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Song: Rockabye by Clean Bandit ft. Sean Paul & Anne-Marie

    "Zoey," I called, sitting in front of my mirror. My raven hair tumbled down, free from any constraints. "Can you please get Alina and Lilith ready?"

        She peeked her head into my room, hair pulled up on the top of her head. "Where are they going? To Leona?" I laughed, spinning around in my seat to face her.

    "I was thinking I would take the girls into the village myself today. They should probably see Thalia, and I haven't been outside in so long." Her face creased slightly, and I felt a twinge of doubt.

    "Are you sure you're ready? It's only been a few months since Alina was born."

    "Exactly!" I turned back to face my mirror, grabbing my brush and starting to brush half of it up. "I need to go outside. Yes, I've been to the beach a few times, but it really isn't the same thing. I'm the Lord of this village for the time being, and they need to see that I am still strong and will keep fighting for them. Besides, the girls haven't had a day out their mom in way too long." Zoey laughed, worry vanishing from her features.

    "If you insist." Then she disappeared, leaving me to get ready for our outing.

    I brushed my hair until it shone and braided half of it back. Then I grabbed my chest plate, rolling my shoulders to get it to sit right. I buckled Aaron's sword onto my waist, the familiar weight bringing a sense of comfort. I looked at myself in the mirror, once more feeling like the old Aphmau, the woman who had first stumbled upon this village.

    This thought on my mind, I practically glided out of my bedroom, boots clicking on the wooden floors. Feeling impish, I leapt down the last two steps and landed in the kitchen, giggling to myself.

    "Oh Aphmau!" Zoey scolded, buttoning up Lilith's coat. Alina was in her high chair, giggling and burbling with laughter.

    "What? I'm feeling childish today!" I protested, going to Alina and picking her up, tickling her stomach to make her giggle even more. Lilith ran over to me, and I picked her up was well, groaning ever so slightly. "I'm getting too old for this." Lilith giggled, reaching up and pulling my raven locks. I laughed, smiling into her blue eyes.

    I looked over at Zoey, happiness still radiant. "Take the day off Zoey. We'll be back later." She chuckled to herself, shaking her head ever so slightly.

    "Maybe I'll go and visit Levin and Malachi. They need to come home again soon." She mused to herself as she wandered downstairs. Laughing once more, I set Lilith down and held her hand, holding Alina tightly against my chest in the other.

    "Ready to go to town Lil?" She gave me her chubby little smile, and my heart melted.

    "Yay!" I giggled, squeezing her hand and leading her out the door and towards the waiting village.


    "Bye Thalia! Thank you again!" I threw a smile over my shoulder, unable to wave with my hands full. She waved at me, brown hair loose in golden waves. Then I turned back to my children, grinning at little Lilith. She had pulled away from my hand and was jumping into a pile of snow, shrieking in laughter. Her brown hair was free, falling in front of her eyes and mouth. She turned to look at me, blue eyes bright and happy. I reached out my hand and she came running back to me, running into and hugging my legs.

    "Luv you Mama." She mumbled, and I tousled her hair, not trusting myself to speak.

    A noise from the bundle in my arms pulled me back to Alina, and I gave her a smile. "Hey there Lina." Her big brown eyes blinked, watching me with the patience of an infant. Black fuzz was starting to grow on her fragile head, and her pale skin glowed with health. She reminded me so much of her father.

        "Aphmau~Senpai!" Kawaii~Chan was standing in front of me, face glowing in the way only she could. She looked as beautiful as ever, with a fashionable coat wrapped around herself. Her face was split in a smile, and I found that I could no longer be sad.

        "Hello Kawaii~Chan! Isn't today such a lovely day?" She giggled, her eyes lighting up when she saw Alina in my arms.

        "Oh isn't she adorable!" She flew to my side, cooing over my little girl. "Oh, can Kawaii~Chan hold her Aphmau~Senpai? Just for a minute?" I laughed, holding her out to KC.

        "I trust you. Actually, can you watch her for a bit? I really want to spend some time with just Lilith, and I wanted Zoey to have a day off, so-"

        "Say no more! Kawaii~Chan will be more than happy to watch little Alina~Tan! It reminds her of when Nekoette~Tan was still little." Her eyes grew misty as she thought about the past. But then Alina made a noise, and KC's face lit up once more.

        "Thanks again Kawaii~Chan. I'll see you later." I turned away and looked at Lilith, picking her up and tickling her stomach. "Ready little lady?" She giggled, pulling the straps on my chestplate. I pulled her prying hands away and instead gave her my hand to play with.

        The two of us walked through the town together, her head resting against my chest. I pointed out certain places or objects that meant so much to Phoenix Drop, myself, and Aaron. The more I told her about her father, about the man I loved so much, the less it hurt to do so. Ever since Alina had been born, I felt like Aaron wasn't so far away. He was closer, therefore lessening my heartache and pain.

    "Lady Irene!" My heart pounded, and I slowly turned around, Lilith clutching my hand tightly. Behind me were several people, mostly younger women. One woman with dark purple hair came forward ahead of the group, blue eyes shining.

    "You're really her!" I smiled, pulling Lilith into my arms. It wasn't that I didn't trust them, but I wasn't quite okay with her being near strangers.

    "I'm Lady Aphmau of Phoenix Drop, yes. And you? Who might you be?" Her eyes glowed, and she reminded me of Kawaii~Chan or Nekoette.

    "My name's Lillian. Oh, you don't know how ecstatic I am to be meeting you! Lady Irene in the flesh!" I chuckled ever so softly, but my heart was starting to hurt.

    "Please, call me Aphmau, Lady Aphmau at the most. I'm not Irene any longer."

    "But you are! You are Lady Irene, the answer to all of our prayers! You are the one who can save us from Tula, I just know it!"

    "I'm sorry, I need to go. I have a meeting with Katelyn, and I really must be going." Holding Lilith close, I ducked my head and walked away, leaving the young woman behind me.

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