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As I watched Katelyn reunite with her brother, I couldn't help but be reminded of when I had found Alicia again. I had reacted much in the same way- first in shock, the joy, and then...

Katelyn pulled away from the tall man, the one who I now knew as Kacey. "Oh Kacey I'm so sorry! It's all my fault! I missed you growing up and-" Her voice broke, and she looked down at the floor and sniffed.

I looked over and saw Travis starting to rise from his position in the bed, and I walked over quickly.

"Let her talk. It'll make her feel better than comfort." He glanced up at me, the same confusion washing over his face as before. I realized with a start that I hadn't been using honorifics or speaking in third person.

Well, I reasoned with myself, they were all bound to learn someday.

"Trust me. Having been in that same position, the best thing you can do is let her be." He nodded, trying to push away his confusion with his worry for Katelyn.

Meanwhile, Kacey had reached out and taken Katelyn's hands in his, giving her the most reassuring smile he could.

"You know, for a while I thought you'd left us because you didn't love me anymore. I know," he held silenced her protests with a look. "I should've know that you would always love me, no matter what. But as a little kid, my hero leaving was because I wasn't good enough. So I was determined to go and find you again. By the time I started searching, it had been ten or eleven years. I had to sneak away from Dad of course, but once I was gone, I felt free. I was on my way to find you."

"Yes, I was met with trouble and enemies. But I was also met with rumors about the Firefist, a woman with fist of flame that could take down any opponent she chose. No one could really describe her, but I knew somehow that this woman was no other than my sister. So I searched the region, following rumors. And my, did they lead me everywhere! After all, that's how I met Thalia. I spent a few years in her village before moving on."

"But two years ago, the rumors were generalized around here. I'll let you tell me why. I came to the area and have been living in New Meteli for the past year. That's how I found Lady Cadenza. And that's how I found you." Katelyn's eyes were brimming with tears, but they were glowing with a certain pride.

"Oh Kacey." She whispered before falling against his chest with a a sigh. "My little brother's grown up." He wrapped his arms around her, and I turned away. Dante was standing by the door, and I went to his side. Our hands intertwined, and I rested my head against his shoulder.

He lead me outside, and together we stood on Thalia's doorstep, watching the village we had helped grow. Really I think it is more of a city now than ever before.

"Is that how it felt for you? Finding Alice again after all those years?" I nodded, the old joy running through my veins.

"When you find a sister or a brother or even someone who seems like one again, it feels like you can do anything in the world. It feels like the half you were missing has returned. But it also feels like you did something wrong. It feels like no matter how hard you try, you can never make up for those lost years." I stopped here, knowing that he understood what I was saying.

"Like when Aphmau and the others came back from the Irene Dimension." He murmured, and I sighed, remembering that day. "And I know I'll feel that way if Gene ever shows up. But," he said with a chuckle, "it will definitely be the angriest reunion of all." I giggled slightly, tilting my head so I could give him a peck on the cheek.

"I love you Dante." He hummed, wrapping his free arm around my waist and kissing the top of my head.

"I don't think I could wake up in the morning if I didn't know that." With a sigh, my eyes fluttered shut and I enjoyed the feeling of my husband holding me close.

Love Can Mend {An Aphmau Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now