Chapter 11

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Amanda's POV
~A Month Later~

I'm sitting in Simon's office with Alesha and David waiting on him to get back. He called all of us to his office to ask us something "Super Important." he said. So, now, here we sit just waiting in silence.

"What the hell is taking him so long! I have work to do?" David says impatiently and starts pacing.

"Seriously? You literally probably sit at your house all day." I giggle. Alesha looks at me wide eyed and I see David's face go red.

"Listen Holden! I am trying to finish a book and I have something to do at noon! So either your boyfriend is here in the next two minutes or I'm leaving!" he yelps.

"No need to talk to my lady like that." I hear Simon's voice and look over to see him strutting in with three folders.

"SI!" I say excitedly and jump at him, hugging him tightly. He chuckles and then puts me down and sits behind his desk, relaxing back in his chair. 

"Why are we all her Cowell?" David says fuming.

"First of all, you need to calm down! Once you do I will talk to your dumbass. As for you lady's I have a question." he smiles.

"Okay what's up?" Alesha asks.

"You know BGT right?" he asks.

"Yes! I watch it every year!" Alesha jumps and I start giggling at her reaction.

"Well, I've been asked to be a judge and I get to pick who I want with me." he says.

"YOU DON'T MEAN!" she souts, wide eyed. He nods and she squeals and runs behind the desk, jumping in his lap and hugging his neck. He breaks out in laughter and just hugs her back. She finally gets up and he hands her the folder.

"Here's the contract. Go over it and I need it by tomorrow signed." he says and she nods and then leaves for the studio because she has new music. 

"What about me?" David asks, much more calm.

"Are you calm now?" Simon asks, looking up at David.

"Yeah, sorry." he nods and Simon hands him a folder too. David smiles and walks out of the room as well, shutting the door behind him.

"So, you want to do this Mandy?" he asks me with his charming smile that he knows I can't resist.

"Depends." I smirk and sit on his desk, looking back at him.

"On what?" he asks, walking around his desk. My eyes following him all the way until he's standing between my legs. His hands land on my knees and I bask in his scent because he smells so good.

"Do I get to sit by you?" I ask.

"Of course." he smirks and kisses my cheek.
"Can I kiss you on the show?" I ask.

"Well, depends on if the paps decide to eat you alive or not." he chuckles.

"W-what do you mean?" I stutter getting kind of scared.

"Paps can be vultures. You have to be really careful as to what you do. I mean nobody even knows that Lauren and I are no longer together." he says.

"Y-you haven't said anything. Even all those interviews you went away for and they asked about Lauren?"  I ask.

"I just kinda went along with it." he says.

"Oh." I say and get up to walk out of his office.

"Where are you going?" he asks.

"Home." I whimper and run to the car, driving home. 

Simon's POV
~Few hours later~

I walk into the house and it's really quiet. Normally music or the t.v. is going but not today. It's just quiet.
"Mandy!" I call for her but no answer. I start to walk to the kitchen and see and hand sticking out from behind the counter, on the floor. I walk the rest of the way around and there lays Amanda passed out with a vodka bottle in her hand.
"BABE!" I shout but there's no answer. I quickly call 911 and after a bit they take her to the hospital, leaving me in my kitchen floor wondering what the hell happened. I clean up everything and hear my phone ring.

"Hello." I answer.

"Simon, I need to talk to you." I hear a familiar voice say.

"Lauren? Is that you?" I ask a bit confused.

"Yeah and I wanted to call you and tell you I'm pregnant. He is yours." she whispers as if she's been crying.

"Wait, how do I know he's mine! We've been apart for almost three months." I say sternly.

"Because I'm exactly four months along." she says.

"How do I know you weren't sleeping around?" I ask rudely.

"Oh yeah cause I'm a slut!" she yells.
"Your the one who cheated on me!" she yelps.

"Whatever! Don't ever call me again. I need to go!" I yell and hang the phone up forefully. How the hell is this happening. I don't even remember not using safety with her. Maybe I could have and just don't remember. Dammit how could I be this stupid!!! I finally decide to drive to the hospital to find out what's wrong with Amanda.

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