Chapter 9

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Dedicated to LovelyJessicaLange I know she's not on right now because she's in the hospital but we all love her writing and her she's so wonderful and was always super encouraging! Love you darling 😘

Amanda's POV
-1 hour later-

I'm walked back to David's room and the sigh I see hurts so much. I sit in the empty chair beside his bed where Alesha must have been sitting. I hold his hand and I feel a squeeze on mine.
"David?" I question.

"Ow." he groans and his eyes flutter open.

"DAVID!" I yelp.

"Please don't do that. I have a massive headache." he whispers.
"Where am I?" he asks, looking around.

"In the hospital." I state.

"What? Why?" he asks confused.

"You really don't remember?" I asks and he shakes his head.
"You were in a really bad wreck with glass in your eyes and all over your body. As well as breaking your leg in two different places." I say.

"Oh. W-where's Alesha?" he asks.

"She just left, but I can go get her." I smile.

"Can you?" he asks, his eyes pleading with me. I nod my head and walk back to the private waiting room and tell Alesha. She jumps up and runs to his room and I just plop on the couch in the waiting room.

"Ready to go home?" Simon asks, standing in front of me. I nod my head and I feel him pull my body to his and wrap his stong arms around my small frame. I take a deep breath and after about another hour him and I drive home to eat and chill for a bit. Once inside we both just make a sandwhich and sit down to watch a movie. Thirty minutes into the movie Simon is laying his head on the back of the couch sleeping so peacefully. I stand up and lay him down on the couch, putting a pillow under his head and a blanket over his body. As I go to walk away he grabs my hand.

"Mandy." he whispers.

"Yes Si?" I ask.

"Please, stay with me." he whispers again as if careful not to wake anyone up.

"Si, I need to start dinner and things." I say, kneeling in front of him.

"I'll get up and help you darling." he says, about to push himself up.

"No! Now you lay here and get some rest. I can do this alone I promise." I smile and kiss him softly.

"Okay." he sighs and kisses back and soon falls back asleep.

Simon's POV
-3 hours later-

I bolt awake and look around but there's nothing to see. Everything seems pretty calm for the most part and then all of a sudden I see Amanda in front of me but she's with Chris.

"Mandy?" I whisper.

"Help." she gasps and then her throat is slit by Chris and he disappears. I fall to my knees and try to stop the bleeding but it's not helping.
"Why didn't you save me?" she gasps and then her eyes close and she draws her last breath.

"AMANDA!!!" I scream and hold her in my arms crying harder than I ever have before. I open my eyes and her body is gone but I'm still covered in her blood.
"NO! NO! NO!" I start to scream and look around but no one is there.

"What's wrong darling?" I hear her voice say. I spin around and she stands behind me but her arms are dripping from all the cuts.

"Amanda! Let me help you!" I yelp and she pulls away.

"No matter what you do. You will never be able to help me. I don't want your help Simon." she says and begins to walk away and continues to cut herself.

"STOP!" I scream.'


I bolt awake screaming 'Stop' and I feel hands touch my face and I pull away as the tears blur my vision. I let them slide down my face and I ball up just like I did when I was a child.
"Simon, what's wrong?" I hear that familiar voice. I look up and there stands that beautiful blonde.

"Amanda!" I gasp and collide my body with hers. She wraps her arms tightly around me and I continue to cry softly and she kisses my head softly and just runs her fingers through my hair until I calm down. Once I'm calm I look up at her and she looks really concerned.

"What's going on Simon?" she whispers.

"Just a uh...nightmare is all." I whisper.

"Are you okay now?" she asks.

"I will be. Just gotta get my mind somewhere else." I smile and she just looks at me as if she knows I'm hiding something.

"Alright, well why don't you go eat dinner and I'll go get a shower." she smiles and pecks my lips before going upstairs.

Amanda's POV

I run upstairs and jump in the shower and then put on the black dress that Alesha bought me. I do my makeup and hair to perfection and then walk downstairs. Simon is standing out on the balcony looking out at the veiw. I walk out and once I shut the door he turns around and his mouth drops.
"Holy Hell." he gasps and swallows hard.

"What?" I asks like I don't know whats going on.

"You look so hot. I just wanna..." he pauses and bites his lips.

"You wanna what?" I smirk and walk closer to him. He closes the gap and kisses me roughly on the lips. I wrap my arms tightly around his neck and we stumble back until my back hits the door. I fumble with his belt but he pulls away and takes my hands away.

"Not yet." he gasps. He dips his head down to my neck and kisses down to my shoulder. He grabs one of my thighs and wraps it on his hip and I yelp at the contact on his pants. The friction that's there where there once was none.

"Siiiiii." I groan out, drawing out that last letter. He continues being a tease and I can barely take it anymore.
"Please...." I practically beg him. He smirks at me and then leads me to his bed and crawls on top of me. Lifting the dress up to my waist, he rips off my lacey underwear and I look at him in surprise.
"You owe me a new pair of underwear." I frown and he just nods and then continues with what he's doing.

-1 hour later-

I lay out of breath with Simon still on top of me, his face buried in my face. He finally collapses beside me and pulls me closer to him.
"That was amazing Mandy." he smirks.

"You still owe me underwear." I chuckle.

"Don't worry, I'll get some." he says and lets out a heavy sigh. I feel the sleepiness overtaking my body but I fight it so I can stay awake with Simon. After a bit Simon falls asleep on my chest, his arms secure on my waist and he's mumbling in his sleep. I chuckle and run one of my hands through his brow hair that is quite thick. He's such an amazing man and I can't believe he's mine.

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