Chapter 24

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Amanda's POV

I'm sitting on the couch when I hear Simon come in. I look up and he comes walking in but Lauren is right behind him. I feel myself start to boil with anger so I stand up and storm to his room, slamming the door behind me. I can't believe he brought her here after everything we've been through. I hear the door open and then close softly but I just stand with my arms crossed, looking out the window at the night sky.
"Mandy, what was that?" he asks in a whisper.

"Why is she here Simon?" I ask in a stern yet hushed tone.

"I wanted to talk to you about her possibly staying with us for a few months." he says softly.

"WHAT!" I exclaim and spin around on my heels.
"Did you forget that she beat the shit out of me. She is your ex Simon! You don't just bring up exes and have them come live with you." I say.

"Okay, her beating you up is my fault!!" he says.

"Who cares! You don't see me waltzing in here with Chris or any of my exes for that matter!" I yelp.

"That's completely different and you know it." he says pointing a finger at me.

"HOW!?!?" I say now getting in his face.

"Because Chris and everyother piece of shit you were with beat you. Of course you wouldn't bring him in here." he replies with gritted teeth.

"It's no different than Lauren! I don't trust her!!" I yelp.

"WHY NOT!" he screams in my face. I feel my heart drop as I look at his red face. I can't believe he is really gonna bring his ex to live with us. 

"I'm leaving.....Once she leaves I will come back, but this is ridiculous." I sigh and grab a duffel bag to put clothes in.

"Where the hell are you gonna go?" he asks, coming up behind me.

"I'll get a hotel." I sigh.

"Your not gonna live in a hotel at almost three months pregnant." he says a bit more calmly.

"Then I'll see if Alesha will let me stay with them! I don't know Simon!" I yelp and turn to him. I look into his eyes and then feel a sudden urge and smash my lips to his. He breaths in heavily and then kisses back, picking me up in the process. We fall back onto the bed and I feel my body rock up to his, trying to find a little fiction. Me being pregnant has made my hormones run wild and everything is just racing all at once. My heart, head, and body is out of control. I feel his cold hand slide up my shirt and his thumb graze over my stomach. That's when I snap back to reality. I pull away and push lightly on his chest.

"Mandy." he sighs, still having one arm holding himself up and the other one still rubbing my stomach which feels so good.
"Please don't leave." he whispers.

"Simon, her being here is a bad idea so if she's gonna be here then I won't." I say back and push him off so I can get back up and finish up my duffel bag. I finish up and he grabs me from behind on the waist.

"Please Amanda." he whispers and kisses my neck softly.

"I'm leaving Simon." I say sternly and then as I'm leaving I glare at Lauren and then go to my car.

Simon's POV

I walk downstairs and watch Amanda leave out of the driveway before turning around to see Lauren.
"Should I go? I thought you said she would be okay with this." she whispers with her shoulders pulled in and hands together tightly.

"No! Your fine she'll be fine. Just gonna stay at a friends house for a few nights." I smile and bring her to hug me. I can't believe she actually left. It's not like I'm gonna sleep with Lauren.

Amanda's POV

As I'm driving to Alesha's my car starts making a funny noise so I decide to pull over and check what's going on. After a few minutes I try to start it but it just won't start. I pull out my phone but it's dead so there's no luck there. After a bit I feel my body get extremely tired so I lock the doors and fall asleep in the car.

Unknown POV

I watch as Amanda falls asleep and then pull the black mask over my face. I take the bat I have and swing it at her window making it bust her jump. I bust her window and she screams out as I drag her out of the car.
"Shut up!" I yell at her as she begins to scream louder. Finally I just hit her over the head with a bat and throw her in the back seat. I fix what I broke in the car and then drive off. Once I get to my place I carry her down to my basement and tie her to a bed. Once she's tied up I inject her with a drug that will make her sleep the rest of the night. Simon shouldn't have let her leave because now he's not gonna see her again.

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