Chapter 4

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Simon's POV

I walk outside to Lauren and she looks at me with eyes that are burning into my head. 

"Hey, did you just get home?" I ask like nothing has happened.

"Yeah." she says and wipes the tears away.

"Babe, why are you crying?" I ask knowing the answer.

"Oh, just uh....couldn't do my flight lastnight due to bad weather. And I had to sleep in my car cause I...forgot my key." she says and hugs me. I know she's lying but just go with it. I hug her tightly.  She kisses me roughly but I don't kiss back because something inside just tells me no. She pulls away and more tears are streaming down her face.
"Please, kiss me." she whimpers.

"Lauren, You already know. Just get on with yelling at me." I say.

"Fine." she says and then slaps me hard across the face.
"You mother****** cheating on me! We've been together for years and after two months of some girl you want to just throw me to the side!" she yells and I just cross my arms waiting for the rest.

"Are you done?" I ask.

"No." she says and storms to go inside. I follow and she's going to my room and I know what she's going to do. I try to catch her before she goes in but to late. She jumps on Amanda who is asleep and under the sheets and starts beating her. I see blood and all I hear is Amanda's cries. I try to move but it's as if my body is just frozen in place.  Lauren takes Amanda's wrist and the recent cuts that are trying to heal she puts pressure on making Amanda scream out in pain. I finally am able to move and pull Lauren off of Amanda. Once I do she keeps fighting and hits me again really hard before leaving in her car. I look over at Amanda who is in a ball crying in pain. I walk to her and pull her small frame to me. She just cries, trying to hold everywhere that hurts.

"It's okay Mandy. I got you." I whisper, rocking back and forth. After she's calm I take her to the bathroom and run some warm bath water. After it's done I slowly put her in and she screams out from all the scratches and cuts that the water hits.
"I know baby." I whisper and grab a sponge to wipe her down. I look at the water and watch the blood swirl in with the clean water. I clean her up and then she washes her own hair. After everything is done I let the water out and pick her up, getting myself soaked from her wet body. I don't have any of her clothes so I put one of my oversized t-shirts on her and some baggy sweats. She then gets up and walk to the guest room she's been staying in and shuts the door behind her. I knock multiple times but she's never going to answer me. Finally, giving up I walk away and just let her be.

Amanda's POV
~5 Hours Later~

I've laid in this bed for hours and not even moved anywhere. I can't believe this is happening and I'm not so sure I love Simon. What happened last night wasn't supposed to happen. We were pissed at each other.....I think. I let out a heavy sigh and pull my knees to my chest. I hear a knock at the door but not going to answer. I just want to die. It's not like anyone would miss me very much. Finally I hear a click at the door and then see it open slowly.

"Amanda." Simon whispers and I just tighten my grip on my knees. I ruined Simon's relationship and my boyfriend is gone. My whole life has crumbled and I see no point in living anymore. I feel the bed sink and I know Simon has sat on the bed next to me.
"Amanda, please talk to me." he says desperatly.

"I don't want to even be alive." I mumble. I feel his body press against mine and his arm wrap tightly around my waist.

"That's not true baby girl and you know it. You are beautiful and amazing and have the cutest smile I've ever seen." he whispers in my ear since I won't turn around and look at him. After a few minutes of being quiet and him just holding me I finally turn so I can see his face. He rubs my back and just smiles.
'Amanda, you know it's not love. Go home.' A voice in my head says and I feel my breathing go unsteady because I don't know if it's right or not. I pull away from Simon and stand up.

"Amanda, what's wrong?" Simon asked and the worry is clear in his voice.

"I need to go home." I say quickly and leave, calling a taxi and going home. Once there I walk in and it's a complete mess. I look around and find a suit case and then find as many clothes as I can. Once everything is packed up I trip over this small box, falling on my stomach. I turn and open it and its a handgun. I gasp and then slowly pick it up from it's box and load the chamber up and pull back the hammer.
'DO IT AMANDA!' my demon screams in me. I put the gun in my mouth and close my eyes as tears slide down.

"Amanda, No!" I hear a familar voice scream. I hear foot steps come to me and rough hands slide across mine as the gun is pulled away from me. I open my eyes and there in front of me is Simon.

"Simon." I whimper lowley and hug his neck, crying hard.

"Thank God I got here when I did." he sighs and rubs my back. I just hold him tightly and keep letting the tears go. 
"What were you thinking love?" he asks, his brows furrowed.

"I just want everything to stop hurting." I say in an unsteady breath and then cry some more.

"Okay, I got you now." he whispers in my ear and then grabs my hand leading me to his car. He goes back in and comes out with the bag I packed and puts it in the car as well.

Simon's POV

Once we get back to my house and inside, Amanda just collapses on the couch with her tear stained cheeks, red as ever. I sit her bag by the door and then lock the door. I walk to her side and she scoots over so I can lay down beside her. I lay down and grab her shaking body, holding it closely to mine. I put my chin on the top of her head and let the tears silently fall down my face.

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