Chapter 13

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Amanda's POV

"Why didn't you tell me Lauren was pregnant?" I gasp in his ear as he is still kissing on my neck. His whole body freezes in place. His hands on my waist and his breath steadily going down my spine. I pull his face up slowly so I can look into his eyes but they're closed.

"H-how did you find out?" he asks with a shakey tone.

"It's all over the media with a video of you confirming it." I sigh. He covers his face and inhales sharply.
"You also said that we were not together." I say a bit hurt. He looks at me and for the first time ever I can't read his expression.
"How long?" I whisper.

"How long of what?" he asks looking at me and furrowing his eyebrows.

"How long are you gonna hide that we are together!?!? How long are you gonna lie!?!?" I yelp in boldness.

"I can't say anything to the media! Especially with this Lauren thing!! I will lose everything if I come out that you and I are together!" He says in disbelief.

"Why are we even together if this is what it's gonna be like?" I ask softly.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?" He yells.
"AMANDA YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" he yells, now in my face. His face is blood red and his fist are clenched so tight that his knuckles are ghosts white.

"Oh I understand Simon. I understand completely. You are not the man I thought you were and that's it." I whisper, knowing that I'm winning. He looks me in the eyes and he just stares at me with anger running all over. I get up and go to walk away but he pins me to a wall and has a tight grip on my hip almost making it hurt. He locks his lips to mine and it's so hard it actually does hurt. His grip on my hips tighten and it hurts so bad that I fear the tears start to slide down my cheeks. He's starts to remind me of Chris and I just get paralyzed. He finally pulls away after I sniffle. He looks at me and I let out an unsteady breath since I'm shaking so bad. All that anger that is on his face slowly begins to fade and turn into sorrow once he sees that I'm crying. His hand falls from my hip and I slowly slide to the ground crying harder and crying out "Please don't hurt me." He looks down at me for a few minutes and then walks away and leaves the house, slamming the door behind him.

David's POV

I'm headed over to Simon's because Alesha has been terribly sick and he said he had some great soup that he made Amanda when she would get sick. I pull into the driveway be the only car here is Amanda's. I knock on the door but no answer. Surely he would tell me if he was gonna leave. I find the spare key he puts under the potted plant and let myself in. I walk all the wall to the small hall that leads to the kitchen and there is Amanda sitting in the floor.
"Amanda?" I whisper. No answer. I slowly walk over to her and tap her shoulder but still nothing. I pull her body back a bit and she has a knife in her stomach.
"Oh my God Amanda!" I yelp and pull her to my arm.

"D-david." she sniffles and reaches her hand up to my face. I notice it's covered in blood but I don't care right now. I quickly call 911. They give me instruction on what to do until the medics get there. I hang up and pull the knife out of her stomach and then quickly cover it up with my blazer. 

"Come on Mandy stay with me babe." I whisper to her and she just gives an unsteady breath.

"T-tell Si I'm so sorry." she swallows hard.

"No Amanda your not going anywhere! I promise you." I say, holding her in my arms. I hear the door open and slam shut.

"Amanda!" I hear Simon's voice yell.

"SIMON! IN HERE" I scream back and when he first start walking down the hall all he see's is my back.

"What the hell David?" he asks. He walks closer and once he sees Amanda he pushes me out of the way and replaces the pressure of my hand with his.
"Mandy, what did you do?" he asks crying.

"I-I can't do this anymore Simon. Just let me d-die." she whimpers with her eyes starting to get hooded.

"Amanda! I'm sorry okay! I'm so sorry I hurt you." he cries harder and holds her closer. Once those words leave his mouth EMT storm in and push Simon aside. I pull him into a hug as he cries harder but tries not to get his bloody hands on me. 

Simon's POV
~3 weeks later~

I walk into Amanda's room and she is just staring out the window. She hasn't talk to me the last three weeks and she won't tell me what happened. 
"Hey Babe." I whisper and kiss her cheek softly. She wiggles a bit and then looks over at me.
"I don't how much I have to say I'm sorry but I really am. I didn't know this was going to happen or that Lauren was going to end up four months prenant out of no where. All I know is that I love you Amanda and I don't care what happens anymore with the media. I went to an interview yesterday about BGT and told them about us." I say softly. She looks over at me with just a straight face.

"I love you too Simon." she says and my eyes shoot up to her. She smiles at me and then motions for me to come to her. I walk to her and sit down beside her. She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses my lips softly.
"Simon, I think we need a....break." she sighs, looking down at her hands.

"Wait....what? No Amanda don't do this to me." I say and feel my heart start to speed up.

"I'll see you at BGT in five months." she whispers and looks away from me.

"I thought you loved me." I whisper.

"I do which is why we need to stop. I can't let you suffer with me crap. Just go have a family with Lauren and be for real happy. " she smiles.

"Amanda, I don't want to be with Lauren. I want to be with you and maybe one day have a family with you." I say, grabbing her hand and rubbing my thumb up and down.

"Go please. I don't want you anymore." she says and I can see the tears brimming her eyes.

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