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Song: Hearts Don't Break Around Here by Ed Sheeran

    I glanced over at Alice, who was leaning against the tree right besides me. Our hands were intertwined, and her eyes were closed. She was enjoying the sun, taking in the warm rays. Winter was slowly fading away, and spring was approaching.

    It had been last spring that Alice had come to us. And I wouldn't change the past year for anything in the entire world. Not even to go back and erase every terrible thing Zane had ever done. And he definitely had done some terrible things.

    "It's almost been a year." She said, her eyes still closed. I hummed, squeezing her hand lightly. The Statue of Lady Irene was glowing in the mid-afternoon sun, and only a few worshippers were left after coming to see the sun rise. It would get crowded against sunset.

    "Best year of my life." I murmured, and she giggled, scootching over to my side. I wrapped my arm around her waist, and she rested her head on my chest.

    "Definitely. I found my sister and the other part of my soul." I smiled, and the sunlight filtered through the leaves and created a pattern on the ground before us. A light breeze carried the salty smell of the ocean up to us.

    I felt myself being whisked away down memory lane, and I let the breeze take me. I saw Phoenix Drop of old spread out beyond me, and the sun was on my back. My hands were holding other's, keeping me anchored to the ground.

    Aphmau was on my left, her raven colored hair held away from her face with a flower crown. She wore a purple dress, one of the last time she wore a dress. She was smiling, a emotion that honestly made her honey-colored skin glow in any time of day. She was beautiful, carefree, happy, brave, and I remembered why I had loved her so much.

    To my right was Laurance, a cheeky grin on his face. His golden skin glowed in the fading light, and his armor sparkled with a glow that never seemed to fade from his being. His chestnut hair was swept over his forehead, and he stood tall and strong, ready to take on the world.

    As we held each other, I couldn't help but feel that I could do anything that I wanted to. My best friends, the family that were never connected by blood, had always helped me through thick and thin. Now I felt like I had lost both of them, each in their own way. Laurance wasn't even here anymore, and Aphmau had grown up and changed so much in these past years. I had too I guess.

    I was shocked out of memory lane but my lips tingling. Alice was kissing me lightly, and I pulled her into my arms. We sat there, holding each other in our arms. She pulled away, hand resting on my cheek. "You were in dreamland again." I smiled, brushing away her hair from her face.

    "I'm sorry." She tilted her head, an eyebrow raised.

    "What were you thinking about this time?" I sighed, holding her close against my chest.

    "It's Laurance. You've never met him, but he was, is one of my best friends. He was second-in-command, and... well the two of us were like brothers." She giggled, looking me in the eyes.

    "Brothers who both had a crush on the same girl." I laughed, kissing her again.

    "He can have her if he still wants her. I found someone better." She sighed, melting into my arms. I held her tight, the fading sun creating a beautiful look on the world.

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