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Today was the day. I was going to propose to Alice, and I wasn't going to back down this time. I had been trying to push myself to do this for the past two weeks, but with everything going on with Zane and Cadenza and everything else, I had been too nervous. But now, with a bit of help from Aphmau, I was ready.

Stop waiting Garroth. Just go and ask her, and I know that she'll say yes. Besides, I don't want you to get hurt again. I was a fool for not realizing how you felt about me. I'm sorry about that. But now you've found love once more, and don't lose it.

She had given me so much support throughout the years; I couldn't imagine life without her. But now she wasn't the only woman in my life anymore. I had found someone I loved more, if that was possible.

As I walked through the village, I remembered the war with Scaleswind and O'kasis. It had been all Zane's fault, just because he had wanted the amulet. And then I had given it to him.

Before I could think more about it, I spotted Alice. She was up by the statue of Lady Irene, looking out across the water. I smiled, walking up the hill towards her.

"Alice." I said, and she turned to look at me. Her hair was being whipped around by the wind, and the smile on her face made her look beautiful.

"Hi Garroth. I... I have something I need to tell you." She blushed lightly before looking down at her feet. I came to her side, taking her hands in mine.

"Go ahead. I have something I want to ask you afterwards." She nodded, taking a deep breath and looking up, her large eyes staring into mine.

"Garroth, I'm-" She stopped, looking down at the marketplace in confusion. I followed her gaze, and with a start I realized that the entire square was quiet. "What's going on?" She whispered, and I pulled her against my chest. Something terrible was happening.

Down below, several cloaked figures stood in the center of the square. They all had swords or daggers drawn, and their backs were to each other. One man stood in front of the others, and he seemed to know that the entire plaza was scared of him. But he just stood there in silence, letting the fear build up.

I let my gaze wander until it lighted onto two people standing at the edge of the plaza. My heart dropped and fluttered as I realized who it was. Laurance. That meant...

I pushed Alice behind me, drawing my own sword and wishing I had my shield. "Don't touch a soul, Zane Ro'Maeve." A fearful murmur went through the crowd, and Laurance turned his head to look at me. The light had almost disappeared from his, and he sent my a look of caution. Zane had frozen in place, before looking up at me with a chuckle that slowly grew into a drawn out laugh.

"So my Big Brother has finally become smart, huh? Figured out my plans I see." I kept one arm behind me, making sure Alice didn't get any closer to Zane than she already was. He looked and saw the woman behind me, a grin breaking out on his face. "Oh? Finally moved on from Aphmau? Or should I say, Lady Irene?" I growled, taking a step forwards. Before I could move any farther, I was frozen in place by the sound of clicking heels and a giggling child.

Lilith ran into the square, Aphmau right behind her. She had Alina on her hip, and laughing at her eldest daughter. But the laughter died in her throat as she took in the scene. Within seconds she saw Laurance bound, me standing on the hill with Alice, the silence of the crowd, and Zane. Then she saw something truly frightening. Her little girl was running straight towards one of her worst enemies.

Before Aphmau could run for Lilith, Zane had grabbed her by the color of her dress. Lilith screamed, the sound rising up through the dead air. She twisted and kicked and fought and screamed. But Zane had a firm hold on her, and his sword was pressed ever so slightly against the back of her neck. She wasn't old enough to understand the severity of the situation, but she knew well enough to hang still.

"Let her go Zane!" Aphmau cried, her voice breaking in anxiety. Zane chuckled, and I took a step forwards. He would not harm Lilith.

"Why should I? A little girl should know not to get in the way of her elders. Maybe she needs to be taught a lesson." Aphmau was shaking, clutching Alina to her chest. Fury was burning in my chest, and I was ready to race down and strike my brother down. But I knew I wouldn't make it in time.

Zane was about to do something. But he never got the chance. Two streaks, one grey and one brown, leapt at Zane. The grey wolf tackled Zane, pulling him away from Lilith. The brown wolf grabbed Lilith in his jaws ever so gently and raced away, morphing back into Yip as he ran, Lilith in his arms.

The grey wolf was wrestling with Zane, jaws snapping and claws swiping. But she never made a mark on him. As soon as he could, he struck her with his sword, causing her to howl out in pain and slump to the ground. Zane rose, adjusting his cloak and a grim smirk on his face.

Leona, brave little Leona, was lying in a pool of ever-growing blood. She was changing back in a young woman, a great cut running down her chest. Her eyes and chest fluttered once, twice, then stopped. Her beautiful long black hair was tangled and knotted, her wolfish features limp. She was never to move again.

Yip let out a cry, the only thing keeping him from running at Zane being Lilith, clutching his jacket tightly in fright. I saw a flash of red hair, and then Kiki was kneeling next to her daughter, screaming out in rage and pain.

"How could you?! How could you?!" Tears ran down her face, and she clutched her daughter tightly to her chest. "Oh my little Leona..." She sobbed, and no one dare do anything but watch the grieving mother hold her only daughter for the last time.

"That's it." I whispered, turning to look at Alice. Her eyes were full of tears, and her bottom lip was trembling. I kissed her gently before pulling away. "I love you Alice." Then I turned and started down the hill. My face was set, and I held my sword out in front of me. The crowd separated and let me pass, giving me a clear path towards Zane. His cronies were surrounding him, and he was staring at Kiki with contempt.

"Zane!" I called, causing him to face me. "You have have done many a terrible thing. You have destroyed the village of Falcon Claw, killing all the innocent people there. You brought war to Phoenix Drop nearly sixteen years ago because , just for the sake of of an amulet because you wanted Irene's relic. You are responsible for the death of a good man, one who would've made the world so much better if he had kept on living. You almost killed Lady Cadena, leaving her to freeze to death in the cold winter air. She has survived only just, and will forever be plagued with effects of your cruelty. You have done so much harm to this world, and it is time for that to end!" And with that, I ran at him. Zane drew his sword, twirling it around and waiting for me to arrive.

Our swords met with a clash, and a jolt ran down my arm. Panic slowly started to set in as I remembered our brief fight in the Irene Dimension. Our swords met again and again, each time his grin and my panic growing. I wasn't going to win this fight. I was about to die.

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