Chapter 17

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Simon's POV

I wake up to someone touching my arm and calling out my name in a hushed tone. I open my eyes slightly to see Amanda standing in front of me. My sweatshirt covering her slim shape until it barely cavers her front and the middle of her bottom. Her hairs a bit messy from what I assume was sleep and her face is a bit red.
"Are you alright darling?" I ask, sitting up and bringing my blanket with me being as I'm only in boxers.

"I'm not feeling well. My stomach is hurting pretty bad and my head is pounding." she whimpers. My concern makes me get up immediately to fell her forehead. She's a bit warm so I go to the medcine cabinet and bring her back some medication for her stomach and head. Once she takes it I just pick her up and lay her down in the bed I was sleeping in. After a few moments she lets out a low growl and sits up, putting her face in her hands.

"What's wrong?" I ask, sitting up with her and wrapping one on my arms around her.

"I'm so damn hot and I can't do anything about it." she says, sounding kind of pissed.

"Take off the sweatshirt." I say in a duh tone and she hits my arm.
"What was that for?" I ask in disbelief.

"This is not the time to be a perv Simon." she whines.

"I'm being serious. If your so hot just take of the sweatshirt. I have an extra blanket at the end of the bed if you want it." I smile and she nods her head. While I'm getting the extra blanket the strips the sweatshirt from her body and falls back. I peck her head and then lay back and fall asleep myself.

Amanda's POV

As Simon falls asleep I let out a small sigh because I just can't sleep. I've never been able to when I'm sick for whatever reason. I push the blanket off of myself and slowly get out of the bed. I walk into the kitchen and grab a glass of water. As I'm gulping it down some of it drips down my bare tummy and I giggle cause it kinda tickles. After I'm done I feel a bit cooler so I go to crawl back in the bed but instead of getting under my own blankets I get under Simon's. I scoot closer to him and set one of my legs on his hip. I study his face because it's been awhile since I have. I always wondered if it was true that when someone is asleep it makes them look younger and it's true. The few wrinkles are gone and he just looks so peaceful. I feel his hand move down to my thigh and his thumb moves up and down slowly and then stops. He's so sweet and even in his sleep is so caring. I lean up a bit and peck his lips softly before falling back and cuddling in his neck. Soon I fall asleep after getting comfortable laying just the way I was and Simon's thumb rubbing my thigh every few minutes.

Simon's POV

I blink a few times to get my eyes to adjust to the sunlight that's bleeding through the window. I stretch out my arm and look down to see part of Amanda's body wrapped around me. I smile and run my fingers through her ombre colored hair. She really has changed quite a bit and the fact is, that she is better than she was. My phone starts buzzing beside me and I pick it up after the fourth buzz.
"Hello." I whisper.

"SIMON!! Where are you?!?! The show starts in an hour damn it!" yells the producer over the phone.

"Hey, it doesn't start until next week! What the hell!" I whisper through gritted teeth.

"No, the interview with you and Amanda! Who I also can't get ahold of! Probably off fu*king some sorry loser." he yelps again.

"I'll be there! Give me ten." I say and then hang up before I cuss em out for what he said.
"Mandy, baby girl, we gotta get up for an interview we have in an hour." I whisper sweetly in her ear. She nods softly and her hand slides down from my shoulder to my stomach as she exhales deeply. I peck her forehead before getting up to go get a shower in my room. As I'm starting the shower the door opens to Amanda.

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