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Song: Everybody's Fool by Evanescence

    As I forced the horse to run faster down the gravel road, I thought ahead about my plan. I was almost at New Meteli, and by the looks of the sky above, I wouldn't have much more time. I told Emma I needed about a day to do something, and once the sun was at it's peak, she would start to expect me back. I mean, it's not like I cared about her; if I did I wouldn't be doing this. But I couldn't have her ruining anything simply because she was waiting for too long.

        My plan was simple. I knew that Laurance and Emma were siblings, and I knew that they cared greatly for Cadenza, their other sister. So, if I kidnapped Cadenza, then I could force both to do as I said. After all, Laurance was very close to leaving me. I wasn't sure about Emma, but if she ever found out the truth, she would be gone in a heartbeat.

        "I completed my end of the deal. You are in the Overworld now. Therefore I can leave." Laurance was getting angry, but I stood there, leaning against the wall.

    "Yes, but I say you aren't done yet. You will wait here until I return, and then we can decide on your fate." He frowned, about to pull his sword and be done with me. "If you leave, I won't hesitate to hunt down your precious Aphmau and kill her. Or better yet, force her to follow through with her word. After all, she did say she would marry me at the wall all those years ago." His eyes grew wide in anger, but I knew I had him there.

    "Fine. But if you aren't back within the next day, I'm leaving." I nodded, before I stood up and started walking away.

    "Don't think about running. Emma, make sure he doesn't leave. If he so much as leaves your sight, feel free to give him a lesson." She grinned, and I started to realize how much she hated her brother.

    "With pleasure." I smirked before turning away and started away from Bright Port, towards a town I knew so well.

    "One day Zane! One day!"

    I growled as I saw the moon fading below the horizon. The sun would be rising in a few hours, and then I would only have a few hours to get back and force Laurance to stay. After all, I couldn't have him running off to warn the others. But I had wasted enough time trying to figure out where exactly the new village was. It took almost an hour to get an answer out of that man in the woods. But now I was almost here.

    The guards at the gate came to attention as I galloped towards the, but I simply grinned and pulled back my arm. I threw my sword at the first man, and drew my dagger and threw it at the other man. They struck home, killing the men instantly. Grinning, I retrieved my weapons and tied the horse to the gate. I ran down the tunnel quickly, and almost ran into a young man with blue hair and eyes. At first, I was struck dumb. I thought I saw Katelyn before me. Then my vision cleared, and I thrust my dagger into the man's thigh. He grunted and collapsed to the ground. I crouched next to him, pulling out my dagger.

    "Where can I find Lady Cadenza?" I growled. For a moment, I thought he wouldn't answer. But then, seeing the dagger in front of his face, he gulped and looked down.

    "Her house is in the middle of the square." Smirking, I plunged my dagger into his side.

    "Thank you ever so much. Enjoy the Otherworld." Chuckling quietly, I rose and slipped stealthily to the town's main square. I saw her house, a light glowing in the uppermost room. I padded across the square, sword drawn.

     I pulled open the door without a sound, looking around the room. Seeing the steps, I crept up them, trying to be as quiet as possible. When I reached the top, I saw a woman with long orange and red hair, staring intently at something on a desk. A dog was curled up in the corner, but started to wake up as soon as I reached the top floor. He began to growl, and I drew my dagger and tossed it carelessly across the room, hitting the mutt square in the side. He collapsed with a howl, whimpering loudly. Cadenza started to turn around, eyes wide with fright and a dagger clutched in her hand.

        I was by her side in a flash, hitting her in the gut with the hilt of my sword. She collapsed to the ground, dazed. I tied her hands behind her back with a thick piece of rope I had stolen earlier in the night. I gagged her and threw her over my shoulder before starting my way back. Before I left the house, I finished the dog, leaving nothing to trace back to me. I encountered no one on my journey, even though she was struggling enough to wake anyone.

        Once we had reached a reasonable distance from Meteli, I set her down, placing my dagger on her throat and glaring into her eyes. "You will walk, and do exactly as I say, or I will be forced to kill you early. And that won't work very well for the reunion, would it?" She frowned, spitting out the gag and glaring at me.

        "Who are you?! How dare you kidnap me!" I pressed down on her throats harder and she quieted.

        "I am Zane Ro'Maeve. And I do as I want." Her eyes widened, and she shrank away from me. I laughed, the sound filling the air. "That's right. Now, walk!"


    I looked up and the sun was almost at its peak. I shoved Cadenza, forcing her to walk faster.

    "Laurance! Emma!" I bellowed, filling the forest with my voice. "I have something that I think will encourage you both greatly!" A smirk danced on my lips as I waited for them to arrive. Within the minute, Emma burst into the clearing, Laurance close behind.

        Emma gasped and Laurance's eyes grew wide. "Cadenza!" He said, before seeing the way she held her stomach, a result from my strike yesterday. "What did you do to her?!" He started to charge me, but I pulled my sword out and held it against her throat.

        "Do as I say or... she will die." Laurance pulled up short, glaring fiercely at me. Emma was unable to look away, and I knew that I had gotten their attention.

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