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I stared at Garroth in shock. His blonde hair spilled over his forehead and his baby blue eyes were large. His silver chest plate glinted in the sunlight streaming through the window, and his golden chainmail underneath glowed. His brown gloved hands were clenched at his side, and his dark blue cape hung over his shoulders, almost reaching past his brown boots.

"I thought I was just... I'm sorry if I've worried you and Zoey and anyone else. But I can't just stop! I have a village to run! Levin left me in charge while he is taking charge of the Phoenix Alliance, and I can't let him down. He was so kind to me, and I have to show him I'm thankful."

"Lord Levin asked to take over Lordship of the Phoenix Alliance for a year or so because he knew that you would be doing this- working yourself to the bone for your people. He understood that there was no stopping it, but maybe if you had a smaller village to lead then maybe it wouldn't be as much of a problem. Your son was simply looking out for you, not trying to expand his experience as a Lord." I looked down and bit my lip, the knowledge washing through me. It made sense. Levin had always been happy here in Phoenix Drop, and it surprised me when he had asked if I would be willing to take over Lordship of Phoenix Drop and he of the Phoenix Alliance because he wanted to expand his knowledge so Phoenix Drop could become even better. I had agreed, wanting him to become the best Lord he possibly could.

"I... he wanted to help me?" Garroth nodded, some of the tension in his shoulders dissipating.

"Yes. Both Lord Levin and Malachi didn't want to see their mother overwork herself to death, as well as danger come to their new sibling." I glanced at the floor, shame flooding through me. I had been so caught up in everything, trying to rid myself of the pain of Aaron's death and memories that I still couldn't grasp. I had tried to drown myself in work and stress that I had thought of what might happen if I suddenly couldn't take it anymore. There were so many people in my life- Lilith, Levin, Malachi, Zoey, Garroth, Kawaii~Chan, Dante, Laurance, and more. And then there was my unborn child. I couldn't let it suffer even if I was. If I was gone, it wouldn't be like me just fading away. It would affect all those around me.

"You're right Garroth. I'm sorry, I... I was trying to distract my emotions. I should've been smarter." He shook his head, starting to say something, but I raised my hand, cutting him off. "Until I am fully recovered from the birth of my child, or until Lord Levin resumes the position of Lord of Phoenix Drop, I hereby declare you as the head of Phoenix Drop." Shock passed through his eyes before he straightened and nodded.

"Of course Lady Aphmau. I shall leave you to your rest." He bowed slightly before turning and heading down the steps and leaving me to my thoughts. I sighed, sagging against the doorframe.

He's right. A voice whispered in my mind. I do need to take it slow and be careful; I can't let anything happen to my child. It's one of the last things I have of Aaron. And with thoughts of him, I stumbled into bed and faded into slumber.


The ringing of bells sounded in my ears. A bright white light filled my vision until it cleared and I saw a sight I hadn't expected to see ever again.

"By the Six..." In front of me was the huge oak tree that I had often visited in my dreams. When Garroth was trapped in the Irene Dimension, this was the only place where we could talk. Travis had once told me that I only came here when I really needed Garroth's advice, not just when I wanted to see him. And I think that he spoke the truth. Speaking of which, I hadn't seen Travis in a while...

All of my thoughts were ripped away in a second when I saw who I was sharing this dream with. His coal black hair was just as messy as it had been several months ago. His black jacket and pants were slightly ripped, dirty, and bloody, and his belt held an empty sheath. He turned to look at me, and I nearly screamed when his soft black eyes met mine.

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