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"i'm here, just like you asked"

; ... ;


; i know you're standing outside the building alongside lily and i know everyone else is with you as well. ;


; so, here's what i want you to do lisa. by the way, take off the earphone lily is wearing. i can see you bitch. ;

lisa looks up to find a black bulky camera staring right at them. how did she not find it when they had walked, straight up to the door? she didn't hesitate to look lily in the eye and ripped the pod out of her ear.

; i'm on the roof. if you don't get up here in about five minutes... you're gonna be very very sad that you didn't. the door's unlocked and your time starts now. ;

the call ended and so did the eye contact lily and lisa had been holding. lisa ran straight towards the metal door which lead to the maroon brick building which seemed to be newly constructed, and for some strange reason, sun-hi had access to it.

lisa knew she was going to make it to the top before five minutes, but it was hell. she knew that by the time she had reached the sixth floor, her thighs and calves would bail out on her and so would her lungs and stamina. she couldn't check the time because she had thrown her phone at lily when she had rushed through the unlocked door and ran off without giving lily the chance to ask questions.

sh was at the top. breathing, tired and basically dead; which she could describe in her own way.

"hey, you made it in three minutes and forty-six seconds. good job"

she congratulated.

"so~ guess what? i have a surprise guest with us here! hold on let me just pull them up."

sun-hi bends downs, slightly wobbling in her purple plum five-inch platform heels, behind the solar panels and brought someone up by the waist.

"i brought our favourite person... hoseok!"


it was the same muffled whine that came from the call they heard during the call.

"we're matching clothes you see. i mean like... it's always best to die while you're in fashion aren't i right? everyone always dies in sweats and other things, so today i decided to change that. we're wearing a matching pair of saint laurent's burgundy velvet items. supr expensive but like, super worth dying in, with the man i love."

"die? what are you on about unni!?"

"isn't it self-explanatory? i'm on a seven storey building. Standing on the edge of the rooftops. dressed in super fine clothing, with the man for me, tied up in red velvet silk ribbon. we're gonna suicide, lisa; together. and you're invited to watch."

it was pretty much all bull-crap. yes, it made sense, but why would the infamous cringey bully -slash- suicide(ee) want to kill her beloved male?

"why are you involving hoseok in your suicide? i thought you love him?"

lisa questioned, a rapid heart swollen and she could feel it pulsing in her brain, ears, fingertip and even at the ends of her toes. while sun-hi without a care in the world, straightening hoseok's collar, who was sweating like lisa was just a few minutes ago.

"i most, definitely still love him and i forever will lisa. but if i can't have him; nobody can."

and off they went, without a warning sign. hoseok never got to say sorry properly, they never got to talk it out, they never got to express the feelings that they never had a moment to think about. because they were too busy with the emotions they had during the minute when they'd spend time together. lisa had so many regrets, and hoseok had just about the same amount, just a little more though because he had turned his backs onto his friends that warned him about sun-hi's psychotic behaviour.

how clichè of her though; falling off the seven storey tall building with a lover that would never be mutualised and then tipping herself goodbye to the world with a clichèd line.

lisa's heart clenched and so did hoseok's.


she said never.

a trip abroad : bangtan & o.c'sWhere stories live. Discover now