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Tears pricked my eyes, a sensation I hadn't felt in a while. But the best part was Kacey's arms wrapped tightly around me, pulling me back to the past. I hadn't felt someone hug me like this in several years, and it definitely felt amazing.

"I can't believe you survived! We all thought you had died!" I snorted, pulling away and giving him a smile.

"If you believed that, then you never would've left a note for me in my diary, now would you?" He laughed in a surprised manner before flinging his arms around my neck and squeezing me tightly. I started to cry, embracing one of my best friends.

"Thalia? I'm curious about this man, but I do believe that Cadenza is in greater danger than your social life." Dante was standing next to Cadenza, pulling a blanket up around her chin. I looked at Kacey, wiping away tears and tilting my head.

"I'm sorry, but he's right. It's okay if we catch up later, right?" He shook his head, laughing under his breath.

"Of course it's fine! Someone, a lord no less, is dying, and only my best friend can save her." I snorted and smacked his arm before coming over to join Dante, pulling objects off the shelves.

"Kace, there's a woodpile out back. Start a fire in the hearth would you?" He nodded before running towards the back, already digging through his pockets for a flint and steel. Then I turned to Dante, about to ask him to get the other healers of the village.

Before I could however, the door swung open and I saw Nekoette and Dimitri come inside, followed by Zoey, Kawaii~Chan, and Donna. I flashed him a look of gratitude, seeing as he had already known who I needed.

"Ladies, we have a frozen lord on our hands. Let's get to work." They didn't pause to ask questions. They knew there was no time for that in these situations.

The next time the door opened, it was Kacey coming from the back with a pile of wood in his arms. Donna looked over at him, and I immediately swatted her arm.

"You're married Donna." She rolled her eyes, a good natured smile on her lips.

"Logan doesn't care if I simply look." She argued, but she looked away from Kacey and kept covering Cadenza, checking on her vitals and trying to get circulation back in her limbs. I smiled at my friend and kept working.

A few minutes later, the door banged open once more. I looked up, exasperated by all of the interruptions. But when I saw who it was, my heart froze.

Katelyn and Travis were standing in the doorway, hanging up their snow-covered coats by the door. Her blue hair was slightly tousled by the wind, and her cheeks were flushed. Seeing as she had been with Travis, there was no telling if the color was from the wind or from something else. But seeing as his cheeks also had red in them, I went with the first option.

The snow literally blended in with his hair, and his vivid green eyes looked even more vibrant. His hand slipped subconsciously into Katelyn's, and she didn't pull away. Instead, her gaze was focused on the freezing woman in the bed.

"I heard Lady Cadenza was here, but I didn't think..." she trailed off, shaking her head and pulling Travis over. She didn't see the young man crouching in front of the hearth, frozen solid at the sound of her voice.

"How did she survive?" Travis asked, his arm wrapping around her waist and pulling her close. She rested her head on his shoulder and stared at the beautiful women. "I thought she was gone forever."

Dante shook his head, answering them before I could. "This young man over here rescued her from the forest. We'll only know the entire story when and if Cadenza wakes up." Katelyn didn't even notice his lack of faith. She had broken away from Travis and was facing Kacey, who had slowly risen from his place by the hearth and was facing a young woman he didn't expect to see. As soon as their gazes locked, something no one had ever expected from Katelyn happened.

She let out a small scream, hand flying to her mouth and above her heart. That was shocking enough, but then, her eyes rolled back her in her head and she collapsed, falling against the floor with a thud.

Love Can Mend {An Aphmau Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now