Chapter 27

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Simon's POV

~2 hrs later~

The Doctor comes out of Amanda's room and I quickly get to my feet from the chair I sit in.
"How is she?" I ask frantic.

"She's alright." he smiles.

"Please tell me what the hell happened to her." I beg.

"Well, from what I was told she was kidnapped and then tied to a bed in a basement. And ever since she had woke up she was raped wether it be one person or multiple people. When there where fourteen guys getting ready to do it again she started bleeding at four months pregnant. One of the men who had medical train stepped in but didn't have anything to numb her when he used a kitchen knife to cut her open. It's a surprise she didn't die from all the adrenaline running through her." he sighs with his hands on his hips.

"W-who is responsible?" I ask through gritted teeth, trying to hold myself together.

"I'm not at liberty to discuss that with you....I'm sorry." he says and then walks away. I feel my heart speed up and everthing else around me slows down.


"Where the hell are you gonna go?" I asks, coming up behind her slowly.

"I'll get a hotel." she sighs. I can't believe she really is considering this.

"Your not gonna live in a hotel at almost three months pregnant." I whisper to her.

"Then I'll see if Alesha will let me stay with them! I don't know Simon!" She yells and turns to face me. She looks at me for a few moments and in that moment I realize I really am falling back in love with her. Before I can even open my mouth to say it she smashes her lips to mine, making me breath in heavily before picking her up and both of us falling back onto the bed.

~end of flashback~

I look around and I'm right in front of Amanda's door. I slowly open it and just walk to the side of her bed and sit, staring at her beauty. I begin to think about the first time we met.

~Le Flashback~

I order a black coffee since it's been a long day at work and I'm not really feeling going home right now.
"Here you are Mr.Cowell. One Xtra Large Black coffee." the woman across the counter smiles at me.

"Thanks Sweetheart." I smile and then turn around. As I'm walking to a table and woman bumps into me, causing hot coffee to spill all over herself as she falls to the floor. I quickly shove my phone into my pocket and set my coffee down on the nearest table. As I knell down I hear her whispering.

"Please don't hurt me. Please don't hurt me."

"Miss, I'm trying to help you. Why don't you let me buy you another coffee." I smile and she slowly nods. I reach my hands into her small, quite cute hands. As she looks up at me she just stares and I crack a smile. I turn around and buy her another cup of coffee. We walk to the very back booth and she slides in on one side and I on the other.
"What's your name?" I ask curiously.

"Amanda." she grins.

"You must have a last name." I smirk, trying to be cheeky.

"Holden, Amanda Holden. You must have a name Mr..." she says mimicking me.

"I'm Simon Cowell." I smile and reach across the table shaking her hand lightly.

"Like the one over Syco!" she says in surprise. Looking at me as if she saw a rare creature.

"Yeah that one. But please don't look at me like that." I whisper a bit annoyed and then sip on my hot coffee.

"Of course your normal like me. I know how you feel though." she whispers.

"How's that Ms.Holden?" I ask, with a bit of confusion on my face.

"I'm in musicals and a model. Do a lot of photo shoots. I'm actually doing one today." she smiles up at me.

"Bet you look pretty sexy." I chuckle, trying to flirt with the beautiful woman in front of me.

~End of Flashback~

"What are you thinking about?" I hear a small whisper. I look over and Amanda's eyes are concentrated on me.

"Uh....Just about the first time we met. You were a bit clumsy that day." I chuckle.

"More like you couldn't look up from that phone of yours." she giggles.

"Yeah, well I was trying to clean up a stunt from the 5H girls." I say.

"You made me spill coffee all over myself. Did I mention it was hot!" she laughs.

"You gotta say I was pretty slick calling you sexy." I smirk.

"You were a little flirt." she whispers.

"What are you talking about. I still am but I'm just your little flirt." I smile and lean down to kiss her. She pulls me closer and kisses me sofly.

"I can't tell you how much I've missed that." she sighs and bites her bottom lip.

"Me too sweetheart. Me too." I reply, falling back in my chair.

"When can we all go home?" she asks.

"It will be soon I'm sure." I smile.

"Have you held Aria yet?" she asks smiling.

"No, they won't let me yet. She's hooked up to a bunch of stuff." I sigh and look at the beautiful baby.

"She's a warrior Si." she says and tears start to stream.

"Just like her mother." I say, sitting on the edge of her bed and wiping away the tears.

"No, she's so much stronger than I ever could be. She has a great father who will love her." she smiles and squeezes my hand tightly.

"We got this together! I'm not ever leaving you or her Mandy." I whisper and then kiss her softly.


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