's room and she's already back asleep.

~2 days later~

Amanda was finally released a few hours ago and now we are just sitting at the house. Mainly to let her rest.
"I'm gonna go grab something to eat and a drink. Want something?" I ask her. She gives her sweet smile and I peck her lips before going to the kitchen.

Amanda's POV

As Simon walks away I decide to look at my phone since I haven't in almost three days. I've got a bunch of notifications. Some say 'Exclusive: Simon admits Lauren is pregnant' and others say 'Simon Cowell denies any relation with Amanda Holden' I click on the one with pregnancy and read the article and then watch the video provided. Paparazzi are swarming him adn then he finally yells. Everyone freezes and he says that Lauren is prengnant and that him and I are not even together. I feel the tears coming but I don't want them to at all. This could be the worst thing ever. Why didn't he tell me Lauren was pregnant? I finally push myself up and walk into the kitchen getting ready to confront him. He looks up as I walk in and I get captivated by his sweet brown eyes and his cheeky smile. 

"Hey babe. I can still make you something if you like." he says sweetly and comes over with a sliced bit of apple and peanut butter on it. Popping it in his mouth he smiles and then chews quite slowly. After he swallows I go to talk but he presses his lips against mine harshly and I kiss back just as harsh. Suddenly everything I wanted to say just disappears and everything I want his to do to me and I to him appear. He pushes me back against the island until I jump up on it with his help. I giggle when we almost miss and he laughs at my giggle. He goes to my neck and leaves purple and blue love bites on me. When he finds the pulse on my neck and sucks a little harder making me gasp at this kind of contact. I can feel my body pushing against his trying to create some kind of friction. His hands travel all over my body and right before I drown in the ocean of pleasure he is creating I'm pulled me back into reality and remember why I even came in here.

"Why didn't you tell me Lauren was pregnant?" I gasp in his ear as he is still kissing my neck.



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