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My breath was constant, quiet and deep. It was the only sound I could hear, and I focused on it, trying to block out all other noises.

But I was failing.

"Alicia, do as you're told!" A deep, threatening voice rang through my head, and I instinctively winced. I heard a whoosh of air, a slap, and then a cry of pain. My cry of pain. My cheek stung, and I could feel the blood dripping down my torn cheek from the rings he wore.

"I can't." My own terrified voice was barely discernable, but he still heard it. He always heard.

"And why can't you?!" He roared, and I shrank back, keeping my hands over my bleeding side.

"I don't have enough strength. I haven't gotten enough sleep and-" Something swung through the air, and I felt the bite of his jeweled dagger sticking into my side. I screamed, hot blood trickling down my side.

"YOU WILL DO AS YOU'RE TOLD!" His voice drowned out everything else, except for the pain. The pain always masked everything, no matter how hard I tried to bury it.

"Sir? I think she's-" Before anything else could be heard, my body shut down and I fell to the floor, hitting with a painful thud.

I jolted up in bed, sweat covering my face. Tears were dripping down my cheeks, and my side was flaming up with old wounds. I tried to move, but cried out in pain as my scars tore open, causing fresh blood to pour down my sides. I started crying harder, my sides shaking and causing even more blood to trickle down my torso.

A light flickered on upstairs, and Thalia came down with a lamp in her hand. Her eyes widened when she saw me, and she ran over to me.

"Alice! Oh my Irene what happened?!" I couldn't speak, all I could do was sob my eyes out and let the blood slowly coat my skin.

The nightmares just wouldn't leave me alone. No matter how hard I tried, my past would always be right behind me.

Love Can Mend {An Aphmau Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now