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"Uncle Gar!" Lilith threw herself into my arms, and I laughed, hugging her tightly.

"Hey there Lilith! Have you been good lately?" She nodded, a grin on her face. I knew that she wasn't Lady Aphmau's biological daughter, but she seemed so much like the woman I had first met sixteen years ago. She didn't look like her, with her long, golden brown hair, pale skin, and dark blue eyes. But she definitely acted like adoptive mother. She was carefree and kind with a touch of sass. Lately though, Lady Aphmau has lost all of that. Ever since Aaron... and then finding out that she was Lady Irene... it had just been too much. She was always stressed, constantly worrying and pushing herself to her limits. I worried so much about her.

Zoey came over to me, a smile dancing on her lips. "Hello Garroth. It's been awhile since you've stopped by to see Lilith." I blushed slightly at the grin she gave me, looking so much like the smirk Alice had given me when we departed just minutes earlier. In the month that Alice had been with us, I had made sure to always stop by for at least ten minutes to talk. Lately though, I had been getting this feeling deep in my chest. When I looked at her, so many thoughts passed through my brain. I felt like I had met her before, but I knew that that was impossible. I had just met her a month ago. But still... there was definitely something familiar about her. Why though?

But I had also gotten another feeling from spending time with her. It was a warm feeling that I hadn't felt in a while. The last time I remembered having this feeling was when... I was in love with Aphmau. Did that mean...?

Zoey laughed, bringing me back to the present. Lilith had wriggled out of my arms and was now spinning around in circles. Her red dress was billowing out around her, and her brown boots made the mud fly up. Some of it hit my armor, but I just wiped it away and smiled.

"How much longer until the child's born?" I picked up Lilith and spun her around in circles, making her shriek in laughter. I smiled, pulling her close and resting her on my hip.

"I'd say about one or two months. I really need to talk to Lady Aphmau about taking it easy. Levin may have left her in charge, but there are so many trivial things that she doesn't need to bother herself with."

"Yes. I understand her wanting to make sure that Dale, Molly, Corey, and Emma were settled in; they were some of her first villagers after all. But she does need to understand that there are others more suited to helping them right now." Zoey nodded, sighing.

"I worry about her. I fear that if she keeps running around and over-exerting herself, it could be dangerous for the baby. She's not as fit as she used to be, if you understand my meaning. Doing what she does while carrying a child, it can't be safe." I put Lilith down on the ground, and she ran over to the playground, towards the sandpit. Zoey smiled, a sad one full of memories.

"The sandpit was always Levin's favorite. Oh, how times have changed. There are times when I wish that everything could go back in time. Back to before Zane, and the war, and the Irene Dimension. I wish that you and Lady Aphmau and the others had never missed Levin and Malachi's childhood. I wish that you hadn't missed Kawaii~Chan and Dante's wedding, or Nekoette's birth. I wish-" Tears were forming in Zoey's eyes, and I closed the distance between us and hugged her tightly.

"We all wish a lot of things Zoey. I sometimes wish that Aaron had survived so that Lady Aphmau would be happy. I wish that Zane had never turned out the way he had. I wish that the Shadow Lord had never started to rise. But the fates work in odd ways Zoey. Things happen for reasons." She nodded, pulling away and wiping away tears.

"I-I know. Thank you Garroth. I needed that." She smiled, looking over at Lilith who was making a mess in the sand and the mud. She laughed softly, the sorrow still evident in her voice. "Come here little one. Let's get you cleaned up." She walked over to Lilith, picked her up, and started inside. "If you want to visit Lady Aphmau, she should be up in her room." I nodded my thanks, heading inside after Zoey. She took Lilith downstairs to her own room and I headed upstairs towards Aphmau's room.

After I knocked on the door, Lady Aphmau pulled it open. She looked exhausted with bags under her eyes and worry lines clear on her forehead. She smiled gently when she saw me. "Garroth. It's good to see you. If you give me a minute, I can meet you downstairs to talk." She was about to close the door again, but I stopped her.

"Lady Aphmau, I just need to inform you of something." She frowned, pulling the door open farther and leaning against the frame. The bulge in her stomach was noticeable, and she rested her hands on it. Her black hair was loose, and she didn't wear her armor. As a matter-of-fact, I hadn't seen her wearing her armor in a week or two. It was probably too tight now.

"What is it Garroth? Is everything okay in the village?" I sighed and dove right in.

"Everything is fine at the moment, but it won't be if you keep overworking yourself."

"What do you mean?" She stood up straighter, hands falling to her side.

"I'm sorry Lady Aphmau, but you need to take it easy. You are several months pregnant, and Zoey is concerned that if you keep pushing yourself and don't relax, then you might harm the baby. And I agree with her. You've been working yourself to the bone, and I don't want you to harm yourself or your child. Please." I stared at her with pleading eyes, hoping that she would understand and listen.

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