Chapter 23

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Simon's POV

As I finish telling Amanda about Eric, I look down and she has tears running slowly down her face. She quickly wipes her eyes and then carreses my face, looking at me lovingly.
"Simon, I'm so sorry." she says, forcing a smile.

"Don't be. Your giving me something that I never thought I'd be able to build back up to." I smile.

"What's that?" she asks, showing a bit of confusion.

"Another chance to be a father." I smile and she nods her head with a huge grin.

"A fantastic one at that." She replies.

"I sure hope so." I sigh and fall on my back.

"What's that mean Mr.Cowell?" she asks, wrapping one of her legs around me.

"Well, I don't want to lose another kid due to my stupidity." I sigh feeling the guilt build up that I've felt ever since Eric die. 

"Si, your not stupid. It was a mistake but you've been doing great so far." she says with a slight smile.

"That's just it. I've been hiding under a shell. I haven't been doing okay. I've been hurting so much and I can't fix it." I babble and I feel the bed move a bit. I look over and Amanda is standing at my side of the bed with her arms open.

"Come here Simon." she whispers, opening and closing her hands like a child would reaching up to their parent. I stand up and our bodies collide with one another and I feel those depressing feelings that I've kepted buried for so long start to resurface. I lay my chin on the top of her head. You know that feeling you get when your about to cry? Your face starts to get hot and then your eyes get warm with tears. After that yours get glazed over with tears. That's what happened to me. Once I blinked that glazed look turned into tears. Amanda rubs my back with one hand and just keeps the other completely wrapped around me.
"Your gonna be okay Simon. I promise I'll be by your side through all of this." she says confidently and looks up at me. She then reaches up and wipes my eyes before kissing me tenderly.


I'm getting ready in my dressing room when I hear a slight knock.
"Come in!" I say with a raised voice as I grab my black blazer. I spin around to see Lauren behind me.
"Lauren.....what are you doing here?" I ask a bit confused.

"I just had to see you on the finals of BGT." she says softly.

"Oh well thanks." I smile and go to walk out but then she grabs my arm.

"Simon, the real reason I came here is because it's been four months since Eric's death." she whimpers and looks up at me. I look at the date and it was exactly the same day four months ago that Lauren had that wreck.

"How are you holding up Lauren?" I ask sympathetic.

"I can't do this Simon. The way I thought the pain would stop hasn't stopped it." she starts to cry.

"What did you try?" I ask. She just looks away and refuses to answer.
"Lauren what did you try?" I ask now with concern in my voice. She pulls up her sleeves and there are slits on her wrist.
"Lauren, no!" I yelp and pull her into my chest.

"I'm sorry." she cries into my chest and I know I've got to do something.

"Lauren, why don't you come stay with me for awhile." I whisper.

"Would Amanda be okay with that?" she asks.

"I'll talk to her. Don't worry about it. Just come over tomorrow." I sigh and then kiss her cheek before walking to stage.

Unknown POV

My plan is working. Soon Simey will be mine and I can get rid of that baby as well as that stupid blonde idiot. She took away my life and my lover. Now it's my turn to make her's hell and make sure she dies in the process.


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