Chapter 20

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Simon's POV

I finally just tell Amanda to stay until we are done. I walk behind the stage and once introduced everyone screams our names. I hear some scream "Amanda, where are you?" and others say they love her. I smile because nobody really knows much about her but there are already fans. Once auditions start  it's quite amazing and I'm impressed and then there are some that make my ears bleed or want to rip my hair out. After auditions I go back to Amanda's dressing room and there she is in the same position I left her but sleeping quietly. I let out a heavy sigh and then pick her up gently. She stirs and then barely opens her brown eyes.
"Si." she mumbles.

"Yes darling?" I whisper back, beginning to walk to my car.

"I don't hate you." she mumbles again and then begins to doze off.

"I know sweetheart. I know." i sigh and set her down in my car. Once we drive to my place I take her to my bed and lay her down so she can finish resting while I go  make myself a neat whiskey. Once I'm done I walk back to my room with it and sit on the bed sipping on it slowly. Amanda stirs a bit in her sleep and then settles down and just lays quietly.

"Simon." she mumbles and tightens her grip on the pillow she's holding.

"She dreams of me." I chuckle and then walk out to the living room forgetting all about my whiskey.

Amanda's POV

I wake up quite suddenly and I'm not sure why. It's dark out and I don't recognize my surroundings. I remember falling asleep in the studio after Simon told me to stay. I slowly slide out of the bed and I'm still in the dress I was put in before the show. I walk out into a hall and begin to travel down it. It's so quiet I can here the soft pat of my small feet against the cold, wooden floors. I walk into what seems the be a living room and I know I've seen it before. I see a hand hanging off the side of the couch so I decide to tiptoe to the front of it. There lays the man that makes my heart beat through my chest and my breathing hitch everytime our faces get to close. I let a smile pull at the corners of my mouth and I slowly sit on the very edge of the couch as Simon begins to stir a bit. 
"Your awake." he sighs and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Yes, I am." I smile and rub the side of his arm.

"How long have you been up?" he mumbles as he begins to dose off a bit.

"Only about five minutes." I reply and then giggle quietly as he falls back asleep. I go to get up but his arms stop me.

"Don't leave. I'm not sleeping." he groans as I sit back down.

"Clearly you are love." I giggle.

"Love?" he questions as a smile starts to play on his face.

"I mean Simon....sorry." I stutter.

"No, I like love. Or Si, baby, sexy. You know what ever pleases you." he smiles.

"Oh, shut up." I say, slapping the side of his arm. He tackles me down onto the floor between the table and couch. Pinning my hands above my head with one hand and then using the other to tickle my sides making me laugh uncontrolably. He finally lets go of my hands so he can tickle both my sides. Both my hands go to his neck to hold on as my back arches because I'm trying to get his hands away. He chuckles and then leans down to my neck trying to hold me down better. I feel his cold breath travel down my spine and I let out a small gasp. I feel him smile and he begins to plant small, wet kisses on my neck instead of tickling me. One of my hands tangle in his hair as the other clenches his shirt. I finally pull his face up to mine and our lips graze each others. 

"Are you sure about this Amanda?" he gasps out of breath and I quickly nod my head and then smack our lips together. After that it then begins to shift back to the old us and everthing becomes history to us.

~the next morning~

I squint my eyes as I see the beginning of a sunrise out of Simon's room window. I smile and stretch out my sore body. Grabbing the sheets, I walk over to the window and begin to watch the beautiful sunrise over the tree line. All the mixtures of red, orange, yellow, blue, and pink are so beautiful. 
"Hey babe." I hear his rough voice as he leans down and kisses my shoulder.

"Hey." I mumble as I am lost in the beauty in front of me.

"Are you alright?" he asks, wrapping his strong arms around my waist. Making sure the sheet stays on my body.

"Yes, just the sunrise is so beautiful." I smile and turn to him.

"Just like you. Beautiful and bursting with so many colors." he smiles.

"You so cheesy." I giggle.
"Can I use your shower?" I ask, tracing a finger across his chest.

"Sure, your suit case is still at the end of my bed." he smiles.

"I thought you'd throw it out of a window after what I did." I say bluntly.

"Which part? The throwing a lamp at me or telling me you hate me?" he chuckles.

"I did not throw a lamp" I gasp.

"Hell yeah you did. Thank God you missed though."  he smiles.

"Si, you do know that I don't really hate you. I just was upset and hurting." I sigh, looking his in the eyes.

"I know. You already told me. Don't worry." he smiles and pecks my lips before snatching up some of his clothes and leaving the room. I stand for a second thinking and then decide to finally get a shower. I think I'm going to ask him if he wants to get back together.

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