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Someone rapped on the front door, disturbing me from my knitting. Standing, I maneuvered through the kitchen and pulled open the door, my face breaking into a grin.

"Levin! Malachi! Oh it's so wonderful to see you boys! Come in, come in!" Levin laughed, pulling me into a hug.

"It's always great to see you too Zoey." They both came inside, and I shut the door behind them. The warm glow from the candles made the kitchen look comely and loving.

Malachi wrapped his arm around my shoulders, giving me a grin. "You know, I always thought you were so much taller." I laughed, shrugging off his arm.

"And you used to be so much shorter! My how both of you have grown!" Levin gave me a grin, and he reminded me so much of the little boy seventeen years ago. "Your mom and sisters are downstairs. We didn't expect you two for another day or so!" Malachi chuckled, elbowing his brother.

"Well you see, Levin got tired of the Council, so we decided to leave a bit earlier than expected." Levin scoffed, crossing his arms.

"That's not true! They were just being... annoying." I laughed, shaking my head. I lead them downstairs to the basement where Aphmau and the girls were playing. Lilith was wearing one of Aphmau's old shirts, wearing it like a dress. Alina was sound asleep in a crib, and Aph was sitting next to her, gently rocking the cradle while talking to her other daughter. A blanket was tied around her shoulders, almost like a cape. With her hair spilling down her back and her old lavender gown in place of her armor, she truly looked like a princess.

"Wow Mom. You've turned into a princess." Levin said, leaning against the wall of the steps. Aphmau looked up, surprise fading into a grin.

"Boys!" She stood up, coming over to embrace her children. I smiled, watching the children that had become basically my own. Aphmau was their mother, but I had become their second mother in the period of time that she hadn't been there. And I loved them so much.

The three of them had exchanged pleasantries and were going back to the girls. Lilith shrieked, running over to them as fast as her little legs could. Malachi chuckled, swinging her up into his arms and tickling her feet. She giggled, and my heart melted from the sounds of youth.

"Alina's grown so big!" Levin said, kneeling next to the cradle and rocking it ever so slightly. I laughed suddenly, overcome with a memory. Levin looked over, and I smiled.

"You remind me of how Garroth used to act around you. He loved you oh so much as a baby." Aphmau sighed, eyes growing misty with memories. Malachi smiled, also remembering those days. Levin just huffed, looking back at Alina.

"You know, I really hate that I'm the only one who doesn't remember those days. I guess that's the price I pay for being young." We all laughed, and I realized just how much both of my little boys had grown up. It seems like they were little children only yesterday. But now, they were young men with lives of their own.

Aphmau suddenly had a sly look in her eyes. "So boys... are there any lady friends in your lives yet?" Levin spluttered, and Malachi blushed a hot shade of red.

"Mom!" Levin groaned, and I giggled, coming over next to them.

Malachi winked, wrapping his arm around his mother's shoulders . "I have two beautiful lady friends right here." Aphmau slapped him lightly, eyes brighter than they had been in a long while.

"To answer you truthfully Mama, Alexis has been coming over a lot to see Malachi." Malachi exclaimed, pulling away from Aphmau and glaring at his brother.

"Well what about you and Abbey, huh?" Levin blushed, brows creasing in a frown.

"That is purely business!" Malachi rolled his eyes, folding his arms over his chest and leaning against the wall.

"Uh huh." Aphmau giggled, looking over at me with a shrug.

"Our boys." I nodded, smiling with the love of a mother. Our boys.

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