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Song: The Almighty by Matthew L. Fisher

    As Alice sacrificed herself, I realized something. There are four types of people in this world. There are the people who have no control over their lives and are helpless to let others more powerful shape the future of the world.

There are people who are evil and take pleasure in it. They want to create as much chaos and destruction as they possible can, and bring as much suffering onto the world as they want.

There are people who affect the world. They are the people that others sacrifice themselves for. They are the people that change the course of history simply by existing.

Then there are people who are pure and too good for this world. They will gladly sacrifice themselves if it means that the world will be better off.

Most of the people in the world are in the first group. Donna, Logan, Kiki, Nicole, and so many more.

There are plenty of people in the second group- Zane, Ivy, Shad, the King of Tula, Zenix, Gene, and probably hundreds more.

There are only a few people in the third group. I believe that I fall into that group, as did the rest of the Divine Warriors.

But in the last group, I believe that there are only a couple people. I can only name two- Aaron, who sacrificed himself to make sure that I would keep living. And now Alice, who was ridding the world of a menace for the better of her love. I could only hope that I was half the person they were.

I hugged my arms around my waist, slipping back to my normal form. There was a brilliant white light, then nothing. My ears were ringing, but I could still hear two things- the crying of a heartbroken lover, and the scream of a broken sister.

Several tears slipped down my cheeks as I remembered the last time Phoenix Drop had experienced an explosion. It had been me screaming last time.

I glanced over towards Katelyn and Yip, seeing them moving towards each other with my daughters. Katelyn would take both back to the house, making sure they were okay. And I would check on them later. But as Lord of Phoenix Drop, I was needed here.

There were tons of shocked, scared, and awed people. Many of them hadn't understood a thing that had just happened, but they would be telling stories for years to come.

I saw Kawaii~Chan crumpled in a heap on the ground, screaming and crying. Dante was kneeling next to her, tears sliding down his face as well. Laurance, one of my oldest friends, was standing behind Garroth, staring at the crater. And Garroth was kneeling on the ground right where Alice had... died, crying hard. He had been in this situation twice, as had I. And my heart reached out for him.

Then I focused on the giant crater in the ground. It wasn't as big as last time, but it was still large. The only thing remaining of Zane Ro'Meave was a curling piece of fabric, both black and white.

I made my way towards Garroth, slowly sitting next to him and wrapping my arms around him in a hug. "Garroth, I know what you're going through right now. And I know that you want comfort. But honestly, there's nothing I can say. I can't say it gets better, because it sure as hell doesn't. But I'm here if you ever need to talk. And remember... wherever she is, she still loves you. And don't you ever stop loving her. Because love is the most important thing in the world."

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