Chapter 18

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Simon's POV
After the press interview and the bathroom incident we walk back out and she's holding onto my arm tightly since she's a bit dizzy from all the tears and puking. One of the woman from the press meeting walks up to us and stops us.
"Excuse me, I just wanted to apologize for everyone's behavior at the meeting." She says while looking into my eyes.

"Just please leave us alone." I whisper and push past her.  Amanda goes paler and her cheeks blow up. She runs to another bathroom and spends a few minutes in there. Once she's done she can barely walk and she looks deathly sick. I get to the car with her and set her down. I then stand outside her door and call David.

"What's up Simon?" He asks picking up the phone.

"Hey can I come over?" I ask.

"Of course. Alesha is out but I'm here." He says. I quickly hang up the phone because I've noticed Amanda has passed out. I grab her hand and squeeze it tightly as I speed down the road to David's. Once there I run up to the door and bang as hard as possible. 

"DAVID OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!!" I yelp and he opens it after a few seconds.

"What the hell Simon!" He yelps and I run back to the car and get Amanda's sweating body out. I push past David and run to the guest bedroom. I lay her down and David is right behind me.
"What's going on?" He asks.

"Damn it David! I don't f***ing know!" I yelp getting in his face and trying not to cry being as I still do love her.

"What's going on in here?" Alesha asks as she walks in the room.

"Oh my God! Mandy! What's wrong with her?" She asks, pushing Amanda's hair back. I finally get pissed and walk out slamming the bedroom door.

Alesha's POV

I rush to get a wet cloth and dab Amanda's forehead slowly. She groans softly and I see her hands are trembling.
"S-Simon." she mumbles.

"Would you like for me to go get em darling?" I whisper and she nods her head with a face full of pain. I run out to the front porch and see Simon sitting on the hood of his car with tears down his face.

"Hey, what's wrong Simon?" I whisper, grabbing his hand and squeezing it softly.

"I just hate to see her hurt. I've only been around for maybe three days and shes lost her boyfriend and nows shes freaking sick and won't wake up." he sobs and lays his head on my shoulder.

"Hey listen, she's in there barely awake and asking for you." I whisper. His head shoots up and then he wipes his face and runs inside.

Amanda's POV

I feel myself going in and out of blackness as I hear beats on the floor and then a rough hand grab mine.
"Amanda." this voice whispers and I can tell it's male.

"Simon?" I whisper back and I feel his hand tighten a bit.

"Yeah it's me darling." he says, I can tell he has a smile forming.
"Do you need anything?" he says.

"I'm hot." I say and I feel his hand leave mine and sounds of water beside me.  His hand then touches mine and it's wet and then I feel a rag touch my head. I breath softly as the cool rag sweeps across my forhead slowly. I vision starts to clear up and I see Simon's worried face. I slowly reach one hand up to his face and he leans into it a bit.
"Why do I hurt you so much every time your around?" I whisper.

"You don't. I think life just happens and when we are together it tends to push us apart. Which makes me want to be by your side even more than ever." he smiles and puts the now dry rag down. He leans down and kisses my forehead as my eyes begin to close again. I feel a smile cross my lips as darkness carries me away once again.

Simon's POV

As Amanda begins to fall asleep again I kiss her forehead and squeeze her hand lightly. Once she's fully asleep I slowly pull away and walk into the kitchen where David and Alesha are gathered.
"How is she?" Alesha asks with concern.

"She just fell back asleep. She'll be alright though." I smile and Alesha lets out a sigh and then walks over the David so he'll hold her tightly. I watch them hug and it makes me want to do that for Amanda. Just to hold her and not let go ever. I feel pretty exhausted so I walk back to the guest room and sit in the recliner that's against the wall. I let the leg rest up and fall asleep pretty quickly.

Amanda's POV
~4 hours later- that evening~

I begin to wake up again and I'm feeling a lot better than I was. Once my eyes are fully open I look around and see Simon sleeping in the recliner against the wall. I realise how sweaty I am and now I really want a shower. I go to get up but my legs give out and I fall with a loud thud to the ground. 
"Mandy! Are you okay?" I hear Simon run to my side and pick me up.

"I-I just wanted a shower." I mutter and feel the tears start to well up.

"It's okay love. Don't cry, I'll help you." he smiles and rubs my back. I nod my head and he carries me to the bathroom in the hallway and then shuts and locks the door. Starting the shower, he turns back to me and begins to take off my clothes. My shirt comes off as well as my jeans and I feel my face feel my face get hot since he hasn't seen me naked in a long time. He looks down at my waist and his eyes bulge. I grab the shirt beside me and cover myself so he'll stop. 
"Your so small." he whispers.

"I-I'm sorry?" I kind of question. 

"NO! It's becasue you've been sick and really weak. You need food." he sighs and removes the shirt and then my undergarments go. He goes to stand me in the shower but I can barely stand let alone hang on to anything because I'm so weak. He takes off his shirt and jeans and then steps in the shower.

"Si, what about your inderwear?" I question.

"If your okay with that. I mean I just want to be respectful and a good friend." he smiles.

"It's fine. I promise." I smile a bit. I feel my arms start to shake from trying to hold my body up and right as I'm about to fall he catches me and pulls me to him. He then begins to wash my body slowly and it's quite relaxing actually. After that he begins to massage my head with soap and rinse. Then conditioning it before rinsing it again. Once he's finished up the water turns off and we just stand there in the shower he goes to move but I put my hand up to stop him.
"Please just stay. I want to stay like this for a few minutes." I whisper and he nods his head, water falling in his face. I reach up and wipe it all away and then push his wet hair back so no more droplets fall in his face. He smiles slighly and wraps his arm tightly around my back so I can stand a bit straighter. I lay back down on his chest and he wraps my legs around his hips. He wraps me up in a towel and then lays me on the bed as he grabs his underwear and jeans. Once he's pulled his bottoms on he goes to get Alesha but I stop him.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"Don't leave me please. Just stay and lay with me." I whisper and reach my arm out to him. I pull my towel off and gets in the bed and pulls the covers over both of us. I soon feel safe and my nostrils fill with his scent as well as my body feeling that close warmth that I haven't felt from him in a long time.

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