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"Katelyn!" He called my name, stumbling through the fog. "Katelyn! Where are you?!" I wanted to call back to him, tell him that was here, right here! But my voice was refusing to work, and my legs were refusing to move.

I watched as he walked farther and farther away from me, leaving me behind.

Then the fog started to cover him, leaving me in a world covered by fog.

I jerked out of bed, sweat beading on my forehead. I threw my covers off and padded out of my room, down the steps and out to the streets below. I wore only my nightgown, not even shoes on my feet. But I ignored the cold and instead sat on my porch steps. I brought my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, my chin resting on the tops of my knees. I sat there in the cold night, a light breeze making me shiver. The stars and the moon shone down brightly, illuminating a world of darkness.

My heart was still fluttering, and my breath still shaky, so when he came over, I didn't see him coming.

"Katelyn? Why are you out so late?" I looked up with a jerk, seeing Travis standing there in front of me. His silvery white hair reflected the moon, and his emerald green eyes shone brightly. He wasn't wearing his armor, but his sword was in its sheath on his belt. I looked away, down at the cold, hard, gravel road.

"It's none of your business Travis." I shivered slightly as the wind picked up, my nightgown doing nothing to keep me warm. I heard him moving around before I felt something warm cover my shoulders. I looked up to see Travis's jacket laying across my shoulders, protecting me from the worst of the wind. He wore nothing but a white t-shirt, but he didn't look bothered. He gave me a half smile and sat down next to me, looking up at the stars.

"I won't talk to you unless you want me to." He said, not taking his eyes off the stars. I nodded slightly, pulling his jacket tighter around me. I also watched the night sky above, my mind slowly starting to calm down from my dream.

We sat there together in silence, content with just watching the beautiful sky. He made no attempt to touch or talk to me, and I was thankful for that. I don't think I could've dealt with him at this moment.

After what seemed like hours but couldn't have been longer than twenty minutes, I stood up.

"Thank you for keeping me company." I smiled at him, and started to take his jacket off of my shoulders. He shook his head, taking my hand away from his black jacket.

"Keep the jacket Katy. You'll need it more than I do." His lopsided grin returned before he gave me a slight wave and started back home. I watched him go, a small smile growing on my lips. I slipped my arms through his jacket and returned into my house, up the steps, and into my cold bed. Pulling the sheets up around my chin, I closed my eyes and started to drift off to sleep. But a thought was in my mind. And it wouldn't leave me alone.

Travis hadn't even bothered to flirt, or touch me at all. For once, he had seemed like a decent person. Was he pretending? Or did I see the real Travis? The one that I really wanted to know?

Love Can Mend {An Aphmau Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now